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The “O” bridge by Penda, Salford, England
明頓橋,DP Architects,位于新加坡
The Minton Bridge by DP Architects in Singapore
Carpinteira Stream上的步行橋,Carrilho da GraçaArquitectos,位于葡萄牙科維良
Pedestrian bridge over the Carpinteira Stream Carrilho da GraçaArquitectos. Photography by Fernando Guerra
Meydan Bridge, Dubai
千禧公園步行橋, SOM,位于美國伊利諾伊州芝加哥市
BP Pedestrian Bridge by SOM in Chicago, Illinois
A Path In The Forest by Tetsuo Kondo
The Boomslang Bridge by Mark Thomas Architects in Cape Town, South Africa
Motril步行橋,Guallart Architects
Motril Footbridge by Guallart Architects
Long Sleeve Skywalk by Turenscape in Suining, Jiangsu Province
老虎與烏龜魔力之山上的步行過山車,Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth,位于德國杜伊斯堡
Tiger & Turtle - Magic Mountain Walking Roller Coaster by Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth, Duisburg, Germany