Conversation between urban and natural spaces
PLUG-IN GARDEN鋪拉格花園引用PLUG-IN理念,以此來激活舊的城市肌理。可移動可組裝可持續的藝術裝置將再循環運用到不同的城市場景中,使得在舊的城市空間中得到新時代的活化和美化,并賦予更好的體驗。
PLUG-IN GARDEN introduced concept of plug-into active urban interface. A set of mobile and modular sustainable artisticinstallations that can be reused in multiple urban settings can empower oldcity space to provide better experiences.

Garden transforms two-meter-high elevationdifference on site to create a natural vertical landscape. Top level is a citystage, demonstrating the interaction between people while providing a site fordynamic activities and programs. Ground level is a natural ecological flowergarden outlined by a transparent and modern material: patterned steel frame.

花園展臺采用的通透且極具現代感的材料——鏤空鋼格柵,是預留城市和自然對話的可能,是花園和城市、和自然環境的有機共生的關系,體現出高密度城市化與自然環境可持續共存的LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE模式——城市與環境的共生共融。
通過對羅湖區平面的抽離、建筑形態的拼接、色彩的抽象,形成PLUG-IN GARDEN鋪拉格花園數個單元模塊——可移動的夢幻花箱座椅,通過花箱座椅裝置的不同布局和組織,可形成多元的單元模塊,滿足不同活動需求的場景布置及空間功能,諸如閱讀空間、聚會空間、展示空間等不同模式。而當花園內的組合變化過程中,花園就像表演舞臺,舞臺所呈現的所有活動都能給市民增添觀賞趣味。夢幻花箱座椅的夢幻是來源于對周圍環境的反射而形成的消隱狀態。
This garden stage provides an opportunity forcity space to communicate with natural elements and establish a hybrid systemof urban city, flower garden and natural environment. Such combinationrepresents a sustainable landscape architecture model where nature coexists inpeace with high-density city.
We create a wide range of functional modulesthrough extracting plan of Luohu district, connecting architectural forms and playingwith colors including movable flower boxes, flower seating installations anddifferent functional spaces like reading space, gathering space and exhibitionspaces etc. With different arrangements, different flowers species can createdifferent patterns.

Over fifty speciesof flowers create an ever changing flower show primarily consist of blue/whiteflower color coupled with some pink species. Such a flower mix-up breaks up thetraditional flower limitation of only capable of creating a seasonal scene buta sustainable feature with elegance.

Luohu memory of light and color
PLUG-IN GARDEN鋪拉格花園同時也是一個感官的花園,在花園中有三件藝術裝置,分別是光色、聲音與霧浴,其中光色之盒透過光的植入以大自然的光源為主要媒介的藝術形式讓場景美輪美奐,人們在走動時會看到光線折射出彩虹的七種顏色光,帶給市民愉悅的視覺享受和藝術體驗。
PLUG-IN GARDEN is also a garden of secenialexperiences. There are three artistic installations themed with light, soundand fog. The box of light introduces natural lighting into the site and createsan artistic experience by reflecting a rainbow pattern.

Magic and fashionable impression space
The box of sound has a piece of music composedwith daily street noise, sound of birds and insects and “New Long March” byartist Cuijian each representing city, nature and human passion. As a pioneerin the 80s, Luohu is going to take on a new mission as a nod to the title ofthe music.
Box of sound in Plugin Garden

Box of fog is a fantasy land of wind and light, people are embracedin a mystic atmosphere; especially at night, lighting turns box of fog into amulti-layers experience device where the past, present and future Luohuflashing by in this innovative space.

Design team mobilized the natural sloping of the site to transform the 2-meter-high elevation difference from a challenge to an opportunity to create a natural multi-layer landscape.

A set of transparent fencing and guardrails are conversation channels between city and nature

Movable seating with flower beds can create a system of dynamic units through different arrangements and organization

Devices, flower beds and seating all have different height creating great landscape layering

Our design broke the limit of traditional flower landscape design and create a natural mixed pallet of flowery scenery

Cycle of activations
鋪拉格花園是我們對未來城市激活的一種探索,我們希望PLUG-IN GARDEN鋪拉格花園在花展覽結束后,可將裝置及花箱通過簡易拆分,運輸到城市各個空間,循環再生的理念將點綴更多的城市角落,繼續著它們的使命【舊城激活】,將城市舞臺生命力進行到底。市民自由參與互動,多元化的單元模塊,創造出更多不同形態的鋪拉格花園,提升市民幸福感,重新審視城市之美,激活生活樂趣。
PLUG-IN GARDEN is our exploration to activatea futuristic urban experience. We hope PLUG-IN GARDEN can keep delivering itsurban activation message after the flower exhibition based on their mobile and modulardesign. With further interactions with Luohu citizens, more dynamic PLUG-INGARDENs can be made possible for a more active city.

We hope to send awarm message to the people of Luohu: an active landscape design is an ideal wayto activate a corner of a city while preserving its memory.
項目地點:廣東 深圳
Project Name: PLUG-IN GARDEN
Client: Shenzhen Luohu District Urban Management & Administration Bureau
Project Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
Design Style: Modern
Landscape Area: 260 m2
Design & Installation Team: SED Landscape architects Ltd.
Award & Honor:2021 Shenzhen Flower Expo Gold Award, Best Innovation Award