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What was previously a largely unused space adjoined by historical buildings is now becoming a new, inviting public amenity where you can casually enjoy a coffee in your lunch break or get some work done outdoors while children play in the water, young people skate and students relax in the sun…
This is certainly the new now in Kaunas, a city in Lithuania which, with the help of 3deluxe, has brought to life a future-oriented architectural concept that sets new impulses and is geared towards the communicative needs of a young and dynamic generation.
▼廣場鳥瞰,aerial view ?Norbert Tukaj
建筑和立面 | The buildings and fa?ades
Here, 3deluxe is creating an exciting ensemble featuring various architectural interpretations of the different eras that define the city. Hence, for example, the new corner building is an homage to Lithuania’s Art Deco heritage. With its rounded and organically shaped glass fronts and the elongated fa?ade, the corner building is quite captivating thanks to its elegant simplicity and flowing forms.
▼轉角處的新建筑,the new corner building ?Norbert Tukaj
▼從滑板廣場望向建筑,view from the skate park ?Norbert Tukaj
The central new-build block reflects the city’s Bauhaus tradition and forges a clear link to the now modernized dual ensemble that so epitomizes the International Style of the early 1960s. The redesign of the fa?ade picks up on the aesthetic simplicity to be found in this Baltic testimony to mid-century Modern, with a pronounced Cubist design vocabulary and clear lines.
▼從噴泉望向中央的新體量,view to the central new-build block from the fountain ?Norbert Tukaj
廣場 | The square
A historical square is transformed: 3deluxe initially developed two design levels that structure the entire surface as a grid made up of visible lines on the ground. One is linear and forms the historical context, in which the existing axes of vision and movement are taken into account. The other level is designed to be organic and fluid, reflecting the natural flows of movement of passers-by. This structuring gives rise not only to pathways but also to natural islands, which are enlivened in different ways: a green lawn for sunbathing, a skate park, a programmed fountain complex, or a modern event venue.
▼有機且流動的線條呼應了人群自然的移動方式,the organic and fluid lines reflects the natural flows of movement of passers-by ?Norbert Tukaj
▼滑板公園和座位區,the skate park and the landscaped seating area ?Norbert Tukaj
▼人工水景,artificial river ?Norbert Tukaj
Another addition, lying opposite the new corner building, is a modern amphitheater, and the frontage facing it can be outfitted with a giant LED screen for public viewings when required.
▼從露天劇場望向轉角建筑,view to the corner building from the amphitheater ?Norbert Tukaj
On this basis, additional mobile elements will be used to bring further life to the square: a pavilion that can be planted in various ways as an urban gardening project, changing installations such as kiosks, food trucks, and mobile seating, and a temporary event stage. All in all, it’s a square to bring people together, to create new opportunities, and to improve the quality of life for people in Kaunas.
▼平面圖和功能布局,plan & programme ?3Deluxe
項目地址:Vienyb?s aik?t?, 44029, Kaunas
廣場面積:15 400m2
停車場面積:15 826m2
建筑面積:16 862m2
攝影:Norbert Tukaj
Technical sheet
Title of project: V-Plaza – Urban Development
Discipline: Rebirth Project – Urban Development
Developer: SBA Group
Location: Vienyb?s aik?t?, 44029, Kaunas
Start of planning: first quarter of 2015
Construction period: November 2017 – March 2020
Completion: May 2020
Plaza: 15 400 m2
Parking: 15 826 m2
Buildings: 16 862 m2
Cost: 40 Million Euro
photo credit:Norbert Tukaj