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法國塞納河上的步行橋 | Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

DFArchitects 2021-06-10
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    David Boureau, Lifting in place

Dietmar Feichtinger在法國塞納河上設計了一座新的步行橋,作為Mantes-la-Jolie和Limay兩個市鎮間的柔性連接,邀請市民進入這條真正的城市走廊。

步行橋位于法國Vexin地區南部邊界的塞納河彎道上,成為城市與自然景觀交織的舞臺。在河谷坡地茂密的樹蔭之下,在圣母教堂高聳的尖頂和北岸古城的街道之間,人們沿著步行橋穿越塞納河的兩條分支,在河中小島Ile aux Dames的繁茂坡地上肆意徜徉。

Dietmar Feichtinger's new soft mobility bridge over the Seine linking Mantes-la-Jolie and Limay is an invitation to embark on a veritable urban promenade. In the crook of one of the loops of the river that define the southern limit of the French Vexin, he has created a subtle staging for urban space and the natural landscape to meet. In the wooded shade of the hills that dominate the valley, between the high silhouette of the collegiate church of Notre-Dame and the streets of the ancient city on the north bank, the new pathway crosses two arms of the river, pausing only to rest on the wooded slope of the Ile aux Dames.


A subtle staging for urban space and the natural landscape to meet? David Boureau

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▼在河心島Ile aux Dames的草坡上向南回望 

South view from the slopes on Ile aux Dames ? David Boureau

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A double footbridge for a soft link

從河岸向北部的城鎮走去,人們很難察覺到步行橋建立在原有的橋梁——“新橋”的結構上。它始建于18世紀Mantes-la-Joie的城墻被拆除之際,第二次世界大戰后又重建了如今較窄的部分,并擴展了皇家大道(Rue Royale)延長線上的Cordeliers碼頭,讓小鎮向北部開放。但如今,橋上來往的車輛擠壓了步行與騎行的的空間。

Almost imperceptible when one approaches the town from the riverbanks, the first crossing is based on an existing structure, the Pont Neuf, built in the 18th century following the destruction of the ramparts protecting Mantes. The relatively narrow structure was rebuilt after the Second World War and spans the Quai des Cordeliers at the continuation of the Rue Royale and opens up the town to the north. As it is now saturated with permanent road traffic, it is no longer appropriate for pedestrians and cyclists to cross the river. 


The footbridge is based on the Pont Neuf ? David Boureau

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2012年,Mantes與Limay市政府共同舉辦設計競賽,建立兩個市鎮間的可持續交通。伴隨著步行橋的開放,該項目的第一階段宣告完成;新的步行橋跨越兩岸,連接了兩個歷史街區。人們可以從Mantes的圣母教堂出發,通過步行橋走過河岸與河心島,而后繞過一個小型露天劇場(Theatre de Verdure),再通過“舊橋”到達巴黎大街,并沿路直抵市中心。

The project for a link dedicated to sustainable mobility between Mantes and Limay, supported by the two municipalities and the region, was the subject of a competition in 2012. The first phase of the work was completed in 2019 with the opening of the footbridge spanning the arm of the river, adjacent to the former royal city, and the new link is part of an urban route linking the historic districts of the two towns. From the foot of the Gothic collegiate church, the footbridge crosses the first arm of the river, runs along the island, skirting a small open-air theatre ("Théatre de Verdure"). You then reach Limay by taking the Old Stone Bridge and picking up the Rue de Paris, which leads to the town centre.


Site plan ? Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes 

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For this first crossing, which is now completed and runs alongside the road bridge, Dietmar Feichtinger chose to place the new structure at a distance from the existing bridge deck. When you stand on the bank, the footbridge looks as if it is flying over the river: fine steel curves undulate between the two banks in a three-dimensional motion, continually changing shape, rising and almost imperceptibly separating the pedestrian path from that of the two-wheelers, which is positioned closer to the car bridge. Whether crossing on foot or by bike, one almost immediately forgets the noise of the traffic. A difference in level is established between the decking of the two routes to form a bench seat. In the middle of the crossing, where the footbridge rises well above the roadway, the levels meet and the passage widens to offer passers-by a view over the river where they can linger to admire the beautiful landscape.


A difference in level is established between the decking of the two routes to form a bench seat ? Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

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The passage widens to offer passers-by a view over the river ? Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

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? David Boureau


A ribbon of steel and wood linking the two river banks

Dietmar Feichtinger擅于對結構進行偏移、柔化與扭曲,顛覆傳統結構,例如巴黎的西蒙?波伏娃 步行橋。在學院教堂的扶壁下,他設計了兩條鋼木材質的“絲帶”,它們并行、抬升,時而靠近時而遠離。全鋼的橋梁結構由河兩岸的橋臺支撐,中央可變形的梯形沉箱如同脊柱一般,上面架設了一系列間距 3 米的T 形支架。防水的箱型梁由焊接金屬板組成,其抗扭強度使橋梁截面產生的不對稱力得以傳遞到支撐結構上。

Dietmar Feichtinger enjoys diverting, softening and twisting his structures, as he did in Paris with the Simone de Beauvoir footbridge; he never passes up an opportunity to twist the wise rules of traditional construction. Beneath the buttresses of the collegiate church, he casts a double ribbon of steel and wood which brushes against, rises above, gets closer to and then moves away again from the road. The all-steel structure is supported by the bridge abutments on either side of the river. A central caisson with a variable trapezoidal profile forms the main framework, like a spinal column to which a series of T-shaped brackets are fixed 3 meters apart from one another. The watertight box girder is composed of welded metal sheets whose torsional strength enables the asymmetrical forces generated by the profile of the bridge to be transferred to the supports.


Simone de Beauvoir footbridge in Paris designed by Dietmar Feichtinger ? David Boureau


而本項目中,河流上方的橋面則是借助新橋(Pont Neuf)的兩根混凝土立柱支撐,避免新建橋梁結構侵占河床。固定在立柱上的斜梁承受垂直方向的力,而連桿則保證了整個結構的穩定性,這些連桿鉸接在柱子的頂部。橋梁支架可以根據情況進行調整,以便支撐不同寬度的橋面,同時可以解決內側的自行車道和外側的人行道之間的高差起伏。

In the middle of the river, the two concrete pillars of the Pont Neuf serve to carry the intermediate supports. Thus, the new structure does not encroach on the riverbed. In each case, an inclined cross-sectional leg, fixed to the stem of the pier, takes up the vertical force, while a connecting rod ensures the stability of the entire structure. These connecting rods, embedded in the caisson, are articulated at the head of the pillars. The variable profile of the brackets makes it possible to support decks of varying widths and to absorb the differences in elevation of the decking between the two-wheeler path on the bridge side and the pedestrian path on the river side.


Cross-sectional leg fixed to the stem of the pier ? David Boureau 

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Structure details ? Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes 



A footbridge like a seam, to bring an historic route back to life

在河中的島上,橋面緩緩向外延伸并降低高度,像樓廳一樣環繞著露天劇院,同時將圣母教堂引入人們的視野。連接小島與Limay的舊橋(Vieux Pont)修復完成后,步行橋將全面投入使用。步行橋北段將伴隨著這些柯羅曾在1869年作品“塞納河上Limay的舊橋”中描繪過的金色橋拱,連接河流兩側繁茂的森林。

On the island, the deck flares out and lowers gently, the urban walkway continues round the open-air theatre like a balcony and brings the collegiate church into view. The route will be fully functional once the restoration work on the Vieux Pont, which will again link the Ile aux Dames to Limay to the north-east, has been completed. The northern part of the walk follows the blonde stone arches that link two wooded banks painted by Corot in 1869. 


Seine and Old Bridge at Limay by Corot ? Paul Rodman Mabury Collection


1940年,這座歷史悠久的橋梁中間的兩個橋拱被潰敗的法國軍隊炸毀。這道斷裂的傷痕將被設計師精密地縫合起來,在3 根細長橢圓形橫梁組成的精鋼框架上,架設著鋼柱、玻璃護欄和木質橋面。扁平的鋼制護欄讓步行橋顯得輕盈而線性,與石材的厚重和曲線形成鮮明對比。老橋的最后一個拱門標示著步行橋的結束,上岸后人們將經過名為Maison du Passeur的前海關大樓與其綠樹成蔭的三角形廣場。這個位于Limay老城入口的公共廣場,將因為行人和騎自行車的人紛至沓來而變得充滿生機。

The historic bridge, two of whose central spans were blown up by the French army during the 1940 debacle, leaving a gaping scar, will be fitted with a discreet suture: a fine steel framework made up of 3 beams with a slender elliptical profile, supporting a steel, glass and wood deck. A plain guardrail of flat iron reinforces the lightness and linearity of the footbridge, and contrasts with the massiveness and curves of the stone structure. The route ends on the last arches of the Old Bridge and sets down on the opposite bank; you then walk past the Maison du Passeur, a former customs house with a tree-lined triangular esplanade which is nowadays redundant. Soon this public square will come alive once again when the pedestrians and cyclists arrive at the entrance to the old town of Limay.


A steel, glass and wood deck ? David Boureau

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The lightness and linearity of the footbridge contrast with the massiveness and curves of the stone structure ? David Boureau 

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建筑設計:Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

工程設計:Terrell SAS

其他設計方:Coup d’éclat,照明設計





Project: Footbridges over the Seine River for pedestrians and cyclists

Address: Connecting Mantes-la-Jolie and Limay, France

Client: SMSO (Syndicat Mixte d'aménagement, de gestion et d'entretien des berges de la Seine et Oise)

Architect: Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

Engineers: Terrell SAS

Other Planners: Coup d’éclat, Concepteurs lumière cotraitant

Contractors: RAZEL-BEC

Size and main features: length 202m, width between 6 and 7m

Completion time: 09.2019

Building costs: 4 656 000 €HT










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