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俞孔堅 —— 一個走出象牙塔的學者,是一個企業的創辦者,同時他還是北大教授,是中國景觀設計學的學術帶頭人。從7年前回國的第一天起,俞孔堅就對城市建設誤區不斷地批評。他堅持“足下的文化與野草之美”,提出“民族身份和人地關系的危機”,竭力呼喚景觀設計的“白話文運動”并著書“與市長們交流”并為市長們講課,傳播生態與人文理念。
播出時間:2005年1月16日(周日)9:15 15:15 21:15
Yu Kongjian
Yu Kongjian--Doctor of Design, Harvard GSD. He is Director of the Center for Landscape Architecture and Planning, Peking University and Principal Designer of Turenscape. Since returning back to China, Yu has criticized improper construction in landscape design and planning. He believes that landscape architecture should be a harmonious integration between heaven, earth and human being. In order to spread his theories, he has held lectures around China to teach mayors the importance of ecological development in city planning and construction.
This program featuring Yu Kongjian will be broadcasted on Jan. 16 (Sunday), Up-Close, CCTV-9.
Timetable:a.m. 9:15, p.m.3:15, p.m.9:15.
Please turn on your TV if you have time. Thank you!