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最近,由迪特馬爾建筑事務所設計的,從諾曼底海岸碼頭到圣米歇爾山的防波堤大橋,正式對行人開放。由于對于水流的控制能力有限,項目堵塞了現有的堤道,從而產生了不必要的沉積。即將建設的大橋提升了一定的高" /> 最近,由迪特馬爾建筑事務所設計的,從諾曼底海岸碼頭到圣米歇爾山的防波堤大橋,正式對行人開放。由于對于水流的控制能力有限,項目堵塞了現有的堤道,從而產生了不必要的沉積。即將建設的大橋提升了一定的高">
譯者:筑龍網 蟈蟈
A jetty from the normandy coastline to mont saint-michel, designed by dietmar feichtinger architectes, has recently opened for pedestrian access. The project replaces an existing causeway producing undesirable build up of sediment, due to limited ability for water flow. The elevation of the bridge way on stilts alleviates this issue, creating a continuous current around the island. The path offers a promenade for visitors, with expansive views to the impressive medieval mountain village and estuary context.
Rather than taking a direct path, the 760-meter long jetty takes a curving geometry, to create a drawn out procession providing a variety of views of mont saint-michel for the pedestrian. Beyond the experiential aspects for its winding form, the layout also responds closely to the landscape and water movements, in order to integrate seamlessly with the context.The structural configuration of the bridge eliminates diagonal bracing, allowing for more openness at the ocean level. Once the roadway is opened up on the elevated jetty, the existing and attached causeway will be deconstructed, making mont saint-michel a true island once again.