地址:北京市海淀區中關村北大街100號(北樓)北京大學建筑與景觀設計學院一層 Email:info@landscape.cn
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40 多年來,Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl 安博戴水道在景觀設計領域完成了許多高質量項目。其中包括城市景觀設計和城市水文環境。在城市中運用兩者相結合的方式創造氣候適應性和彈性的城市居住環境。在 Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl 安博戴水道,我們相信,充滿活力的城市公共空間是宜居城市的核心。它讓社區更加有活力,讓人們與大自然更加接近,它既是休閑生活的延續,又是綠色健康生活的重要保障。我們行之有效的方法是在項目之初將團隊協作,公眾參與和跨部門的協調結合起來。從而產生出一種更完善的創新性城市解決方法。公眾參與成為了增強公民自豪感的第一步。
Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl 安博戴水道的服務范圍包括從城市規劃愿景到細部設計的整個設計,施工,管理過程。我們結合景觀,城市設計,城市水文,市政設計,生態設計等各學科的先進設計理念,以創造獨特的與水文基礎設施融為一體的城市公共休閑空間。科技創新在我們的設計中變得更加透明,景觀和水文的完美結合的設計特色,更是創造了高質量的理想生活體驗。
Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl, for more than 40 years we have delivered high quality projects in the field of landscape architecture, urban design and urban hydrology that enables livability while creating climate adaptive and resilient cities. At Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl we believe that a vibrant public realm is at the heart of livable cities. It creates communities, brings people in touch with nature and is a source of learning, pleasure, health and wellness. Our well-tried approach puts collaboration, hands-on public participation and cross-agency coordination as the first step in arriving at innovative solutions that generate civic pride.
Whether visible or invisible, water plays an essential role in the vitality of urban life. We solve multiple urban challenges by creating desirable green spaces often in marginal land while at the same time solving stormwater flooding problems, improving water quality and thereby creating harmonious blue-green solutions, increasing also the resilience of urban areas.
We are grounded visionaries who don’t just concept tualise solutions, we take them from visioning through detailed design to the management of construction and project commissioning. We combine cutting-edge skills in landscape architecture, urban design, urban hydrology, civil engineering and ecology to create special and unique public spaces in which water man agreement infrastructure is an aesthetic part of the amenity. Technology becomes transparent, a beautiful designed feature where landscape and water are fully integrated to create highly desirable living experiences.
Our passion and philosophy is founded on our European heritage, honed on projects all over the world and delivered by our multicultural teams in Germany, Singapore, China, the Nordic countries and the Middle East.
2、具備水管理和雨水利用規劃扎實的專業理論知識和較強的工程經驗,綜合協調和處理設計和施工配合中存在的問題, 對項目的開工、進度、總體設計、雨水利用設施施工有關專業問題有深入了解,能對設計提出合理化意見并準確處理判斷。
1、 景觀、規劃或建筑專業;
2、熟練運用AutoCAD、Adobe Illustrator、MS Office、PS等基本軟件;
1、 整理公司項目文章;
1、Relevant scholarship in urban water management, hydraulic engineering orenvironment engineering in leading university. Over 3 years of workingexperience. Preferential for experienced in large urban water management orecology stormwater system projects in Beijing, Shanghai or Shenzhen.
2、Solid professional expertise and knowledge of the hydraulic engineering andpractical experiences. Coordinating and cooperating with the problems inoverall stromwater system and construction comprehensively.
3、Familiar with relevant domestic design standards and regulations.Experienced in cooperating with customer, other design institutes andconstruction team.
4、Preferred for experiences in foreign design firms or co-working withforeign designer. Communicate fluently with foreign designers in English.
1、Relevant scholarship in landscape architecture, architecture or urban planning in leading university. Over 6 years of working experience in related.
2、Solid professional expertise and knowledge of the site experience.Coordinating and cooperating with the problems in design and constructioncomprehensively. Involved in overall design/ construction/ planting and otherrelevant professional design and construction methods, have thoroughunderstanding and offer professional suggestion for design development
3、Generally managing normal size landscape or planning project. Cooperating, arranging people distribution and work plan and configure the ability of the managing teams of more than six.
4、Able to present charged project effectively, stating professionally and logically on technical meeting or workshop discussion. Using Chinese and English accurately express design and construction issue
5、Experienced in foreign design firms or cooperator with foreign designer. Could communicate fluently with foreign designer in English.
1、 Relevant scholarship in landscape architecture, architecture or urban planning in leading university. Over 3 years of working experience in related. Oversees education background is preferred.
2 Solid professional expertise and knowledge of the site experience. Coordinating and cooperating with the problems in design and construction comprehensively. Involved in overall design/ construction/ planting and other relevant professional design and construction methods, have good understanding and offer professional suggestion for design development
3、 Able to present charged project effectively, stating professionally and logically on technical meeting or workshop discussion. Using Chinese and English accurately express design and construction issue
4、 Preferential for experienced in foreign design firms or cooperator with foreign designer. Could communicate fluently with foreign designer in English
1、Support project manager's and team member's daily work.
1、Majored in landscape, planning or architecture
2、Proficient skills in AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator and MS Office
3、Good command of English
4、Master degree
5、 Having work experience in landscape or architecture is preferred.
1. Organize company project articles;
2. Maintain company media channels (including company WeChat public accounts, etc.)
3. Assist in the planning and organization of corporate public events;
4. Complete graphic design work such as daily advertising of the company;
Senior or graduate, landscape, urban planning and other related majors, smooth writing
Working hours: at least two days a week
聯系方式:vivian.ouyang@dreiseitl.com ;
cathy.lv@dreiseitl.com 郵件名稱統一命名:應聘職位+姓名+景觀中國