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伊派科優服裝工貿公司主席Yalcin Ayaydin先生代表土耳其埃迪爾內•Ipekyol紡織廠接受了本屆阿迦汗建筑獎
照片來源:AKDN / Gary Otte
頒獎典禮由阿迦汗殿下主持,一同出席典禮的還有卡塔爾酋長謝赫•哈馬德•本•哈利法•阿勒薩尼殿下(His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani)和謝赫•姆薩•本•納瑟爾•阿勒米森德殿下(Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned)。
今年的特別主席大獎(Chairman’s Award)授予了奧列格•格拉巴爾(Oleg Grabar)教授,以表彰其在伊斯蘭建筑和藝術領域的終生貢獻。該獎項的設立旨在表彰評審委員會管轄領域之外的突出貢獻,以及杰出建筑師和學者的終身成就,此前只頒發過三次。
據了解,Lars Müller出版社(www.lars-mueller-publishers.com)近期出版了關于本屆阿迦汗建筑獎項目的專著,其中收錄了穆罕默德•阿拉薩德(Mohammad Al-Asad)、法西德•穆薩維(Farshid Moussavi)、莫森•莫斯塔法維(Mohsen Mostafavi)、哈尼夫•卡拉(Hanif Kara)、奧列格•格拉巴爾(Oleg Grabar),以及北京大學建筑與設計學院院長俞孔堅教授等評審委員會成員的文章。
此外,有關2010年阿迦汗建筑獎的三集紀錄片《建筑師第一線》(Architects on the Frontline)也將于格林威治時間11月27日 07:30、20:30;11月28日 13:30、17:30;12月4日 07:30、20:30;12月5日 13:30、17:30在BBC電視臺(www.bbcworldnews.com)播出。
照片來源:AKDN / Gary Otte
照片來源:AKDN / Gary Otte
2010阿迦汗建筑獎獲獎項目: 西班牙科爾多瓦•扎伊德扎赫拉博物館
Doha, November 24, 2010 -- The five projects selected for the 2010 Aga Khan Award for Architecture will be announced at a ceremony to be held at the Museum of Islamic Art on 24th November. His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani the Emir of Qatar and Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser will join His Highness the Aga Khan in presiding over the ceremony.
The five projects selected by the 2010 Master Jury are:
• Wadi Hanifa Wetlands, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
• Revitalisation of the Hypercentre of Tunis, Tunisia
• Madinat Al-Zahra Museum, Cordoba, Spain
• Ipekyol Textile Factory, Edirne, Turkey
• Bridge School, Xiashi, Fujian, China
(For a full on-line press kit including high-resolution images and video, please see www.akdn.org/Aga_Khan_Award_2010, which will be password-protected until 24 November 2010.)
At the Award ceremony, His Highness the Aga Khan will also present the Chairman’s Award to Professor Oleg Grabar in recognition of his lifetime contribution to the field of Islamic art and architecture. The Chairman’s Award was established to honour achievements that fall outside the scope of the Master Jury’s mandate and is made in recognition of the lifetime achievements of distinguished architects and academics. It has been presented on only three previous occasions.
The winning projects were selected by an independent Master Jury from a shortlist of 19 projects announced in May 2010. A total of 401 projects were presented for consideration for the 2010 Award. In their statement, the Master Jury noted that a central concern in making their selection had been the issues of identity and plurality and their intersection in an increasingly globalised world. They emphasised the generous and pluralistic visions reflected through the winning projects, and the transformative roles they have played in the improvement of the quality of the built environment both in places with a majority of Muslims and in societies where Muslims are in a minority.
The 2010 Award Master Jury
The Awards are selected by an independent Master Jury appointed by the Steering Committee for each three-year Award cycle. The nine members of the 2010 Master Jury are:
Souleymane Bachir Diagne (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Columbia University, USA)
Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj (Architect; Chief Executive Officer, Syria Trust for Development, Syria)
Salah M. Hassan (Art historian and curator; Director, Institute for Comparative Modernities, Cornell University, USA)
Faryar Javaherian (Architect and curator; co-founder of Gamma Consultants, Iran)
Anish Kapoor (Artist, UK)
Kongjian Yu (Landscape architect and urbanist; founder and dean of Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University, China) Jean Nouvel (Architect; founding partner, Ateliers Jean Nouvel, France)
Alice Rawsthorn (Design critic, International Herald Tribune, UK)
Basem Al Shihabi (Architect; Managing Partner, Omrania & Associates, Saudi Arabia).
About the Aga Khan Award for Architecture
The Aga Khan Award for Architecture was established by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1977 to identify and encourage excellence in architecture and other forms of intervention in the built environment of societies where Muslims have a significant presence. The Award is given every three years and recognises all types of building projects that affect today’s built environment, from modest, small-scale projects to sizable complexes. All form of planning practices on the urban and regional scales are encouraged, such as infrastructure and transportation undertakings; development in rural landscapes; housing initiatives; industrial facilities and workplaces; educational and health campuses; new towns, urban conservation and the re-use of brown field sites.
The Aga Khan Award for Architecture not only rewards architects, but also identifies municipalities, builders, clients, master craftsmen and engineers who have played important roles in the realisation of a project. The Award’s mandate is different from that of many other architecture prizes: it selects projects—from innovative mud and bamboo schools to state of the art “green” buildings—that not only exhibit architectural excellence but also improve the overall quality of life. Since the Award was launched 33 years ago, 105 projects have received the award and more than 7,500 building projects have been documented.
Projects that have received the Award range from a primary school in Burkina Faso designed by local architect Diébédo Francis Kéré to the Grameen Bank Housing Programme in Bangladesh and from Paris’ Institut du Monde Arabe, designed by Jean Nouvel, to Ken Yeang’s groundbreaking bioclimatic office building in Malaysia and Han Tümertekin’s B2 House in Turkey. Other past Award recipients have included Lord Norman Foster, Cesar Pelli and Ricardo Legorreta.
The Award is governed by a Steering Committee chaired by His Highness the Aga Khan. The current members of the Steering Committee are:
His Highness the Aga Khan (Chairman)
Mohammad al-Asad (Founder & chairman, Center for the Study of the Built Environment, Jordan)
Homi K. Bhabha (Director of the Humanities Center, Harvard University, USA)
Norman Foster (Founder and chairman, Foster + Partners, UK)
Glenn Lowry (Director, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA)
Rahul Mehrotra (Principal, RMA Architects, India)
Mohsen Mostafavi (Dean of the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, USA)
Farshid Moussavi (Partner, Foreign Office Architects, UK)
Han Tümertekin (Principal, Mimarlar Tasarim Danismanlik Ltd, Turkey)
Farrokh Derakhshani is the director of the Award.
The Award will be featured in a three-part documentary series, “Architects on the Frontline”, to be broadcast on BBC World television (www.bbcworldnews.com) on 20 November at 07:30 and 20:30; on 21 November at 13:30 and 17:30; on 27 November at 07:30 and 20:30; on 28 November at 13:30 and 17:30; on 4 December at 07:30 and 20:30 and 5 December at 13:30 and 17:30. All times are GMT.
A monograph featuring the projects of the 2010 Aga Khan Award, with essays by Mohammad Al-Asad, Farshid Moussavi, Mohsen Mostafavi, Hanif Kara and Oleg Grabar as well as members of the Award Master Jury is published by Lars Müller Publishers www.lars-mueller-publishers.com (November 2010).
For more information, please see the website www.akdn.org/architecture and on-line press kit www.akdn.org/Aga_Khan_Award_2010 (password protected until 24 November 2010) or contact:
Nuha Ansari
Aga Khan Award for Architecture
PO Box 2049, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Telephone: (41.22) 909.72.30
E-mail: nuha.ansari@akdn.org
Website: www.akdn.org/architecture