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Adjoin Garden, with an ancient architectural illusion, is located in the heart of Nanshan District, Shenzhen. Surrounded by modern high-rise buildings, it is situated on a multifunctional plaza integrating office, commerce, and leisure functions. The architectural part is a historic Qing Dynasty building with rich cultural meaning. The original facade and interior decoration of the building were preserved and moved to the city center, becoming a multifunctional site for various cultural activities.
▲項目現場,site view ?陳顥
The bricks, tiles, stones, and woods of the ancient buildings were disassembled and restored as they were, covering an area of about 258 square meters. This building has a brick and wood structure, featuring cornice cliffs, blue bricks, black tiles, and horse-head walls.
▲古建筑位于江西九江原址圖片。“大夫第”是古代文官居住的府邸,屬清代康熙年間的徽派建筑,至今已三百多年歷史 Photo of the original architecture located in Jiangxi Province Jiujiang City. “Daifudi”was the residence of civil officials in ancient times. It features the Huizhou Architecture style which was prevalent during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty dating back more than 300 years
When designing the landscape, we have to consider the differences in the atmosphere between the ancient buildings and the modern commercial environment; moreover, the design should also echo the functions of the building, creating a corresponding landscape form and space. Doing so can be challenging since there is sharp contrast between the ancient building and the towering modern high-rises.
▲平面圖,plan ?七月合作社
The designer carefully studied the form of ripples and displayed the curvature in the courtyard by utilizing different landscape materials. At the same time the design embodies the divergence of culture, forming a layered, spreading, and transitional landscape effect, balancing the atmospheric difference between ancient buildings and modern commercial environments.
Based on the characteristics of the architecture and the site, the space was reorganized and applied the rippling form on to the landscape, creating a gradual spatial effect.
▲設計元素提取漣漪的曲線,結合展示平臺概念 ?七月合作社
design elements inspired by the curves of a ripple, combined with the concept of the display platform
In combination with the concept of a display platform, the landscape design with corresponding platform areas will accentuate the sense of ritual in the courtyard space. Due to the lack of windows around the ancient buildings for direct viewing from the interior, the setting of the platform provides an activity area for the outside landscape, allowing users to enjoy the courtyard space.
▲鳥瞰圖。將古建筑視為文化展品,景觀環境則提供展示平臺 ?陳顥
Bird-eye view. Ancient buildings are treated as cultural exhibits, while the landscape provides a display platform
The straight line and simple design emphasize the sense of ritual at the main entrance of the building. The ground is embedded with yellow-rust stone slab with lychee surface textures, serving as a transition from the plaza to the ancient building and echoing with the surrounding stones of the courtyard. The Fujian tea tree hedge, at each corner of the main entrance, creates a fresh and open landscape atmosphere. The north and south sides of the entrance exhibit a completely different atmosphere. The south side is a space with the hard pavement; the north side has a water feature, which breaks the linearity of the building entrance.
▲入口空間,the entrance space ?陳顥
▲入口南側為硬質鋪裝外擺空間,the south side is a space with the hard pavement ?陳顥
▲北側水景元素,the north side has a water feature ?陳顥
The outer space is designed with less vegetation to create an open view. The stone walls enrich the visual depth of the landscape, and the use of yellow rust stones fortify the sense of volume and sculptural feel of the stone walls.
▲外擺空間,the outer space ?陳顥
▲外擺空間,the outer space ?陳顥
Since the west door of the ancient building is more private than the other side doors, the landscape design visually extends the outdoor space, creating a sense of depth.
▲種植空間,planting space ?陳顥
Since the pedestrian path is relatively narrow, the surrounding landscape of the ancient building will serve to offset the path that enters from the north . At the intersection, pedestrians will enter the design area through elevators and stairs. To avoid people looking directly at the entrance of the ancient building, which will lose a sense of mystery and curiosity, the vegetation is used to increase the depth of the space, creating a secluded and quiet atmosphere.
▲庭院空間,Courtyard Space ?陳顥
Hedges will cover the entrance and the paved yellow-rust stone slabs will make the landscape appear more natural. Besides, it also elongates the pedestrian path which makes the route of people entering the building more winding, adding a sense of privacy.
▲樹籬遮擋入口,鋪裝黃銹石石板 ?陳顥hedges will cover the entrance and the paved yellow-rust stone slabs will make the landscape appear more natural
設計師將古建筑視為坐落于現代城市中的文化展品, 景觀則是提供展示平臺的場所,利用多種元素對其進行襯托呼應,削弱古建筑與商業環境之間的突兀感。并利用景觀中的自然元素,調和古建筑與商業環境的氛圍差異,景觀與建筑呼應,相互融合,在現代城市中為人們呈現一片蘊含自然與文化的精神綠洲。
The designer treats the ancient buildings as cultural exhibits in the modern city, with the landscape providing a display platform. A variety of elements are used to set off and echo them, weakening the disconnection between the ancient buildings and the commercial environment. The natural elements in the landscape are used to reconcile the atmosphere difference between the ancient buildings and the commercial environment. The landscape and the architecture echo and merge, creating a spiritual oasis of nature and culture for people in the modern city.
Project Name: Adjoin Garden
Client: Shenzhen Genzon Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Project Location: Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Landscape Design: July Cooperative Company
Website: july-co.com
Email: info@july-co.com
Lead Designers: Heng Kang, Dayong Tao, Yang Chen, Yaqing Zeng, Zhao Ye
Project Scope: Conceptual Design, Construction Drawings, Design Supervision
Project Size: Approx. 1600 square meters
Construction Date: 2019.08
Completion Date: 2020.08
Photography: Hao Chen