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2024 年 4 月 2 日,美國景觀設計師協會紐約分會 (ASLA-NY) 宣布了該分會 2024 年的獲獎者。該獎項由 ASLA-NY 分會主辦,旨在提高當地知名度,認可和推廣分會成員的工作,并表彰景觀設計師在應對氣候變化和社區建設中的卓越表現。
今年的獲獎作品,由來自 ASLA 南卡羅來納州分會的跨學科專業團隊進行評審,根據設計和建成質量、創新以及對社區和行業的影響進行評選。評審團將選出一個卓越獎、八個榮譽獎和十六個優秀獎,ASLA-NY 執行委員會將評選出一個董事會選擇獎。所有獎項將于 4 月 17 日在曼哈頓拉瓜迪亞廣場 536 號建筑中心舉行的設計頒獎典禮上頒發。
Setting a New Ecological Agenda for Brooklyn’s Oldest Public Garden - Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc.
Battery Playscape - Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners PLLC
East Shore Shoreline Parks Plan - Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners PLLC
Hudson Valley Guest House and Grounds - SCAPE Landscape Architecture
Morgan North Landscape - HMWhite
Seascape - LaGuardia Design Group
SIPG Harbour City Parks - SWA/Balsley
Streetscapes For Wellness A Changing Course for Streets in New York - NYC Public Design Commission Publication Team
The New York Botanical Garden Comprehensive Master Plan - OLIN in partnership with the NY Botanical Garden
11 Hoyt - Hollander Design Landscape Architects
A Garden By The Sea - Araiys Design, Landscape Architecture
Belle Isle Vision Plan - Marvel
Borrowed Views - James Doyle Design Associates
Bridgehampton - Hollander Design Landscape Architects
Cobb Isle - LaGuardia Design Group
High Line – Moynihan Connector - Field Operations
Hudson River Park’s Gansevoort Peninsula - Field Operations
Manhattan Greenway Harlem River - Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners PLLC
Marsha P Johnson State Park - Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners PLLC
Radio Park - HMWhite
Southpoint Park Shoreline Restoration - Langan
The New York Botanical Garden John J. Hoffee Tulip Tree Allée Restoration Plan - OLIN
The Underline Phase 3 - Field Operations
Wasteyards at New York City Housing Authority - Grain Collective Landscape Architecture & Urban Design PLLC
Why Do We Love the High Line Park A Lesson from Big Data - The University of Georgia
Astoria Park Charybdis Playground & Waterplay - Nancy Owens Studio Landscape Architecture + Urban Design PLLC