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Aqua Soccer
The Aqua Soccer Installation at the 2013 Hamburg International Garden Show aspires to take a conventional game and introduce it to new a context. The Aqua Soccer installation offers a fun twist on the traditional sport.
Conventional soccer is played on a flat rectilinear lawn with wide, straight shots made to opposing goal. At the Aqua Soccer installation, the field conditions of soccer are intentionally inverted; everything that was once simple is now a struggle: fast movements are difficult, straight shots are nearly impossible, the goals do not align with each other and the playing field is drastically narrowed. Most importantly, the field surface is rubberized and filled with water.
Playing this revitalized game of soccer becomes a provocative adventure, guided by new rules and free thought. The hybrid game decontextualizes soccer into a water sport, bringing humour and transgression to the conventional game. The imaginations of the players are pushed to find new strategies that will allow them to play this new game successfully.
The Aqua Soccer installation pushes the boundaries of traditional play activities in order to revitalize an old game.
▼平面圖 Site plan
1933年,建筑師理查德·巴克敏斯特·富勒(R. Buckminster Fuller)創造了戴美克森式(Dymaxion)世界地圖,這是一種將地球分離成多面體的制圖投影技術,它可以展開成二維地圖。1954年,由景觀設計師P.Bongni設計的第一個標準化的迷你高爾夫球場在馬焦雷湖對外開業。
In 1933, the architect R. Buckminster Fuller created the Dymaxion World Map, a cartographic projection of the globe separated into polyhedrons, which can be unfolded into a two-dimensional map. In 1954, at Lake Maggiore, the first standardized mini-golf course was opened, designed by the landscape architect, P. Bongni.
▼平面圖 Site plan
The Dymaxion golf in the garden 73 is a remix: the Unfolded Dymaxion World is the support field for the mini golf game. Continents and countries are successively played and conquered. As with “big” golf, water traps create obstacles to the game. The folded triangles of the world map consist of reinforced, lightweight concrete stilts, hovering over the lawn area.
規劃時間:2011 - 2012
Hamburg International Garden Show 2013 - Dymaxion
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Client: International Horticultural Show Hamburg 2013 LLC
Direct Commission, 2010
Planning: 2011 - 2012
Completion: 2013
Size: 650 sqm