地址:北京市海淀區中關村北大街100號(北樓)北京大學建筑與景觀設計學院一層 Email:info@landscape.cn
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Location: Singapore
Client: Jurong Town Council
Landscape design: Atelier Dreiseitl
Engineer: Surbana International Consultants Pte. Ltd.
Area: 50 ha
Design: 2009-2011
Construction: 2011-2012
Award: BCA Greenmark Platinum for New Parks, 2011
President Design Award, Singapore, 2014
占地面積50公頃的JTC清潔科技園區被構想為設置于熱帶雨林地區的首個商業園區,在發揮新加坡作為推動全球可持續領導者角色方面將發揮重要的作用。5公頃面積的中央核心區 – 裕廊生態園被設計為園區肺部和心臟,于2014年6月建成開幕。它坐落在清潔科技園區的中心區域,與南洋理工大學毗鄰。作為設計的園區綠肺,裕廊生態園由森林之峰、野生走廊、淡水沼澤森林與溪流山谷四大主題區塊組成,有效地保留了當地原有的次生森林。其中,淡水沼澤森林能夠收集65%的雨水徑流,過濾、凈化,用作如廁沖刷、植物灌溉以及室外沖洗之用。而場地內所使用巖石、木質指示牌、木質座椅等等,皆來源于JTC公司其他建造項目材料回收利用。生物多樣性的增加成為了最直觀的數據,監測到15種新的蝴蝶品種在此落地。生態自然的環境為生物提供了生存的場所,同時此綠色的生態園區也為園區內的工作人員及鄰近居民、到訪者提供了一個休息、親近自然的優美環境,能夠有效地吸引研究和開發潔凈新科技企業的入駐。
建筑群的一側與城市相接,而另外一側則朝向森林。現有的生態棲息地,包括草地、林地和泥炭沼澤區都被盡可能地保留。現存的野生動物物種被記錄,通過增加的植被種植,為野生動植物提供食物和棲息地,自然野生動物廊道功能被增強,將場地與更大范圍的周邊環境相連。自然地形被盡可能多地加以保留,并與新加坡公用事業局的“活躍、美觀、潔凈”(Active, Beautiful, Clean)水域方案理念相呼應。該ABC水域方案將被實施,以支持場地內現有的水文流動。生態洼地將凈化雨水,并將之從路邊排水渠道引流至中央核心區。在那里,一系列的沼澤和池塘將收集和保存雨水。這些雨水通過生態凈化群落加以循環,進行進一步的凈化,在重新使用(比如沖廁)或排放進入公共排水溝之前達至特定的水質標準。
Envisioned to be the first business park set in a tropical rainforest, the JTC Clean Tech Park spans over a 50 hectare site and plays an important role in spear-heading Singapore’s efforts to be a leader in the global thrust towards sustainability. With 5 hectares green core situated at its heart – Jurong Eco Garden, which is designed to be its lungs, is officially open in June of 2014. It is in the central place of JTC Clean Tech Park next to Nanyang Technological University. Jurong Eco Garden is featured with woodland area with summit lookout, wildlife corridor, freshwater swamp and streams valley, and reserves site characters of a secondary forest. The freshwater swamp, serves as a detention pond for rainwater run-off, which may capture 65 percent of the run-off, filtered and channeled for toilet flushing, irrigation of plants and outdoor washing. Rocks, signage and wooden furniture in the Park are recycled from JTC’s other building projects and felled trees on the site. Increased biodiversity has become the most direct data, 15 additional butterfly species is recorded at the site. Ecological, natural environment supplies living spaces for animals and plants, and the green eco-friendly industrial park also become a natural and relaxed space for residents, working staff and visitors to the park. It may bring more research institutes and Clean Tech corporations developing of sustainable solutions on site.
Building clusters are organized to have an urban front on one side, and a forest front on the other. Existing eco-habitats, including grassland, woodlands and peats, are retained as much as possible. Existing wildlife species were documented and a natural wildlife corridor connecting the site to the larger surrounding environment is enhanced through additional planting that provides food and habitat for them. The natural topography will likewise be retained as much as possible, and echoing the philosophy of PUB’s ABC Waters Program. ABC Waters Features will be implemented to support the existing hydrological flow of the site. Bioswales will purify rainwater while channeling it from the roadside drains into the central core. There a series of swamps and ponds will collect and retain the rainwater. These will be circulated through a cleansing biotope to further purify the water reaching to specified level of water quality before being reused for appropriate water needs (such as toilet-flushing) or discharged out to the public drains.
All these methods and effort to touch the earth lightly alludes to mankind’s desire of not only coexisting sustainably with nature, but engaging and connecting meaningfully with it, in such a way that both may benefit and grow.