MVRDV realised I LOVE STREET in collaboration with students of the Seosuk Elementary School as one of the third edition of the Gwangju Folly The 960m2 permanent intervention explores how architecture contributes to urban regeneration by playing both decorative and functional roles in public spaces. The project was conceived in a participatory process.
”Love“ on the street ? Gwangju Biennale Foundation

Follies are, essentially, small interventions in urban spaces and although considered to be art pieces, they are somehow perceived as frivolous, temporary, and at times innocent and unserious. They are made by artists and architects, mostly on the basis of their own fantasies. They are elements that aim to make ‘no sense’ and some might argue that they are ‘nonsense’. But follies can help to point the observer in another and surprising direction, thus helping them visualize current urban problems. They are playful whilst allowing for a critical engagement and, importantly they can bring about smaller examples of grander dreams and ambitions. Follies can be tested on a small scale and can contribute as real drivers of policy changes in a city.
Unique folly ? Gwangju Biennale Foundation

Concentrating on the old city of Gwangju, a series of research initiatives has been undertaken. By comparing Gwangju to other cities in Korea and around the world, its strengths and weaknesses have been evaluated. Gwangju, for instance, seems less walkable than other cities, and has insufficient public transportation. It is less bikeable, less attractive for tourists, has fewer green spaces, and is less cool in the summer than other cities. In addition, it is less energy independent and features fewer libraries, exhibitions, theatres, sports venues, playgrounds, and urban events than many cities.
“I LOVE” 街道裝置
濟峰路82號(光州東區錫石小學所在)將在未來禁止機動車通行。設計師通過與校方的溝通協商,依據他們的需求設計出一系列可以用來休憩、繪畫、跳蹦床以及玩沙的多功能人行道。場地利用字母組合成“I LOVE“字樣,借此表達人們對世間萬物的愛意。同時,在字母組合的末尾留有一個類似畫布的廣場空間,人們可以在上面盡情繪畫。與旁側的“我愛”相結合,便會變成“我愛韓國”、“我愛金”、“我愛散步”、“我愛市長”、“我愛光州”、“我愛你”等等字樣。設計者在不遠處街道的另一端建造了一個高達五米的觀景平臺,足以將創意文字盡收眼底。平臺上安放的桌椅供人們停留于此,不管是用來欣賞花園還是自拍留念都很合適。當夜幕降臨,繪板空間便會搖身一變成為一個配有特殊燈效的舞池,伴隨著杰倫?庫伊曼斯(Jeroen Kooijmans)的情歌,人們將沉浸在舞蹈的世界里——我愛跳舞!
Jebong-ro 82 (Seosuk Elementary School, 26, Jebong-ro 82 beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju) will be closed for traffic. In collaboration with Seoseok Elementary School, a series of their requests has been explored. That has led to multiple different pavements that can be used for sitting, painting, jumping on trampolines, and playing in the sand. By shaping these pavements in a series of letters, a true text appears, indicating people’s love for many things through ‘I LOVE’. At the same time, a neutral square space at the end of the text is maintained for everyone’s personal use, and it can even be painted and adapted like a canvas. I LOVE can thus become I LOVE KOREA, I LOVE KIM, I LOVE WALKING, I LOVE THE MAYOR, I LOVE GWANGJU, or I LOVE YOU, for example. This text can be seen from a special tribute spot at the beginning of the street. This tribute also provides access to a platform that is five meters high, with a bench and a table. From here, the gardens can be viewed and a selfie can be taken. The chalkboard space is transformed into a dance floor every evening with special lights, while love songs from Jeroen Kooijmans will be played to get people dancing – I LOVE DANCING!
Pavements that can be used for sitting and painting? Gwangju Biennale Foundation

如今,“I LOVE” Folly項目已在預期時間和預算內落地建成。接下來,何不嘗試去創造更多的街道裝置呢?或許到那個時候,人們便可以漫步在一座新興的城市——充盈著對未來奇妙愿想的Folly小鎮。
Within the current time frame and budget, the I LOVE folly and street has been realized. But why not follow through with the rest, and even more? If this can be achieved then it will create possibilities to walk around the emerging city and soak in its observations on the future. Folly Town.
Overlooking the site from the platform ? Gwangju Biennale Foundation

Gwangju is known for its industrial qualities. A city with a booming car industry situated between beautiful surroundings of cherry blossoms and nature, but in recent years has become dominated by cars and lacks many pedestrianised zones, especially in its old part of town. From 2011, Gwangju, follies located all across Gwangju are designed to achieve urban regeneration by providing a cultural rebirth to its downtown area after 40 years of rapid industrial growth. These interventions are a step in refocusing attention on abandoned areas of the city with the potential to transform them into more livable and pleasant areas as they develop in time.
光州 “Folly小鎮”
不久前決定的在光州引入“Folly街道裝置”計劃是一次很有勇氣的探索。計劃實施至今已經在部分地區取得了巨大的成功。例如由胡安?埃雷洛斯(Juan Herreros)設計的懸浮絲帶,將原本被人們忽略的角落轉變成活力集聚地。除此之外,還有由Seung H-Sang設計的一段連通城市綠廊的階梯,它實際上變成了一個小型文化中心。光州是第一座營造街道裝置的城市,這正是它的魅力所在。如今更是擁有了其他城市不能比擬的:一個Folly小鎮。
The decision a while ago to make a series of follies in Gwangju was a courageous and experimental first step. Some have become highly successful, like the lifted band designed by Juan Herreros that helped to raise attention about a neglected part of the city, turning it into a highly used area afterwards. There are also the stairs to the city’s Green Corridor, designed by Seung H-Sang, which functions as a small culture center. The follies are a phenomenon that no other city has developed. Thus, they are able to make the city of Gwangju sexier, more attractive, and more widely known. This now starts to come down to one thing other cities don’t have: a Folly Town.
Street, crowd and folly ? Gwangju Biennale Foundation

設計公司:MVRDV - Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs和Nathalie de Vries
設計團隊:Winy Maas, Wenchian Shi, Kyosuk Lee, Dongmin Lee, Bowen Zhu, Sen Yang
媒體藝術家:Jeroen Kooijmans
Location: Gwangju, South Korea
Year: 2017
Client: Gwangju Biennial Foundation
Size and Programme: 960m2 public square
Design: MVRDV - Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries
Design Team: Winy Maas, Wenchian Shi, Kyosuk Lee with Dongmin Lee, Bowen Zhu and Sen Yang
Construction: Gongjeong Construction co.
Media artist: Jeroen Kooijmans
Images: Gwangju Biennale Foundation