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該項目位于威尼斯Dorsoduro區Zattere藝術博物館的鹽沼花園,可以永久免費參觀,由Assemble與We Are Here Venice合作設計,是V-A-C基金會在2017年發起的長期計劃的第一步,旨在使Zattere藝術博物館融入威尼斯人的日常生活。
Laguna Viva [Living Lagoon] is a new free to access permanent saltmarsh garden at the Palazzo delle Zattere in the Sestiere di Dorsoduro in Venice designed in collaboration with We Are Here Venice. The garden is the first part of a long-term strategy to enable Palazzo delle Zattere to engage with the complexities of everyday life in Venice. The strategy was developed by Assemble and We Are Here Venice for the V-A-C Foundation in 2017.
The garden is designed to enhance the on-going conversation about the intimate and mutually dependent relationship between Venice and its context.It is composed of a series of tiled tanks that house a typical example of the Venetian Lagoon’s saltmarsh habitat, arranged according to botanical associations and the morphology of the lagoon.
▲效果圖,rendering ? Assemble
Inspired by the generosity and richness of Venetian floors, the 12,000 tiles were made using an adapted version of 19th Century British encaustic tile-making techniques, introducing a moment of chance into the processes to make every tile different. The tiles were developed and made by Granby Workshop. They were installed temporarily in the Central Pavilion at the 16th Architecture Biennale before being permanently relocated to the Palazzo.
▲項目鳥瞰,aerial view
▲座位區,瓷磚不盡相同,seating area,tiles are different
▲瓷磚組成瀉湖水池,lagoon tank consisting of tiles ? Assemble
該項目的瀉湖水池借鑒了Jane da Mosto和muf事務所在12屆建筑雙年展設計的英國館。游客可以從花園訪問基金會、藝術家和當地居民。
The Lagoon tanks build on the successful experiment by Jane da Mosto with muf art/architecture for the British Pavilion at the 12th Architecture Biennale. The garden is accessible to visitors to the foundation, artists and local residents.
▲鄰水入口,entrance besides water
▲花園前部,front view
▲從瀉湖水池看向座位區,view from lagoon tanks to seating area
The tanks are microcosms of the wider lagoon and offer a resource for research and teaching on ecological resilience and the natural systems that underpin the survival of the city.
▲側入口,side entrance
▲從側入口看向花園,view from side entrance to garden
▲花園后部,back view
該項目與園藝家Lorenzo Bonometto和Filippo de Sero、威尼斯建筑事務所APML、照明設計工作室Michael Grubb Studio、環境工程師Studio Grava和結構工程師Beppi Mazzon合作,并得到事務所muf、Valentine Clays、Barbara Pastor的支持和建議。
The project has been delivered in collaboration with horticulturalists Lorenzo Bonometto and Filippo de Sero, Venetian Architects APML, lighting designers Michael Grubb Studio, Environmental Engineers Studio Grava and Structural Engineer Beppi Mazzon, with support and advice from muf art/architecture, Valentine Clays and Barbara Pastor.
▲軸測,axonometry ? Assemble
▲瀉湖水池平面,plan of lagoon tanks ? Assemble