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在中國的新興城市里,典型街區的大小約為500x500平方米以上。大型街區的問題主要存在于兩方面:1、反城市——它減少了建筑/社區與城市之間的互動; 2、高碳排放——公共交通不進入街區,城市空間又不宜于步行,使城市交通以小汽車為主導。
The size of the typical block in new Chinese cities starts from approximately 500x500 square meters. The problem of the mega block is two-fold: 1. It is anti-urban – it weakens the interaction between buildings/communities and the city; 2. It is high-carbon – it makes an automobile-oriented city where public transportations stop outside the block and its scale does not support walking.
This observation suggests that the effort to reduce carbon emission could become an attempt to increase urbanity, which in turn inspires a modest, potentially effective, design strategy: Reduce the size of the block.
▲ 22個微型街區組成的城市肌理 Urban fabric formed by 22 Mini Blocks - 攝影 田方方
▲ 傍晚街燈亮起的街道 Evening view with street lights - 攝影 田方方
The Project
When Atelier FCJZ was given the opportunity to design an office park outside of Shanghai in the satellite town of Jiading, the Industry 4.0 Demonstration Base, we defined the challenge as following:The bigger questions: An office park is typically suburban, can we turn it more urban? What are the qualities of urban space? How to make the people use and enjoy them more?
Furthermore, we focused on one specific question:How small can a block be?
The size of a block is determined by density, scale, and program. A block is part of the urban fabric and defined by streets.
▲ 典型十字路口 Typical intersection - 攝影 田方方
▲ 項目邊緣有一條步行小徑 Edge of the project with a footpath
The Fabric
在我們提出的總體規劃中,通過低層數 (4層),高密度(平均總體規劃容積率1.2 /街區容積率2)平鋪和混合功能,來提高城市的便捷性:這些建筑主要為高科技公司辦公,一層為公共/商業設施,居住部分(由于中國的功能分區法規中要求工業園內只能有租賃公寓和酒店,而不能有公寓)在頂層。
In the master plan we propose, urban accessibility is improved by a low-rise (4 stories) high density (average master plan FAR 1.2 / block FAR 2) carpet and mixed programs: Mainly offices for high-tech companies with public/ commercial facilities on the street level and some residential elements (rental apartments and hotels but not condominiums due to Chinese zoning regulation) on the top floor.
The Street
The primary urban space here is the street, which is 10 meters wide and spatially defined by the 3-meter wide covered walkways on the ground level of the buildings on both sides. As the project is situated in the southern Yangtze River region, covered walkways protect pedestrians from long rainy season and excessive sun in the summer.
▲ 步行道兩側的騎樓 Pedestrain street with covered walkway on both sides - 攝影 田方方
▲ 沿著步行道的騎樓 Under covered walkway along a pedestrain street - 攝影 田方方
The Block
After considering the facts that each company will own the building up to 4,000 square meters, retail outlets and eateries would desire corner locations, walk-ability and connectivity between blocks, and more building-street interface in general, we set the block size at 41.2 x 41.2 meters.
網格:街道中心之間相距大約為50米x 50米。
街區/建筑模數:將41.2米分解為5個8米的柱距,兩端再各有0.6米用于建筑外立面處理。41.2 x 41.2米也符合每座建筑4000平方米的容積率,該面積允許若干小公司或一家大公司占用一個街區。這是一個單棟建筑的街區。雖然所有的建筑大小相似,但每個建筑的平面和立面設計都不同,這使得此開發項目能夠滿足不同企業的空間和身份的需求,并豐富了城市空間的體驗。
Other important dimensions:
Grid: Approximately 50 meters x 50 meters from street center to street center.
Block/Building module: 41.2 meters break down to 5 x 8-meter column-to-column bays plus 0.6 meter on each end for potential architectural articulation of facade. 41.2 x 41.2 meter meets the floor area ratio of 4,000 square meters per block thus to allow a block to be occupied by a number of small firms or one large company. It is a single-building block. While all the buildings are of similar sizes, each one is designed differently in terms of floor plans and elevations, which allows the development to meet the varied space as well as identity needs of the businesses and enriches the experience in the urban spaces.
First 4 blocks: When we started the architectural design of the first four blocks, we were asked to facilitate a number of public functions, such as a convention center and a hotel, which result in a 8-story buildings. To be true to our master plan, we designed two separate pieces of architecture: One is four 4-story block-buildings on the ground; another is 4-story continuous loop-building that “floats” on the top of the blocks.This is an indication that the mini block may work for a higher density.
There are 22 block-buildings designed by FCJZ.
The 41.2 block is the antithesis of the typical 500-meter and up mega block (Super mega block would go up to 800x800 meters). It's the Mini Block.
The master plan concept is reinforced by several other measures:
Integrated circulation:
While planning a series of pedestrian streets, we introduced to some of secondary circulatory routes the concept of “Shared Street” to mix street life and vehicular traffic through careful design to achieve safety and accessibility at the same time. Unfortunately, this idea was not fully realized.
Covered walkway system:
Already mentioned with the street, a 3-meter wide colonnade or cantilever is required on the street level for all the buildings, as specified in the design guidelines.
Building envelope:
Setback is not permitted from the second floor and up, also as specified in the design guidelines.
The design process:
The conventional master plan for control in China does not define the specific locations and configurations of buildings and as a result it does not control the quality of urban spaces. We developed design guidelines between the stages of master plan design and architectural design as a critical tool for implementation. Therefore, other design institutes/offices participating in the project have all followed the design guidelines.
Upon the completion of the project, we believe:Small is beautiful.
Yet one question remains unanswered:What is urbanity?
客戶: 嘉定工業區
地點: 嘉定工業園區,嘉定區,上海
主持建筑師: 張永和
項目團隊: Dan Chen、劉靖、劉向暉、蔡峰、董書音、林方杰、劉揚、郭慶民、吳瑕、黃舒怡、沈愉恒、趙春雷等
建筑面積: 70085.7 ㎡
結構材料: 框架混凝土拱結構,鋼桁架結構
設計周期: 2008 - 2014
竣工時間: 2020
攝影師: 田方方/Tian Fangfang
Project Info
Client: Shanghai Jiading Industrial Zone
Location: Jiading Industrial Park, Jiading District, Shanghai, China
Principal Architects: Yung Ho Chang
Project Team: Dan Chen, Liu Jing, Liu Xianghui, Cai Feng, Dong Shuyin, Lin Fangjie, Liu Yang, Guo Qingmin, Wu Xia, Huang Shuyi, Shen Yuheng, Zhao Chunlei etc.
Collaboration: Arcplus Institute of Shanghai Architectural Design & Research (Co., Ltd)
Building Area: 70085.7 m2
Structure and Material: Reinforced concrete arch, Steel truss
Design Period: 2008 - 2014
Completion Time: 2020