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廣州市文化館新館景觀設計 | AECOM

AECOM 2024-01-02
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十里紅云一灣水,八橋畫舫十六亭 | 廣州市文化館新館

Guangzhou Cultural & Art Centre

▼ 廣州市文化館新館位于廣州市新中軸線南端 ? 羅健萍

廣州市文化館新館位于廣州市新中軸線南端 ?羅健萍.jpg




The Guangzhou Cultural & Art Centre, a vital social infrastructure with rich Lingnan ecological characteristics and cultural heritage, was officially opened to the public recently and has become a new cultural landmark in the country. Situated at the southern end of the central axis of Guangzhou City and on the shore of Haizhu Lake, this antique architectural complex covers a total footprint of 16.7 hectares, including 14.5 hectares of garden landscape, and is the largest of its kind in China.


The AECOM–Architectural Design and Research Institute of South China University of Technology Joint Venture was commissioned to undertake the architectural and landscape design of this project after winning an international competition in 2014. For nearly a decade, we have been the master planner and landscape designer for this Lingnan-style garden.


Taking inspiration from the Chinese poetic theme "ten miles of red clouds and one bay of water, eight bridges and sixteen pavilions," our design skillfully integrates traditional architectural elements with the garden space to reproduce the captivating beauty of Lingnan water town gardens.


The centre consists of several gardens of different themes. The buildings are scattered around the Haizhu Lake like stones and assembled into various courtyards, forming a layout of "a garden within a garden" with changing landscapes. The design incorporates the iconic landscape elements of the Lingnan region, such as mountains, rivers, fields and ponds. Notably, eight bridges run through the water courtyard, enhancing visitors' engagement and adding further intrigue to the garden setting.


In addition, throughout the project, from its initial planning to architectural and landscape design, the concept of ecological low carbon has been consistently integrated. As we introduced water from Haizhu Lake to create the water landscape, our team also undertook the task of reconstructing the water ecosystem. We diligently controlled the water quality and implemented sponge-based rainwater harvesting techniques to establish a low-maintenance underwater forest.

▼ 景觀總平面圖 ? AECOM

景觀總平面圖  ? AECOM.jpg


Overall concept


Leveraging the original texture of the site and the surrounding rivers, lakes, mountains and forests, the project team conceptualized five site characteristics in the overall plan: the "urban terrain" that faces the bustling city, the "river terrain” that is connected to the clear water habitat, the open and deep "moorlands," the "suburban terrain" that is suitable for building a garden, and the "mountainous terrain" that is filled with green hills and natural ecology.






Garden and courtyard design

樓閣:登館閣樓臺、訪文化高地 - 公共文化中心

Core Garden: Visit the garden and learn the culture - Public Cultural Centre

▼ 公共文化中心 · 鳥瞰全景圖 ? AECOM



The public cultural area inherits the essence of Lingnan traditional architecture and gardens. By using low-carbon building technology, the design of the courtyard takes into consideration natural light and ventilation to build a garden that is suitable for visiting and staying in the Lingnan climate.

▼ 公共文化中心 · 鳥瞰全景圖 ? 羅健萍

◎公共文化中心 · 鳥瞰全景圖?羅健萍.jpg

▼ ? 黃啟杰

◎公共文化中心主樓及庭院     ?黃啟杰 (2).jpg

◎公共文化中心主樓及庭院     ?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ 公共文化中心主樓及庭院 ? 黃啟杰

◎公共文化中心主樓及庭院     ?黃啟杰 (3).jpg


戲園:悟高山流水,賞粵韻裊裊 —— 曲藝園

Theater Garden: Feel the Cantonese charm with ‘High Mountains and Flowing Water’ - Quyi Garden



曲藝園平面圖 ?AECOM.jpg



The Quyi Garden, located in the southern section of the central axis of the Cultural Centre, is a place to display traditional Guangdong opera art.
With an open green space on the south side, the courtyard enjoys an open landscape view facing Haizhu Lake. The platform-style atrium creates the artistic connotation of "High Mountains and Flowing Water" through the organization of layers of steps, stones, streams, and still water mirrors.


▼ ? 羅健萍

庭院式建筑群,環抱南側開敞綠地,面向海珠湖展開景觀視廊 ?羅健萍.jpg

▼ 曲藝園主庭院置石旱溪 ? 黃啟杰

▼ 旭日橋望曲藝園主樓 ? 黃啟杰

◎旭日橋望曲藝園主樓     ?黃啟杰.jpg



Surrounded by the still water landscape, the design of the stages echoes the concept of "Piyong" in traditional architecture. It clearly sets apart the performance spaces and viewing spaces to create a sense of quietness. As distance produces beauty, the setting helps stimulate expectation for performance from the audience.


▼ 曲藝園“工尺譜”水鏡景觀 ? 黃啟杰

 ◎曲藝園“工尺譜”水鏡景觀     ?黃啟杰.jpg


Gongche notation, a traditional musical notation method once popular in ancient China, uses Chinese characters to represent musical notes. The waterscape feature adjacent to the stage draws inspiration from the "Gongche” notation of the Cantonese opera piece "Ode to Lychee,” enhancing the cultural significance of the artistic space and shapes the unique details of the garden landscape.

▼ 戲臺《荔枝頌》工尺譜水鏡景觀 ? 黃啟杰

▼ 曲藝園西側閣樓(戲曲工作室):巧妙利用地下車庫入口頂部空間,融入現代手法塑造傳統形制功能構筑物。 ? 黃啟杰

 ◎曲藝園西側閣樓(戲曲工作室):巧妙利用地下車庫入口頂部空間,融入現代手法塑造傳統形制功能構筑物。     ?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ 曲藝園“芭蕉聽雨”連廊 ? 黃啟杰

◎曲藝園“芭蕉聽雨”連廊     ?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ 曲藝園“闕”夜景 ? 黃啟杰

◎曲藝園“闕”夜景     ?黃啟杰.jpg                  

▼ 曲藝園石景旱溪 ? 黃啟杰

 ◎曲藝園石景旱溪   ?黃啟杰.jpg


水庭,感嶺南雅筑之精雕細琢—— 廣府園

Water Garden: Enjoy the exquisite craftsmanship of Lingnan architecture - Guangfu Garden



廣府園平面圖 ?AECOM.jpg



Inspired by traditional gardens, the Guangfu Garden inherits and innovates on the design of the traditional Lingnan gardens. The buildings are arranged around the garden courtyard and are interconnected through corridors, pavilions and boats to create a richly layered courtyard landscape.
The courtyard uses elements such as lakes, islands, boats, double corridors, double pavilions, hexagonal pavilions, waterfront pavilions, fish-viewing pavilions, and moon-watching towers to form a layered and characteristically Guangfu courtyard. It also forms a layout of “a garden within a garden,” complemented by the external bay of water.


▼ 廣府園 · 鳥瞰全景圖 ? 羅健萍

◎廣府園 · 鳥瞰全景圖     ?羅健萍.jpg


The painted boat in the center of the water garden on the south side draws on the ‘Ping Ting’ shape of Keyuan in Dongguan, forming the biggest highlight that echoes the design theme. The water landscape on the east side draws on the characteristics of the lotus pond in Shunde Qinghui Garden, one of the four famous gardens in Lingnan.

▼ 徑緣池轉,廊引人隨,如一幅展開的水墨畫卷,將一灣水全景繪入其中。 ? 黃啟杰

◎徑緣池轉,廊引人隨,如一幅展開的水墨畫卷,將一灣水全景繪入其中。     ?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ 廣府園內庭建筑連廊 ? 黃啟杰

◎廣府園內庭建筑連廊        ?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ 廣府園畫舫 ? 黃啟杰

 ◎廣府園畫舫     ?黃啟杰.jpg


山庭,品水墨文化之意蘊悠長 —翰墨園

Mountain Garden: Take time to enjoy Chinese calligraphy and painting – Hanmao Garden


翰墨園平面圖 ?AECOM.jpg


Hanmo Garden is characterized by the mountains and forests in the book "Yuan Ye." Its halls act as the main building, and the garden houses follow the terrain to complement the garden landscape. The garden houses are arranged along a set of stairs, connecting calligraphy and painting-themed exhibition galleries, exhibition halls, and exhibition venues. Visitors can admire the natural and cultural landscapes on the way.


▼ 翰墨園 · 鳥瞰全景圖 ? 羅健萍

◎翰墨園 · 鳥瞰全景圖     ?羅健萍 (2).jpg

◎翰墨園 · 鳥瞰全景圖     ?羅健萍.jpg


The garden scenery is close to the mountains. Starting from the rocks at the top pavilion that houses a rich collection of historical records, the water flows down the mountain stream, passing through the pavilions along the way, and merges into the ‘Ink Pool’ at the garden entrance. A variety of bamboo species have been planted to create a bamboo-themed scenery that reflects the artistic essence of Chinese painting and calligraphy. This deliberate selection of plant species contributes to the overall ambience.


▼ 翰墨園 · 飛虹展廊 ? 黃啟杰

◎翰墨園 · 飛虹展廊     ?黃啟杰 (2).jpg

◎翰墨園 · 飛虹展廊     ?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ 翰墨園 · 墨池 ? 黃啟杰           

◎翰墨園 · 墨池?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ 翰墨園 · 跌水溪澗 ? 黃啟杰

◎翰墨園 · 跌水溪澗 ?黃啟杰.jpg


平庭,習傳統非遺之巧藝妙思 —廣繡園

Ping Ting, Art lending from traditional cultural heritage - Guangxiu Garden




The courtyard of Guangxiu Garden is approximately square and divided into three parts with different realms. The main garden sits on the center, surrounded by ponds, pavilions, and mountains and rivers. It is sparse and elegant, and the corridors and verandas loop around. Poetic and natural, the scenery changes with every step.


▼ ? 羅建萍

廣繡園 ?羅健萍.jpg



Two groups of buildings are combined to form several inner courtyards, which can form into different scales, and themes of spatial transformation, when progressively walking through the main courtyard, inner courtyards and the inside courtyards. There are gardens within the garden, and gardens outside the garden, making visitors' trip to Guangxiu Garden full of surprises.
The ancient trees and flowers are distinguished with their strange shape, elegant color, and fragrance. They complement the buildings and mountains and pools, forming a slightly closed water courtyard in the main garden. With clear water in the pool nearby, the pavilions, and bridges in the north, east, south, and west directions are the best places to enjoy the scenery of the four seasons, as well as the changes in scenery at different times of the day.

▼ 繞池一周,可軒前細數游魚,可亭中待月迎風。 ? 黃啟杰

◎繞池一周,可軒前細數游魚,可亭中待月迎風。     ?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ 花影移墻,峰巒當窗,宛然如畫,靜中生趣。 ? 黃啟杰

◎花影移墻,峰巒當窗,宛然如畫,靜中生趣。     ?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ 建筑庭院輪廓線的勾勒,融于綠中,宛如天然圖畫,園小卻精巧別致。 ? 黃啟杰

建筑庭院輪廓線的勾勒,融于綠中,宛如天然圖畫,園小卻精巧別致。     ?黃啟杰.jpg

寄嶺南鄉愁的一灣曲水 —— 一灣水、塑一座接水連山串園的疊瀑石峰 —— 大石山

A bay of meandering water that conveys the nostalgia of Lingnan – A Bay of Water; A cascading waterfall that connects the water, mountains and gardens - Dashi Mountain


The stone-paved waterfront of the traditional water town reminds people of the Lingnan nostalgia, while the "Canton Tower" in the distance is brought into the garden by "borrowing scenery." Visitors can overlook the tower from a distance, and can smell the scent of the lotuses in the pond below.

▼ 遠眺廣州塔景,一灣水岸桃柳相映 ? 黃啟杰

◎遠眺廣州塔景,一灣水岸桃柳相映     ?黃啟杰 (2).jpg

◎遠眺廣州塔景,一灣水岸桃柳相映     ?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ 十里紅云一灣水 ? 黃啟杰

 十里紅云一灣水  ?黃啟杰.jpg

十里紅云一灣水     ?黃啟杰 (2).jpg


In cooperation with Interest Landscape Engineering Design Company, the project team lends the traditional Chinese painting method to connect mountains, water, and pavilions, allowing the courtyards to integrate into the natural landscape.


▼ ? 黃啟杰 

大石山 ?黃啟杰.jpg

▼ ? 羅健萍


▼ 大石山 ? 羅健萍

大石山     ?羅健萍.jpg

▼ ? 黃啟杰

◎峰頂獨置“飛來石”,更顯石山的峻峭奇險     ?黃啟杰 (3).jpg

▼ 峰頂獨置“飛來石”,更顯石山的峻峭奇險 ? 黃啟杰



Eight bridges


Eight characteristic scenic bridges are arranged in the park to echo the design concept. Functionally, the gardens in each courtyard are connected between the water systems, creating diverse interests and providing different visual experiences for visitors while strolling in the courtyard: walking through the corridors, climbing the stone peaks, watching the glow of the clouds, and gazing at the sky reflection in the water.


▼ ? 黃啟杰




聯合體景觀設計方:艾奕康環境規劃設計(上海)有限公司廣州分公司 (AECOM)
















景觀:艾奕康環境規劃設計(上海)有限公司廣州分公司 (AECOM)(概念設計+方案及方案深化設計)+華南理工大學建筑設計研究院有限公司(施工圖)













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