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At the end of 2018, R-land Yuanshu was invited to participate in the Landscape Reconstruction Design of the Summer Garden on Yanqi Lake for Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. The design concept derives from the “Ping Sha Luo Yan” in the Eight Views of Xiaoxiang.
▲景觀概覽,overall view of the landscape ?周新安
▲區位分析,location analysis ?源樹景觀規劃設計事務所
In this landscape, a flight of geese is shown by plant landscape, signifying that auspicious clouds will bring prosperity and beauty to the participating countries. This time, the ground cover plants in the Summer Garden provide a noble but unobtrusive purple as the main tone of the scene. Subsequent variety matching and flower border designs are based on this tone. The design technique of assembling the parts into the whole creates a harmonious and unified effect. When considering that the distant mountains and the platform provide background and the foreground to the tea break area respectively, a distinction is made between the collocation methods of the ground cover plant varieties. In the close view, the flower borders are designed with textured flower varieties, and the tea break garden stands out through abundant plant collocation. In the distant view, the method of flaky planting is used to grow varieties with high color saturation, choosing appropriate positions amongst the purple tones of the mountains to brighten the color, and avoid the monotony and somberness of the distant mountains. Due to the large volume of stones stacked besides the waterfall in the distant mountains, the bonsai of Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd.
▲設計概念 – 瀟湘八景,design concept: The Eight Sceneries in Xiaoxiang ?源樹景觀規劃設計事務所
▲圍繞湖水的步道和起伏的山石,walk way and stone mountains around the lake ?周新安
▲湖面與塔,tower and the lake ?周新安
▲近景采用富有質感的植物,豐富植物搭配,rich match of the plants with textured flower varieties in the close view ?周新安
▲越過植物看向遠處的塔,view to the tower through the plants ?周新安
▲通向山頂的石板路,stone plate path connecting to the top of the mountain ?周新安
▲植物細部,details of the plants ?周新安
With red tones are specially selected to be arranged and combined in the stone cracks, just like the cinnabar used in Chinese Shan shui painting, making the whole scene flexible and vivid, with an underlying tone of spirituality.
▲平面圖,plan ?源樹景觀規劃設計事務所
設計時間:2018 年12 月—2019 年02 月
竣工時間:2019 年04 月
Project: The Oriental Spirit——Landscape Reconstruction Design of the Summer Garden on Yanqi Lake for Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
Location: Yanqi Lake, Huairou District, Beijing
Area: 7200m2
Schematic Design Phase: (R-land Yuanshu) Zhang Junhua, Zhang Peng, Zhao Changjiang, Bai Zuhua, Li Ruijing, Zhao Yanying
Construction Document Phase: (R-land Yuanshu) Yu Feng, Hu Haibo, Yu Hongyao, Hu Pancheng
Date of Design: 2018.12-2019.2
Date of Completion: 2019.4