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澳派景觀設計在處理復雜的項目、打造高品質的景觀和戰略發展上有著豐富的專業經驗。澳派景觀設計堅持為每個項目做認真細致的設計, 并根據其具體的需要和條件對設計進行修改。堅持可持續發展生態設計是我們設計中的重點和根本原則,力求為每個項目找到一個經濟利益、生態環境與社會效益的平衡點。我們的愿景和抱負是超越業主和社會的期望,做得更好。我們不僅服務于當地的項目,也服務于國際設計項目。我們服務的業主有各級政府部門和私人雇主。
At ASPECT Studios we’re always on the look-out for talented people to join our expanding team at all levels. If what we do aligns with what you believe in, we’d love to hear from you. Please send your portfolio showcasing your personal design work along with your CV and salary expectation to our HR Team at: shanghai@aspect.net.au.
萬科合肥城市之光商業一期 Vanke Hefei Light of City Retail Phase 1
Senior Landscape Architect/Team Leader
Landscape Architect
Landscape Architect - Detail Specialist
Assistant Landscape Architect (Graduate)
3D Artist
1. 5-8年的項目管理、合同及財務管理經驗,確保高品質的項目成果交付及實現項目盈利;
2. 豐富的專業技術技能,為設計團隊提供正確且清晰的方向;
3. 與同事和業主建立積極、友好的合作關系;
4. 具有專業的規劃、組織和時間管理能力,確保個人及團隊的工作能夠高效完成;
5. 具備清晰交流溝通和專業演講匯報能力;
6. 具備個人決策和解決問題的能力。
Senior Landscape Architect / Team Leader
5-8 years of experience in project, contract and financial management with high-level skills to ensure quality delivery and profitability of projects,
Professional technical skills to provide correct and clear direction to the design team,
Build and maintain positive relationships within and across teams and with clients,
Planning, organizing and time-management skills to ensure the efficiency and productivity of work,
Clear communication and presentation skills,
Decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
1. 對設計抱有極大的興趣,靈活處理設計問題;
2. 2-4年的設計工作經驗;
3. 熟練掌握CAD、SketchUp、Photoshop等軟件;
4. 必須具備團隊協作精神,在項目組長的帶領下高效開展設計工作;
5. 在中國或其他快速發展的國家中有項目參與者優先;
6. 能獨立完成方案設計。
Landscape Architect
A strong design interest and a lateral and flexible approach to solving design problems,
Preferably 2-4 years of work experience,
Solid knowledge in AutoCAD and a demonstration of SketchUp and Photoshop skills will be required,
Must be a good team player who can work efficiently under the guidance of the project leader,
Possessing project experience in China or other high-pace countries is beneficial,
Ability to complete schematic designs independently.
1. 2-3年以上的擴初或者施工圖經驗,具備擴初設計至施工圖設計的專業知識;
2. 熟悉中國國家標準,特別是施工工藝、材料、植物設計及知識與造價分析;
3. 具有良好的溝通技巧、有責任心和團隊合作精神,能在項目負責人和設計組負責人的帶領下高效展開工作;
4. 英文口語、書寫能力良好者優先。
Landscape Architect - Detail Specialist
2-3 years minimum of landscape construction documentation experience preferred with good understanding of Design Development and Construction Documentation,
Solid knowledge of construction, materials, planting design and knowledge and cost estimation of PRC National Standards,
Good communication skill, a strong sense of responsibility and team-working spirit to work efficiently under the guidance of project leaders/team leaders,
Good command of spoken and written English is beneficial.
1. 對設計抱有極大的興趣,靈活處理技術問題;
2. 1-2年的設計工作經驗;
3. 熟練掌握CAD、SketchUp、Photoshop等軟件;
4. 必須具有團隊協作精神,能在項目組長的帶領下高效地開展設計工作;
5. 在中國或者其他快速發展的國家中有項目參與者優先;
6. 服從上級分配的任務,并及時提交成果。
Assistant Landscape Architect (Graduate)
A strong design interest and a lateral and flexible approach to solving design problems,
Preferably 1-2 years of work experience,
Solid knowledge in AutoCAD and a demonstration of SketchUp and Photoshop skills will be required,
Must be a good team player who can work efficiently under the guidance of the project leader,
Possessing project experience in China or other high-pace countries is beneficial,
Ability to follow in instruction and deliver on time.
武漢金地中法仟佰匯 效果圖
1. 熟練使用3ds max, V-Ray, Photoshop, Lumion 6.0, Rhino, CAD等軟件;
2. 能夠高質量、高效率地完成圖片修改和美化;
3. 對行業建模、渲染及表現手法的最新科技有一定的關注;
4. 具有較強的團隊合作能力、溝通能力,態度端正、認真。
3D Artist
Sufficient software skills for 3ds max, V-Ray, Photoshop, Lumion 6.0, Rhino and CAD
The ability to refine image with high quality and high efficiency.
Pays attention to the latest technologies for modelling, rendering or other expression ways in the industry,
Being proactive and a great team player with good communication skills, positive attitude and earnest.
阿德萊德哈特作坊游樂場 Hart's Mill Surrounds
澳派景觀設計工作室ASPECT Studios是一支備受贊譽的國際設計團隊,從事景觀設計、城市設計、生態設計、高端互動型多媒體及環境標識設計,在澳大利亞和中國分別有六個工作室和超過160名專業設計人員。我們追求高品質創新設計,為每個項目做認真細致的分析設計,堅持可持續發展生態設計,創造更好的城市和自然生態環境。
電話: +86 21 5302 8555
上海市黃浦區局門路519 號江南智造生活廣場203室郵編200023