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地點:法國肖蒙(Château Chaumont)
中國園林通常由文人和士大夫設計興建,試圖在圍合的小空間中再現自然,以人工山水、亭臺樓閣、小徑曲橋和花木為元素。 空間上,運用盒子套盒子的技術和小中見大的策略,在有限的空間中,創造無限的體驗和風景。與同時代的西方園林的節點和放射視線和路徑有截然的不同。“方圓”項目應用當代設計語言來重新解讀傳統中國園林的哲學、手法與體驗,同時融入當代生態理念,包括雨洪利用的理念。設計上有一下幾大特點:
On May 2, 2013, the International Creative Garden Festival was kicked off in Chaumont, France on the Loire River. The “Square & Round,” a garden designed by Chinese architect Yu Kongjian, a professor from Peking University, was unveiled with much ceremony, and would be permanently kept as a masterpiece.
Present at the opening ceremony that day were the president of the region as well as the president of the department, where Chaumont is located, mayor of Chaumont, political counselor of Chinese Embassy in France Mr. Zhu Jing and more than 200 prestigious artists from all over France. Professor Kong was also invited as an honored guest to the opening ceremony.
After the ceremony, “Square & Round” was ushered in to all the governmental officials and distinguished guests. The unique conception of design and the contemporary Chinese style were much admired by the hosts and guests as well, and extensively covered by the local media. It is reported that about two dozens of works had been selected for the festival from nearly 300 projects this year; most of them would be dismantled and removed after the exhibition. However, the “Square & Round,” the only Chinese garden specially invited to the event as the work of a well-known master, will be permanently kept.
Square & Round
Designed: February 2013
Built: May 2013
Size: 100 Square meters
Location: Château Chaumont, French
Design: Kongjian Yu
Installed in Château Chaumont, French, this small rain garden, Square & Round, meaning Land and Sky, is a contemporary re-interpretation of Chinese Traditional Gardens by applying the formal language of curvilinear and square, the spatial experiential strategy of enclosure and making small into big, and through the building technique of cutting and fill. This project integrates the contemporary concept of stormwater management with the Chinese gardening philosophy about man and nature,and provide an intimate pleasant experience both for viewing and for performing.
Traditional Chinese garden represents natural landscapes in miniature. Typically built by scholars, poets, and former government official, the garden is always enclosed by a wall and has ponds, rocks, trees, flowers, and assortment pavilions that are connected by winding paths. Through a series of carefully composed scenes, the traditional Chinese garden becomes a replica of nature in miniature, "an artificial nature" intended for daily use.
Spatially, the Chinese intend to see big from the small, and developed a taste of closed, box-within-box landscape, compared to the westerners’ open, point-to-point and radiant view. Square & Round / 方圓distills the Chinese experience of landscape but with a new look, both psychologically and physically. A 9x9m square-shaped rain garden situates right in the center of the project, a depression excavated on site that allows rainwater runoff from the surrounding area. Through the cut-and-fill process, the mount is formed around the pond with bamboo planted on top, which creates a dense screen to block the pond from its surroundings. The creation of a curved floating path visually dividing the water surface in two areas, is inspired by the Chinese T’ai chi symbol, which is based on the idea that everything goes in cycles: the years, the months, the seasons, even human life itself. Through the integration of two seemingly contrasting forms - Square & Round - 方圓 represents the idea of complementary rather than conflicting.
Sharing the Chinese garden’s tradition of being a replica of nature in miniature, Square & Round / 方圓demonstrates an ecological minimalism beyond an aesthetic one within an area of 100 square meters. Storm water is retained in the depressions with Chinese lotus (Nelumbo nuceifera) blossom in summer,. Chinese plants are applied in the project to create a tranquil space with a sense of both Chinese traditions and contemporary sensibilities and materials. Bamboo branches that were seen as garden waste from the bamboo groves that define the square boundary will be collected on site and reused in this project: the red colored bamboo sticks groups in the middle of the reflection ponds along the curvilinear (symbolizing "round") wooden path. Combined with vertical bamboo sticks, the path not only creates a diagonal link across the water but also provides a "winding through" experience that Chinese classical gardens always celebrate.