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自從14年前在中國大陸的第一個項目開始, Sasaki便一直保持著在中國規劃和設計領域的前沿。隨著Sasaki在這個全球城市化最快的社會所面臨的廣泛設計挑戰和機遇上的探索,上海分公司將支持在該區域正在進行的以及未來的工作。
Sasaki負責中國業務的董事Michael Grove先生說“上海分公司是我們在中國多年工作經驗積累的結果,它將幫助我們更加密切地與我們在亞洲的業主進行協作。該分公司的地點代表了我們對該區域長期的承諾,它將讓我們能夠為這個見證著劇烈城市環境變化的區域提供廣泛的規劃和設計服務。”
Sasaki在中國的作品已成為該國最著名的一些項目。這些項目反映了中國愈演愈烈的城市化環境和對設計的大膽進取態度。這些突出地表現在一系列獲獎設計中,包括2008北京奧運會、798藝術區、國家時尚創意中心、濟南新城區、以及今年秋季即將正式開放的上海嘉定中心公園。這些項目為開發提供了創新的、可持續的、并且具有高度文化相關性的模式, 是Sasaki對其所有工作的承諾。
Sasaki(www.sasaki.com)是一家綜合規劃和設計事務所,致力為業主提供周全且可持續的方案以解決獨特的問題。作為跨學科公司的特點,我們的團隊利用協作性和多樣化的理念將個性化的著眼點用于為我們的學院機構、市政和商業業主創造屢屢獲獎的空間和場所。 Sasaki是一家中型事務所,其波士頓總部以及上海分公司的專業人員在美國及全球展開工作。
Office supports firm’s present and future work in China, throughout Asia
Watertown, MA (September 2012) — International planning and design firm Sasaki announces the opening of their new office in Shanghai, China. The office bolsters the firm’s commitment to China and the larger Asia-Pacific region.
Since their first project on the mainland 14 years ago, Sasaki has maintained a strong presence at the forefront of planning and design in China. The Shanghai office will support ongoing and future work in the region, where the firm is addressing a wide variety of design challenges and opportunities in the world’s fastest urbanizing society.
“The Shanghai office is the culmination of many years of experience of working in China, and will help us collaborate even more closely with our clients in Asia,” says Sasaki principal Michael Grove, who leads the majority of Sasaki’s work in China. “The location symbolizes our long-term commitment to the region, and allows us to offer our broad range of planning and design services to a part of the world that is witnessing dramatic shifts in its urban environment.”
Sasaki’s work in China is already some of the most recognized in the country. Their projects reflect the nation’s increasingly urban context and progressive attitude towards design—evident in award winning designs for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the 798 Arts District, the National Creative Cluster, the Jinan New Urban District, and Jiading Central Park in Shanghai, which will open to the public this fall. Each of these projects serves as an innovative, sustainable, and culturally relevant model for development—a commitment Sasaki brings to all of their work.
About Sasaki
Sasaki (www.sasaki.com) is an integrated planning and design firm committed to realizing thoughtful, sustainable solutions to our clients’ unique problems. Drawing on the collaboration and diversity of ideas that defines our interdisciplinary firm, our teams take a personal approach to creating award-winning spaces and places for our institutional, civic, and commercial clients. Sasaki is a mid-sized firm of professionals working throughout the United States and internationally from our headquarters in Boston and our office in Shanghai.