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位于黑森州南部的 “洛爾施修道院”于1991年被列為世界文化遺產。當地的第一座僧院阿爾滕明斯特(Altenmünster)可追溯到丕平三世時期(約公元764年)。由于其在精神和經濟上有著重要影響力,人們在僧院附近一處因冰川運動而形成的巨大沙丘上修建了新的修道院。該建筑群成為古代文化記憶與遺產保護的重要中心。
“Lorsch Abbey” in Southern Hesse was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1991. The first monastery on the site was the Altenmünster which dates from the reign of Pippin the Short. As the monastery gained spiritual and economic influence, an abbey was built nearby on a huge glacial sand dune. The complex became an important centre of restoring the cultural memory/inheritance of antiquity.
▼如今洛爾施修道院僅存的建筑遺跡之一的國王大廳 K?nigshalle or Thorhalle is one of the only remains of Lorche Abbey
▼場地平面圖 Site plan
Parts of the area are the fragments of Lorsch Abbey’s complex with the famous Carolingian gate hall, the church ruins as well as the traces of the preceding Altenmünster, which is mainly a large green space with very few remains. In 2009 an interdisciplinary competition aimed at redesigning the area by connecting landscape and architecture while strictly following the regulations of monument preservation.
▼國王大廳附近的地形鋪裝形成視線引導 Sight lines near the K?nigshalle
▼小路連接了阿爾滕明斯特僧院古墻遺跡 The paths link to the original wall of the Altenmünster
▼遺址大部分區域為空曠的綠地 The area is now mainly a large green space with very few remains
我們團隊的設計理念是將歷史作為一種景觀呈現出來。不同于過去常用的歷史可視化手法,我們的設計強調地面的處理,嚴謹而細膩的地形處理凸顯了那些未經修飾的遺跡,為場地提供了展示自己的 "舞臺 "。我們改造了修道院周邊地形,引導游客的觀景視線,并在修道院和阿爾滕明斯特僧院間增設了步行道。設計重現了這兩座宗教建筑的遺址,并覆蓋以保護性的草坪。
Our central idea was to render history visible as a landscape. Unlike former, often historicizing visualizations, our design approach focused on the ground plane. With the help of careful and subtle topographic interventions, the spare remains were accentuated. Thus, we mainly provided a “stage” for the site to present itself. – The glacial sand dune where the Abbey was built on was remodeled. Lines of sight from the visitors’ different points of view were established as well as new paths and walkways to stroll between the Abbey and the Altenmünster. The footprints of the monastic building structures have been reshaped and covered with a lawn-like protective carpet.
▼細膩的地形標記出建筑遺址的位置 Subtle topographic interventions reshaped the original building strunctures
▼場地內的步行小徑 Pathways in the area
With these means, we succeeded in making the absence of the ancient monastery felt. The design has resulted in an unobtrusive layout that respects topography, architecture, and archaeological findings at the same time.
▼謙遜的設計向遺址致敬 An unobtrusive layout that respects the site
景觀設計團隊:Topotek 1
合作團隊:hg merz architekten
UNESCO World Heritage Site Cloister Lorsch
Location: Lorsch, Germany
Client: State Administration for Palaces and Gardens of Hesse and
the City of Lorsch
Landscape Architecture: Topotek 1
Collaboration: hg merz architekten
Planning: 2010-2012
Completion: 2014
Size: 6 ha