Little Island 小島是哈德遜河上新建的公園,它承載了該河上三個全新的表演場所。小島被設計為人與野生生物的世外桃源,并通過雕塑般的種植槽將這方綠洲托舉在水上。經由步道,只需片刻步程便能到達曼哈頓下西區。
Little Island is a new public park that shelters three new performance venues on the Hudson River. Designed as a haven for people and wildlife, it is a green oasis, held above the water by sculptural planters, and located just a short walk across a gangplank from Manhattan’s Lower West Side.
Little Island View from 11th Ave ? Timothy Schenck

aerial view ? Timothy Schenck

Little Island held above the water ? Timothy Schenck

Little Island Park entrance ? Angela Weiss

Little Island Gangplank at sunset ? Angela Weiss

起初,Heatherwick Studio應慈善家Barry Diller與哈德遜河公園信托公司之邀,為曼哈頓西南邊的新碼頭設計一座公共場館。不過設計團隊并未囿于一座單純的裝飾性建筑,而是從中察覺到重新思考和定義碼頭的契機。設計的出發點并非結構,而是游客的體驗:凌于水上的興奮感,以及沉浸于綠意、,遠離塵囂的愜意——這一想法是受到中央公園的啟發而產生的,在那里人們會忘卻自己正身處美國人口最稠密的城市當中。
Heatherwick Studio was initially invited by philanthropist Barry Diller and the Hudson River Park Trust to create a pavilion for a new pier off the south-west of Manhattan. Instead of designing a decorative object to sit in the Hudson River Park, the design team saw an opportunity to rethink what a pier could be. The starting point was not the structure, but the experience for visitors: the excitement of being over the water, the feeling of leaving the city behind and being immersed in greenery – inspired by Central Park, where it’s possible to forget that you are in the midst of the most densely populated city in the United States.
GENERAL PARK PLAN ? Heatherwick Studio and MNLA

Little Island site plan ? Timothy Schenck

The centre of Little Island is a flexible venue with capacity for larger scale events ? Timothy Schenck

the recreation area ? Timothy Schenck

Piers were traditionally flat to allow boats to dock, but did they have to be? In contrast to the flat streets of Manhattan, the design team wanted to create a new topography for the city, which could rise up to shape a variety of spaces. The first iteration was a curled leaf form floating on the water, its veins rising like ribs at the edges to shelter the space from the wind. The idea of raising the park on its foundations came from the existing wooden piles in the water, remnants of the many piers that used to extend from the shoreline of Manhattan. Beneath the visible tips of the wood, the piles have become an important habitat for marine life and are a protected breeding ground for fish.
geological section ? Heatherwick Studio and MNLA

the contours of the park ? Timothy Schenck

the existing wooden piles in the water inspired designers ? Timothy Schenck

Heatherwick Studio將碼頭構想為一場完整的體驗:一個富有凝聚力的單體構筑物,而非無關元素的堆砌。新的基柱總是必要的無論什么形式的碼頭都需要新的基柱,但它們不再只是支撐甲板的柱子,而是成為甲板本身——延展成種植槽,并相互融為一體,共同構成了公園的表面。高低錯落的基柱樁構成了公園的輪廓:碼頭的一角被抬升,使陽光能照射到下方的海洋棲息地;邊緣部分垂下,塑造出山丘、觀景臺,以及可舉辦演出的天然露天劇場。如此,碼頭與它的支撐結構渾然一體。
Heatherwick Studio envisaged the pier as a complete experience; a single, cohesive object, rather than unrelated elements stuck together. New piles would be necessary to support any type of pier. Instead of sticks holding up a deck, the piles become the deck – they extend into planters that join together to create the park’s surface. The height of the piles varies to create the park’s contours: the corner of the pier is lifted to allow sunlight to reach the marine habitat, and the edge falls to define hills, viewpoints and to carve out a natural amphitheatre for performances. In this way, the pier and its supporting structure are one.
The piles extend into planters that join together to create the park’s surface ? Timothy Schenck

the corner of the pier is lifted to allow sunlight to reach the marine habitat ? Timothy Schenck

highest point ? Timothy Schenck

The modules at the entrance raised up as the southeast viewing spot ? Timothy Schenck

The theatre needed back-of-house spaces, but the design team didn’t want to interrupt the park with a building. The solution came through the structure: the tallest piles transfer the load to lower piles, allowing a void to be created beneath the deck. In this undercroft, the foundations are revealed and a viewing platform is created above the water, allowing a unique perspective of the pier and river, while concealing the facilities on a discreet deck. Every aspect of the experience has been considered, from the way the greenery unfolds on the approach to the view from each theatre seat. With its unique mix of venues and parkland, Little Island is a pause in the pace of Manhattan; a place where New Yorkers and visitors can cross the river to lie under a tree, watch a performance, catch the sunset and feel connected to the water and natural world.
the amphitheatre ? Timothy Schenck

section ? Heatherwick Studio and MNLA

The planters, or ‘pots’ are filled with more than a hundred different species of indigenous trees and plants, which encourage biodiversity and are able to thrive in New York’s climate – each corner of the island represents a different microclimate.
the recreation area ? Timothy Schenck

There are roughly 400 different species of trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials throughout Little Island and at least 100 different species of trees through the park that are suited to the New York climate. Each corner of the island represents a different microclimate depending on the topography, sun exposure and wind patterns.
A rich mix of plants on Little Island ? Timothy Schenck

The four seasons are evident through flowering trees and shrubs in spring, evolving perennial displays in summer, foliage blended with softer hues of grasses in fall, and evergreens trees and shrubs in winter.
General park plan in different seasons ? Heatherwick Studio and MNLA

To determine the pots’ form, the design team looked to nature, and the mosaic of ice that forms around the wooden piles when the river freezes. The studio reinterpreted this in a tessellated pattern that appears organic, but uses repeated elements that could be standardised for fabrication.
General park undercroft plan ? Heatherwick Studio

organic but uses repeated elements that could be standardized for fabrication ? Heatherwick Studio and MNLA

▼花槽細部剖面 & 軸測分解圖
detail pot section & exploded pot axon ? Heatherwick Studio and MNLA

exterior view ? Timothy Schenck

在小島四周最為明顯的位置,這些花槽的角度和重復方式經過了尤其細致的考量。為了讓混凝土結構擁有光滑的觸感,Heatherwick Studio與當地一家制造商進行了密切合作。預制構件通過船只被運送至場地進行組裝,最大限度地減少了對城市的干擾。
Care was taken to vary the angle and repetition of pots at the perimeter, where they were most visible. To give the structural concrete a smooth, tactile quality, Heatherwick Studio worked closely with a local fabricator. The precast components were transported by boats and assembled on site, minimising disruption to the city.
‘tulip pot’ modules were taken carefully at the perimeter ? Timothy Schenck

Piles under construction ? Little Island

項目名稱:Little Island 小島
項目地點:New York 紐約
項目規模:11,000 m2
設計公司:Heatherwick Studio 赫斯維克建筑事務所
施工單位:Hunter Roberts Construction Group
委托方:Hudson River Park Trust (HRPT) & Pier 55 Project Fund (P55P)
建成時間:May 2021
圖片來源:Heatherwick Studio
所獲獎項:Architect's Newspaper,Unbuilt Landscape, Honorable Mention