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The vast apartment complex of Sakonyama holds some 4,800 units, and the renovation project of its communal plaza was lead by its own management association, a rare occurrence even by national standards.
? abanba
▲2017年公園開幕活動現場 Opening event of the park in 2017 ? STGK
▲2017年公園開幕活動現場視頻 Video clip of the opening event of the park in 2017
Together with the residents, we have held workshops to brainstorm ideas on how to use the space, made benches to be placed in the plaza, and placed various other features all over the plaza for everyone to enjoy the space the way they want to.
▲改造后的社區廣場 Renovated plaza ? Marumo
▲與居民們共同設計的長椅 Benches made with the residents ? 菅原康太
▲孩子們參與鋪設草坪 Children from the community helped lay turf ? STGK
These features include a pizza oven that can also double as a kitchen in times of emergency, a decking stage for public presentations, benches in the shade for reading a book or for a game of Go, and a wide grassed open space for outdoor events.
▲休憩涼亭 Pavillion ? 菅原康太
▲人們利用戶外家具聊天、寫作業 Residents using the furniture to chat and do homework ? 菅原康太
▲居民在公園中休息 Residents taking rest in the park ? 菅原康太
▲公園中的移動咖啡亭 Coffee stand in the park ? 菅原康太
Sakonyama “Minna no Niwa” (everyone’s garden) will continue to provide fresh “everyday pleasures” for the residents.
▲居民用自己的方式享受公園 Residents enjoy the park the way they want to ? 菅原康太
▲項目平面圖 Site plan ? STGK
攝影:abanba,Marumo publishing,Kota Sugawara
獎項:2018GOOD DESIGN AWARD & “我最喜歡的設計”獎(Taku Nohara教授,城市設計師),SOTONOBA AWARD二等獎,MACHINAKA HIROBA AWARD三等獎
設計師:Gen Kumagai, Fumika Naritomi, Satomi Watanabe
Project data
Status: Completed 2017
Location: Yokohama, Kanagawa
Client: Sakonyama Central Housing Block Association Board
Site area: 2,640㎡
Consultant: Urban Design Institute
Photography: abanba, Marumo publishing, Kota Sugawara, STGK
Awards: GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2018 & "My Favorite Design" (Prof. Taku Nohara - Urban Designer) / SOTONOBA AWARD Second Prize / MACHINAKA HIROBA AWARD Third Prize
STGK's role: Landscape design
Designers: Gen Kumagai, Fumika Naritomi, Satomi Watanabe