地址:北京市海淀區中關村北大街100號(北樓)北京大學建筑與景觀設計學院一層 Email:info@landscape.cn
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頤提港公園游樂場是一處位于北京市朝陽區酒仙橋的公共公園。 公園緊鄰著頤堤港綜合體,這里包括辦公,商業,餐飲和酒店。這個游樂園是分為兩個部分的,完全根據兩個不同年齡層兒童的需要而設計。
The Indigo Playgrounds are set within a public-private park adjacent the Indigo mixed-use complex containing office space, retail, food and beverage, a winter garden, and the East Hotel in Beijing’s northeast Jiuxianqaio sub-district. The two unique playgrounds are entirely separated, designed for the needs of different age groups.
第一個游樂場的概念是針對低齡兒童,在公園內創造一個游戲室一樣的空間。一個由明亮的橙色圓圈和甜甜圈組成的天幕作為遮陽傘,在“房間”的地形上投下俏皮的陰影。孩子們從兩級大木凳上走下來進入游戲區,進一步為孩子們和家長們創造了一種圍合感和安全感。條紋狀的橡膠 "地毯 "創造了一個柔軟、安全的地面。孩子們可以從多種游戲設備中選擇,也可以在月牙形的小山丘和沙坑上發明他們自己的游玩方法。
The concept for the first playground, aimed at younger children, is to create a playroom within the park space. A canopy of bright orange circles and donut acts as a sunshade and casts playful shadows across the topography of the room. Kids enter the play area by stepping down two large wood benches, which further create a sense of enclosure and security for both the and their supervisors. A pinstripe rubber ‘carpet’ creates a soft and forgiving floor. Children can choose from a multiplicity of play equipment or invent their own games on the crescent-shaped hill and sandpit.
我們歡迎更多熱愛冒險的孩子們進一步深入公園,進入“王者之山”游樂場。顧名思義,這個游樂場的中心是一座令人興奮的山峰。為了讓孩子們到達夢寐以求的峰頂,一排排爬桿,攀巖抓手和攀登繩為孩子們提供了一系列的挑戰。山頂上巢狀的瞭望臺是一個勝利者( Acer truncatum)之家,也是這座山真正的國王的終點。豪華的白色大理石滑梯是游戲參與者下山的快速路線。 除了“王者之山”之外,游樂場還包括旋轉飛翼秋千、螺旋平衡木和一個攀爬架。為了使整個空間更加完美,山腳下和樹冠上的霧氣系統形成了涼爽的蒸汽云。
More adventurous children are welcomed further into the park to the ‘King of the Hill’ playground. Taking its namesake from the children’s game, a thrilling mountain occupies the center of the space. Arrays of pipes, climbing holds, and climbing ropes offer a range of challenges to reach the coveted peak. A nest-like lookout at the peak is home to one Maple, the true king of this hill. Luxurious white marble slides offer summiteers an express route down the mountain. Aside from the mountain, the playground also includes islands featuring swings, spinners, and an additional climbing structure. To complete the whole space a mist system creates cooling clouds of vapor around the base of the mountain and in the tree canopy.
攝影師:Jonathan Leijonhufvud
Location: Beijing, China
Site Area: 1780 m2
Client: Swire and SinoOcean
Construction: 2015
Photographer: Jonathan Leijonhufvud