Landlocked within California’s semi-arid Inland Empire, residents of Fontana are exposed to air quality that is worse than 95% of census tracts in California. Its urban forest – a mere 0.36% coverage – is distinctly less than other communities in Los Angeles Basin. This statistic, when considered with the influence of major transportation corridors, notable industrial hubs, frequent regional wildfires, and projected population growth, is at further risk as outdated and unconsolidated landscape regulations face increased development pressures.
Tree canopy distinctly less that other communities ? Southern California Association of Governments

方塔納市和南加州政府協會(SCAG) 在意識到這些統計數據背后的危機后,委托景觀設計師進行城市綠化總體規劃,實現增加全市冠層,改善多模式交通,促進經濟發展,整合各種規程,并更新政策以改善城市風貌,節約用水和減少維護等目標。此外,景觀設計師還進一步探索了如何通過規劃直接改善空氣質量。
Recognizing these statistics, the City of Fontana and The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) commissioned the landscape architect to craft an Urban Greening Master Plan to increase citywide tree canopy, improve multi-modal mobility, catalyze economic development, consolidate various regulations, and update policies to improve visual character, conserve water and reduce maintenance. Beyond such goals, the landscape architect elevated the project’s purpose to explore how such a plan can directly improve air quality.
The Plan creates a multi-scalar, green infrastructure vision that influences development patterns, improves individual health and quality of life, and creates a more resilient future for the community and greater Basin.
Regional context ? Design Workshop, Inc.

At the Individual Tree Scale
景觀設計師使用i-Tree和國家樹木效益計算器(National Tree Benefits Calculator,NTBC)對該市現有的71574棵行道樹進行了初步分析,并對不同樹種確立量化效益,包括:1)大氣碳吸收量;2)暴雨截流能力;3)地產增值效益;4)節能效果和5)年度經濟效益。如今,方塔納的行道樹每年能帶來680萬美元的收益。在社區的參與下,景觀設計師和樹木學家將這些措施與其他環境因素綜合起來,形成了獨特的樹木種植配方。
The landscape architect conducted an initial analysis of the city’s 71,574 existing street trees using the i-Tree and National Tree Benefits Calculator. Quantitative benefits, including 1) Atmospheric Carbon Absorption; 2) Stormwater Interception; 3) Property Value Increase; 4) Energy Conservation; and 5) Annual Dollar Benefits, were identified for individual species. Today, Fontana’s street tree inventory accounts for $6.8 million of annual benefits. With community input, the landscape architect and arborist synthesized these measures with other environmental considerations and produced a distinct tree palette.
Urban greening and air quality study ? Southern California Association of Governments

At the Site Scale
Advancing beyond recommending individual species, the team considered how to integrate urban greening into urban morphology. The landscape architect selected a series of priority streets covering all street hierarchies and example sites from each land-use typology, then applied designs that maximized potential for urban greening while optimizing function. Each typology was then measured in before and after scenarios. Metrics include canopy coverage, landscape area, permeable and impermeable surface, and greenhouse gas reduction.
Walkable Mixed-use ? Southern California Association of Governments

At the Citywide Scale
Taking the site-scale studies to a citywide scale, the Plan established a citywide - framework for future implementation. The framework incorporates green streets and green places. Green streets are composed of best scenarios of all street types, vegetated highways and gateways, achieving a connected green system. Green places include best scenarios of all land use typologies.
Green street-Sierra Avenue ? Southern California Association of Governments

Green street-Foothill Boulevard ? Southern California Association of Governments

Green places ? Southern California Association of Governments

In summary, through bilingual community engagement, the design team implemented a four-step planning process – Discover, Guide, Prioritize, and Implement. Transferable in its approach for other communities, the Plan achieved immediate policy change with its ambitious, long-term goal of increasing tree canopy coverage to 5% by 2050 – a transformational increase of over 1300%. Today, the Plan is becoming adopted as part of the General Plan, achieving a consolidated, visionary and policy-reinforced guide to transform Fontana’s built environment.
Planning process ? Design Workshop, Inc.

空氣質量,場所營造和空間平等:方塔納城市綠化總體規劃 | Design Workshop, Inc.
項目地點:Fontana, California, USA 方塔納,加利福尼亞,美國
設計公司:Design Workshop, Inc.
灌溉設計:Hines Inc.
種植設計:Class One Arboriculture
委托方:Southern California Association of Governments and the City of Fontana
圖片來源:Design Workshop, Inc.
所獲獎項:2021 WLA 2021 概念-分析&規劃 WLA Conceptual - Analysis & Planning
Project Name: Air Quality, Placemaking and Spatial Equity: The Fontana Urban Greening Master Plan
Location: Fontana, California, USA
Client/Owner: Southern California Association of Governments and the City of Fontana
Landscape Architecture/Urban Planning: Design Workshop, Inc.
Kurt Culbertson, FASLA (Principal)
Jason Ficht (Project Manager)
Xiaojian Fan (Landscape Designer)
Chen Liu (Landscape Designer)
Transportation Planning: Nelson\Nygaard, Los Angeles, CA
Irrigation Design:Hines Inc. Fort Collins, CO
Arborist: Class One Arboriculture, Glendale, CA