In a competitive global marketplace, each university promotes their academic strengths, the quality of their teaching and learning spaces as well as their campus character and experience.
RMIT’s identity is clearly defined by its research and innovation as well as its urban context and reinforced by its commissioning of extraordinary architecture – architecture that not only contributes to a vibrant student experience, but also contributes a significant design legacy to the city.
RMIT is also distinguished by its role as an urban campus that is intertwined into Melbourne’s city experience.
The New Academic Street project brings the vibrancy and theatre of urban life into the heart of the campus by re-establishing its relationship with the city.
RMIT campus intertwined with the city ? Peter Hyatt

Through a consortia of architects, led by Lyons, RMIT has undertaken a significant redevelopment of their main academic buildings and library along Swanston Street. The project addresses key issues of the precinct, including reactivating the Swanston Street frontage, providing new links from this spine through the heart of the buildings to Bowen Lane, provides new library services, delivers new informal student learning spaces and services as well as a new food and retail heart.
The monotonous campus before the transformation ? TCL

Activating the Street frontage ? Massimo Combi

TCL was commissioned as landscape architects and urban designers to ensure the public realm contributed to the revitalisation and dynamism of the precinct. The project required new connecting laneways, student spaces along the Bowen Lane Terrace and significant new roof garden landscapes.
皇家墨爾本理工大學位于城區內,與城市脈絡交織在一起。過去的20年在Peter Elliott的管理下,其公共空間已進行過升級改造,并與各種通道、庭院、廣場和步道清晰相連,成為了更大范圍的城區交通網絡的框架和節點的一部分。
RMIT is an urban campus and intertwined into the city fabric. Over the past 20 years, under the stewardship of Peter Elliott, its public spaces have been upgraded and connected with a sequence of legible lanes, courts, squares and promenades that form part of the greater city circulation structure and identity.
To provide greater connectivity and permeability to the campus, we used the morphology of the city to establish new connections from Swanston Street to Bowen Lane. These laneways convey a Melbourne character in both scale and materiality to stitch the site into its broader context.
The Yellow Beam as as a new urban walkway ? Massimo Combi

Bowen Street Terrace
由TCL設計的造型大膽的座椅,極為吸睛,與重新安置的黃色梁架相得益彰——這個梁架最初是由Peter Elliott設計的防雨棚。場地原來的楝樹如今被種植成一片提供陰涼的小樹林,并與城市平臺相呼應。
Recently universities in Australia have undergone significant transformations after recognising the need to move from traditional isolated citadels to places that are engaged with the dynamism of civic life. Students are spending less time on campus with impacts on learning outcomes.
Universities are now providing settings that are more open and inviting, providing more student-friendly spaces with stronger connections to the wider community.
New Academic Street (NAS) provides a civic experience on campus, offering vibrancy, social opportunities, dynamism and changing events and character, all commensurate with great city experiences.
The Bowen Terrace consolidates this precinct as the heart of the City Campus via a generous urban platform that has become a setting for student life. A new timber terrace is now host to events, graduation celebration, student clubs, markets, food and beverage services, as well as informal seating spaces.
Bold custom-designed seating by TCL provides an arresting graphic and compliments the relocated Yellow Beam Arbor – a weather protection canopy originally designed by Peter Elliott. Transplanted Melias from the site are arranged to provide a central shady grove and counterpoint to the urban terrace.
The arresting custom-designed seating ? Shannon McGrath

The preserved Melias provide shaded areas for the site ? Shannon McGrath

Adjacent laneways, active retail edges, student services and informal seating spaces contribute to a dynamic heart that replaces the previous concrete slab with limited public functions and appeal.
In a campus with limited external spaces, Bowen Terrace fulfils a need that staff and students were provided a setting that fostered multiple functions from meeting, study, quiet reflection, while being flexible enough to cater for major events and ceremonies.
The Bowen Terrace as a flexible outdoor multi-purpose space ? Shannon McGrath

Roof Landscapes
NAS integrates roof landscapes as an intrinsic part of the multi-level development to ensure external spaces for parties, meeting, study or reflection are available at many levels of the project.
An outdoor terrace and garden extend seamlessly from the redeveloped library, ensuring the NAS project overall provided 40% more student space than what was previously available.
The outdoor terrace and garden extend seamlessly from the redeveloped library ? Massimo Combi

These terraces connect to adjacent roof gardens that provide yet more quiet study opportunities within a more immersive planted experience.
These roof landscapes are now an integral part of the circulation structure of the New Academic Street and demonstrate best practice in sustainable green roof technology and have links to ongoing research programs.
Terrace as an outdoor learning space ? Shannon McGrath

Student and Staff Input
The overall project was an ambitious undertaking, with design teams supported by many technical disciplines and guided by RMIT’s leadership team and design review processes. The project was also fully informed by student and staff input through the development of the early concept phase through interactive workshops and dedicated stakeholder forums.
如此規模又如此復雜的項目需要強有力的領導和高效的合作。Carey Lyon和他的團隊與皇家墨爾本理工大學創建了整個合作框架,確保景觀設計師與每位建筑師及其不同的設計表達之間,有開放的設計交流,這也是整個團隊合作的重要部分。屋頂景觀設計是一個挑戰,要確保景觀既凸顯出每個獨立建筑的設計意義,同時也是彼此相連的整體空間的一部分。
A project of this scale and complexity demands strong leadership and true collaboration. Carey Lyon and his team at Lyons with RMIT University provided an overall collaborative structure that ensured open design communication was part of the integration between landscape architects and each of the individual architects and their diverse design expressions. The roof-scape design was a challenge to ensure the landscape reinforced each piece of individual architectural intent whilst forming part of a connected ensemble of spaces.
Delivers new informal student learning spaces ? Shannon McGrath

Sustainability and Innovation
在咨詢過Peter Elliott建筑與城市設計公司后,黃色梁架的整合作為重要的場地歷史元素被保留下來。通過仔細考慮,將它作為了新的城市步道,是起到連接和統一功能的結構元素。它還是雨天的庇護所。
Sustainability is a core goal for RMIT and as such the NAS project has been designed to ensure that resources provide long-term value and that the campus is vibrant, accessible and innovative. RMIT is committed to developing buildings and facilities that are designed to meet high standards of energy and water efficiency while reducing carbon emissions and encouraging responsible behaviours.
Features of NAS and its public realm include rejuvenating existing buildings, creating natural ventilation that is integrated with green roof technology, using low impact and recycled materials, creating living laboratories in conjunction with landscape architecture students, and collecting, filtering and recycling water.
The integration of the Yellow Beam in consultation with Peter Elliott Architecture and Urban Design was an important legacy element. It was considered carefully as a new urban walkway; as a connecting and unifying structure. It also provides shelter on rainy days.
The Yellow Beam as a connecting and unifying structure ? Shannon McGrath

The Yellow Beam as a shelter on rainy days ? Massimo Combi

合作公司:Lyons, NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, Minifie van Schaik Architects and Maddison Architects
Project: RMIT New Academic Street landscapes
Location: Melbourne, Victoria
Client: RMIT University
Landscape Architecture and Urban Design: TCL
Collaboration: Lyons, NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, Minifie van Schaik Architects and Maddison Architects