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項目位于布魯克林著名的歷史地標性街區,由紐約Worrell Yeung建筑事務所設計,是一個褐砂石建筑前后院的翻修工程。除了更新歷史細節以及升級落后的花園基礎設施之外,設計師還將辦公室的內外邊界線打開,將更多的自然光線引入這個連排的老建筑中,為花園創造了多層次的人工與自然景觀。
New York, NY–NYC-based architecture office Worrell Yeung has designed the renovation of the front and back gardens of a brownstone in a Historic Landmark District in Brooklyn Heights, NY. In addition to updating historical details and upgrading a lagging garden infrastructure, the office opened up the boundary between indoors and outdoors, letting additional light into the townhouse, and creating a rich, layered garden environment.
▲后院改造概覽, overall view of the backyard renovation ? Alan Tansey
花園的現狀不容樂觀,其總面積為860平方英尺(約80平方米),光線暗淡,缺乏景觀,蚊蟲滋生。并且,由于缺少排水系統,導致了地面嚴重滲水。在此情況下,Worrell Yeung事務所在前院重建了歷史悠久的鍛鐵圍欄與大門的細節,并增加了現代化的石質鋪路與定制花槽。
The existing condition of the gardens, totaling 860 square feet, were bleak and un-landscaped—and included astroturf, mosquito infestations, and water infiltration due to lack of drainage. In the front yard, Worrell Yeung reconstituted the historic forged iron fencing and gate details, adding modern contextual stone pavings and custom planters.
▲前院翻修了鍛鐵圍欄與大門,增設了石質鋪路與定制花槽,renovation of the iron fencing and gate with stone pavings and custom planters in the front yard ? Alan Tansey
At the rear, new enlarged steel casement windows and doors on the ground level and first floor bring additional light into the townhouse and open onto a new balcony with a new, black custom metal staircase that descends into the intimate garden below.
▲新增的開放式陽臺與定制金屬樓梯,new balcony with the custom metal staircase ? Alan Tansey
▲大面積鋼框門窗將自然光線引入室內,large steel casement windows bring additional light ? Alan Tansey
In keeping with their overarching architecture and design practice, several discrete but similar cubic volumes were designed to organize space within the gardens, containing plantings and a spa in the back, and waste/recycling protection in the front.
▲后院空間組織示意圖,scheme of the backyard ? Worrell Yeung
“這與我們做過的許多室內項目是一致的,我們樂于在一個空間中放置‘物品’。這些‘物品’好比一個展示櫥窗,幫助我們將空間組織起來。該項目里的樹池與水療池就是一個好例子。”事務所的創始人Jejon Yeung如是說道。與傳統的樹籬墻不同,設計師在花園中有意地將多個植物區分層,在保持植被繁茂的同時還能保證使用者的隱私。
“This is consistent with a lot of the interior architecture work we do, in which we deploy ‘objects’ within a space. We treated these objects like vitrines, which helped us to organize the cubic hot tub with the plantings, for example,” says Jejon Yeung, co-founder of Worrell Yeung. Instead of laying out a more traditional wall of hedges, Worrell Yeung purposefully layered multiple plant areas in the garden to achieve lushness while still maintaining privacy.
▲由二層陽臺看向后院,viewing the backyard from the balcony ? Alan Tansey
The firm also strategically layered materials to further map distinction between areas within the back garden, as well as offer visual depth from within the townhouse. Historically precedent bluestone pavers were utilized in the area of the back garden closest to the house, while ipe wood comprises the hot tub vitrine, deck, and surrounding area, including bench seating and the dividing wall with the adjacent property. Black steel in the framing of the windows and doors, as well as the railings and balustrades, define the interior/exterior boundary.
▲材質的技術性劃分使后院內的空間分層更加明顯,layered materials further map distinction between areas ? Alan Tansey
▲繁茂的植被保證了使用者的隱私,lush vegetation ensures privacy for users ? Alan Tansey
“During design, we were focused on creating a backyard oasis; a small sanctuary to escape to but with a variety of experiences within the garden. Having different spaces and scale of plantings throughout made the garden read not as a singular outdoor space, but as an open living room to be inhabited,” says Yeung.
▲樓梯與室外長凳細部,detail of the staircase and the bench ? Alan Tansey