地址:北京市海淀區(qū)中關(guān)村北大街100號(北樓)北京大學(xué)建筑與景觀設(shè)計學(xué)院一層 Email:info@landscape.cn
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盡管普渡大學(xué)一直以他出色的工科和航天而出名(校友包括鄧稼先,阿姆斯特朗),但普渡大學(xué)的景觀設(shè)計系已經(jīng)有超過50年的歷史,并在美國業(yè)內(nèi)享有很高聲譽。2011年Design Intelligence把普渡大學(xué)的景觀設(shè)計排在全美本科景觀設(shè)計第三名。
An introduction to the 2011 LABash in Purdue University
In March of 2011, Purdue University will spearhead an international symposium with the goal of reaching the global landscape architecture community – LABASH 2001. Over the course of two days, the symposium will present opportunities to learn, explore and discover landscape architecture as stu-dents and future professionals. Lectures and demonstrations from twenty professionals, a design charette, and tours of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Samara House will be included. YOUTHLA will be the official media partner reporting the whole event.
To all fellow students, colleagues, and friends of landscape architecture around the globe:
In March of 2011, Purdue University will spearhead an international symposium with the goal of reaching the global landscape architecture community.
The goal of this first LABASH conference is to connect the broader landscape architecture community for networking purposes, education, & social events. It will be an exciting opportunity for growth.
[THE DIRT] LABASH 2011: Cultural Landscapes
Guest speakers in the fields of Sustainability, Urban Landscapes, Cultural/Sociological Landscapes, Ethics/Skills, & the Green Movement will headline the conference. Enriching social events will allow attendees to socialize & intertwine in a centered environment. Additionally, students will have the option to participate in a challenging design charrette that exhibits artistic boldness, creativity, & success.
Purdue University is one of the largest universities (per student enrollment) in the US. John Purdue, a wealthy benefactor from Lafayette, donated a generous sum of money & land in 1869 in hopes to fund the university. As the densest city in Indiana, West Lafayette is host to a diverse array of residents offering an exciting, collegiate urban environment not far from pastoral fields. Located on the sandy banks of the Wabash River, Lafayette/West Lafayette is within 10 miles of the historic Battle of Tippecanoe site where Tecumseh fought in 1811& is home to Samara, a Usonian home designed by famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright (which will be toured during the symposium). While Purdue may be best known for its storied Aerospace & Flight programs (notably alumni Neil Armstrong & Amelia Earhart), our undergraduate Landscape Architecture program is ranked 6th in the nation and has existed for over 50 years.
In the hopes of bringing our global community closer together in an exciting international symposium, the students and staff of Landscape Architecture at Purdue University would like to cordially invite you to our West Lafayette, Indiana campus on the 25th of March, 2011.
Feel free to inquire our LABASH development group with any questions and check out our website for registration and information. We look forward to hearing from you soon…!