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SED introduces international advanced design concept to accelerate the development of urban public space. There were confined open spaces, ageing and underutilized facilities on both sides of the streets originally, which were greatly improved after upgrading. The design tactfully imparts the streets with more comprehensive functions and maximizes the limited city green space. The new street network will positively turn into a wonderful spatial carrier of the citizens’ colorful life.
▲筍崗東路局部平面圖 Site plan
The park offers space for outdoor activities so that there could be different kinds of activities all year round. Integrated city texture is well presented in this area through the designers’ thorough consideration.
▲梳理寬闊的城市公共綠地,利用微地形搭配帶狀時花,打開空間,形成疏朗通透的景觀效果 The designers tease out the city public green space, match the micro-landform with flower stripes, so as to create a clean and open landscape effect
▲利用現有的大榕樹,拓展一系列的開放空間,將現代城市辦公休閑的方式帶入園內,給予周邊商務展示、休閑的平臺,同時也創造市民的活動場地 The existing banyans help to expand a series of open space, bringing modern recreational mode and office style into the park. The park successfully becomes a platform for leisure, activity and even commercial exhibition
▲利用現狀的種植形成空間開合,林下增加微地形產生空間的豎向變化,使用石材來體現現代、簡潔的格局 By making use of the existing plants, the structure is well organized. The micro-topography in the shade greatly enriches hierarchical changes and stones are adopted to highlight the design's modernity and simplicity
▲疏林草坪,形成了城市街道到生活區的緩沖帶 The lawn with sparse-planting trees forms a buffer zone between city street and living quarters
▲公園的特色主要體現在以本土的喬木,灌木和觀賞植物打造的五彩繽紛的植被氛圍 The park is featured as colorful vegetation consisted of local trees, bushes and ornamental plantings
▲項目改造前后對比 Before and After
After upgrading, the close-planting bushes and trees are transformed to a broad plaza, which greatly enhance the site’s utilization.
▲項目改造前后對比 Before and After
改造后,既保留了大榕樹遮陰的效果, 同時用簡約的鋪裝、座椅提供更涼爽的休憩空間。
After renovation, the shading of the big banyan is retained. In addition, the simple style paving and seating offer a cool resting space for people.
▲項目改造前后對比 Before and After
The renovation provides playground for children in different age groups, greatly improving the park's utilization rate.
▲項目改造前后對比Before and After
The renovation enables a broad view for the residence nearby. The plaza stays harmony with the surrounding buildings that the park becomes a real community park.
▲項目改造前后對比 Before and After
The sidewalk and cycling track are well separated in the design to ensure safety. And the design of the lawn enables more business opportunities for the surrounding retails.
▲項目改造前后對比 Before and After
The renovation provides wider sidewalk. Trees planted in and between the sidewalk and driveway successfully act as a safeguard and a barrier that reduces noise and dust.
▲項目改造前后對比 Before and After
The vegetation selected enriches the landscape’s levels and showcases ceremonial sense. People could be immersed in refreshing cool when wandering about.
Luohu San HengSi Zong Streetscape upgrading project increases the activity and recreation spaces for people, creates many characteristic road nodes. It successfully shapes the streets’ temperament, enhances emotional linkage between people and city, and realizes a brand new city with strong vitality ultimately.