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admin 2015-06-09 來源:景觀中國網

斯蒂芬·布呂克曼(Stefan Brückmann):


















LAC:Could you introduce the development of Atelier Dreiseitl in China ? What projects about water environment al management are ongoing?

Brückmann:Atelier Dreseitl started to work in China in 2001 when we were at our first project for competition in Shanghai. The developer actually has taken exploration in Germany, so they were interested in the Germany architecture. Then we came with a Germany architecture company to attend an exhibition in Beijing where we met our first client - Zhangjiawo, Society Hill in Tianjin. This is our first sponge city construction in China in 2006.
  Then several competitions were followed. One of the competitions was for the culture park in TCC in Tianjin with our partner RhineScheme and we won the competition. In this project, we actually designed this big lake in TCC in Tianjin. That was the second competition, the realization competition. We have been part of this project and we have done the landscape architecture and water management design. We implemented sponge city concept to the project, which means the whole entire set collected storm water, treat it and release to the central lake. Through this project, Tianjin has become more and more stable partner for us as a client. The other project is the Tianjin airport GC Park, and we did it with GMP, the architects of which also did the architecture of Opera in the TCC side. The design of the project is a round lake in the middle, surrounded by commercial areas. And the landscape design was integrated with water management. These are the big projects in Tianjin. There are some other projects and competitions together with Foster Architects, such as Guorui in Beijing, May Flower in Guangzhou, the new development with Twin Tower in Chongqing and the new commercial center of Huawei in Hangzhou together with Henn Architects.
  Then the very important I think is our river projects, like the project in Zhangjiawo. Because the one part was the residential area developed with sponge city systems. The residential area covers a river, which was not owned by the developer, but we did the river restoration to reflect how it worked and how to clean the water. We did a very good project in Zhuzhou, Changsha, called 'one river, four streams'. We provided the masterplan and implemented the already started area, the new area and new golf course area, river restoration and the guideline for urbanization with integrated water management.
  Then there are a lot of competitions in Nanchang, Xian, Nanjing and Shenzhen. All these projects are related with water management. So our goal is we carry on and focus on sponge city projects and river restoration projects.



LAC:Atelier Dreiseitl has worked on design projects all over the world, such as Germany, Singapore, Middle East and China, could you tell us the differences and similarities of design works under such different regional cultures?

Brückmann: I start with the similarities, because it is much easier to understand. The similarities of all these projects are the clients wish they could receive better and healthier urban environment in the projects. Of course the projects are constructed for urban development and urbanization. Because of the long history and experience Atelier Dreiseitl has, we could provide the realized projects' experiences from realization. This is what our clients really need, and they need designers and planners who have the clear picture of what can be done from the theoretical modeling designs.
  I think the design work in every place is always connected to the local culture. For us, it is a work from the beginning to study and learn what kind of differences are there in this culture. But in the end, we are all human beings living on the same planet, having the same art, similar needs and wishes. This helps us to give guidelines and visions to the clients and to the people that how to do the design and how to integrate water functions into the projects. The major differences are that the climates, topography, the amount of people are different. In Germany, we have no such a big population like China or other Asia countries. The availability of water and the clients' difference are important to understand the culture and urban design in each land in the country. We have to get to know all these differences and to know how people react in that history. This is what we have to learn that how to use modern design language to translate it.
  I give some examples. In the Middle East, we have to discuss why they design water feature even if there is enough water. We always try to bring to the point that only with water, it is possible for people to start life in the Middle East and in the desert. People stay in the area where there is natural oasis or it is accessible to water easily. We think to translate it in modern urban design that if we create a nice place, you have to display and show water even if it is hard to get water. On the other hand, we have a plenty of water in Germany, we think that even there it is not easy to implement water system in urban environment, people forget about water. Even there water is easy to show, sometimes it tries to make water visible and keep it visible with functional systems and aesthetic design systems.
  Differences are related to the culture and to the experiences of people. So when we go here into landscape or rural areas, then I see that because of lack of education, people do not know what to do with the waste water and how to treat our nature resources. In Germany, responsibility has been taken from people, because we have centralized systems for water supply and waste water management. In modern urban area of China and Asia countries, we have the same principle and part of the responsibility has been taken by public authorities to treat water and handle water in an urban water circle. We think that it is not a good way to deal with water. We think that in the future people should get more responsibility and freely connect to water in environment. We can see in our projects how it works when it provides clear rivers and clear water features. People completely change their mind and start to protect water resources.


布呂克曼: 我們慢慢地對Ramboll集團加深理解,就像夫妻一樣,結婚之后會慢慢的了解自己的伴侶。我們也花了時間建立了良好的人際關系,并看到我們現在所擁有的可能性和機會。我認為加入后的一個巨大優勢,是我們現在有能力做更大的項目了,尤其是像在中國地區。Ramboll 集團能夠為我們提供更多各種類型的服務,現在我們就能對河段、廢水處理、雨水管理和景觀設計上提供全面的基礎設施規劃。未來,我們將會設置城市設計部門,從而真正提供對全球日益增長城市的進行全方面設計。另外,我們現在也在參與一些城市設計、綜合雨洪管理、河道設計以及景觀設計項目的競標,也希望在不久的將來,我們能真正落實整個的城市發展規劃項目。

LAC:After Atelier Dreiseitl joining Ramboll Group, how to facilitate sustainable city development further with complementary advantages? What other businesses has Atelier Dreiseitl developed in related water environmental department?

Brückmann: I think we slowly get to understand Ramboll Group. Like when you get married, after the marriage, you get to know you partner much better. It takes time to lead people to get personal relationship, to see what kind of possibilities and opportunities we have now. We think the big advantage is now, especially for China(there are always much bigger projects in China), we could deal with the big projects. Ramboll Group can provide more services and sorts of services, so now we can provide the whole infrastructure program for reaches, waste water management, storm water and landscape design. In the future, we will have urban design group. So we could really provide the whole range of growing global cities. Meanwhile we are doing a lot of competitions for urban planning, integrated storm management, river design, and landscape design. We think in the near future, we can provide the whole program for the urban development.


布呂克曼: 波茨坦廣場的難點有兩方面。第一方面是之前德國剛剛實施頒布了一部分法令,它規定在城市區域新開發的地方,產生的暴雨徑流需要進行源頭管理,通過進化儲存慢慢地釋放到周邊的河道中去。第二個是和我們合作的建筑師Renzo Piano,他在規劃的體系當中,把城市水體看成了一個非常重要的空間元素,這就對水質提出了非常高的要求。但最后我們把設計的要求和水系統功能的要求結合了起來,成功地完成了項目。



LAC:Potsdamer platz and the recent Copenhagen project in Germany have realized the program of water resistance and storm drainage, combining the public green areas with drainage system , what challenges do you have in the projects?

Brückmann: For the Potsdamer Plaza, the challenge was that the plaza or the whole area was ordered that the storm water should be released to the sewer system. Storm water should be captured and treated onside and slowly released to the river. And at the same time, the idea of the urban design from Renzo Piano was he designed the device center with a big lake, and he wanted to have this urban element as usual that should have very clean water. There are different topics in the project, the design topics but also functional storm management topics. The challenges were actually combined in this project.
  The Copenhagen project, this was very challenging, because we have been working on existing structures. The entire city of Copenhagen was hit by a very strong flood, and suffered heavy damage. The policy of Copenhagen climate plan has been released already, but they had to step back and to see what they needed. We have been part of the competition to provide solutions together with Ramboll. We won this competition for one part of the city. The challenges were that how to implement system infrastructure, flood management system, and how to combine the flood management with improvement of quality of urban spaces and public spaces.




LAC:Recently storm management and sponge city have become worldwide issues, how do you understand the globalization background of sponge city construction?

Brückmann: I think this is a very good question, because we are all hit by global climate change. We think that it is a very good possibility to globally work together to exchange experiences with some countries who work with storm management, integrated planning. Sponge City issues in other countries have started for 20 or 30 years, such as Germany and USA. Because of the strong development of Asia countries, this becomes a very good platform and under this globalization context, we can work together in this field of storm management and integrate the design into urban landscape architecture.



LAC:What do you think the ultimate goal of sponge city construction? And how could citizens benefit from it?

Brückmann: When you start to construct or to plan urban area, we face every place worldwide, the same problem issues, one of these sorts of engineers, so this is not a new invention or a new problem. Actually it is a problem from the beginning when urbanization started.
  The goal of sponge city is related to the goal to create safer and better life in the city. And the background is that we have to save and protect our resources. Sponge city is focusing on water resources and the goal of sponge city is to reduce runoff and improve water quality in rivers and to minimize pollution by overflow from sewer system. Finally we think and believe sponge city is the stepstone to develop highly sustainable system in our infrastructure and in our urban environment. So the picture of sponge is a natural way how water is received, treated and released to nature.



LAC:As water is the most important factor in sponge city construction, how do you think the designers understand water? What role do they act in water management?

Brückmann: I think that designers already know that water is a very esthetic element. That people like to be on water and exercise to water. We think that must be the combination of functional water systems. Infrastructures nobody does. And also the design of landscapes, urbanscapes where we integrate water as water feature for nice design. They await how to do it and the feature of sponge city can lift up the underground infrastructure to visible element. And many places have already realized that. In traditional water management, you can see open drainage systems when you go to the village. To make it nice, this is the task of designers and the understanding of designers how it works, what it is needed for the infrastructure, how we can combine it in a nice way for nice landscape or urbanscape.
  Because I am a civil engineer, I know more constructions more from part of engineering set. What I learn is that designers are open to think the system from a new perspective. The following structures and planning should start after the vision design ideas of designers. So I think the role of designers for water management should be more leading role, and they have the ability to integrate all other issues from art, engineering to some engineering.



LAC:Compare with traditional models, what design concept does Atelier Dreiseitl have? What do you think the key point and difficulties in sponge city construction?

Brückmann: Traditional model is completely connected to functional design,technical design and economic design. And the optimization of this water system and the needs come from urban planners, which means the urban planners set the rules and all the water infrastructures have to be followed. This is how we understand traditional models. And Atelier Dreseitl makes it different. We think that there is not a rule and hierarchy, and we think that we have to be done at the same time. So we have to start with the vision for urban planning together with the vision for water planning for water resource management, and also for the social cultural function and design. So these different factors come together and then we can create sustainable new development.
  For the key points and difficulties of sponge city construction, I think the first one is education. So you need to educate people, planners and government officials what is needed to get to the point of the sponge city, what is the goal of the sponge city and why we need sponge city. This is very important. Secondly, it is also very important to know what is the possible in existing structures and what is the possible in the new structures to implement sponge city structures.




LAC:Sponge city construction involves many disciplines and departments, how do you understand the multi-cooperation of sponge city construction? How to realize it?

Brückmann: I think this is the most difficult topic, because this directly relates with the culture of the location which means planning culture, construction culture and what have been made in the past and what to be made in the future. Sponge city construction you mentioned is a multi-disciplinary task, so it is not only designers' task-we do it, we plan it and we make it. We have to consider a lot of different parties. We, at first, have to bring all these different parties together to teach them, so that we could start from the same point and also get the new point. I mean everybody can have their own understanding and opinion about solutions. They must exchange their ideas and find a compromise to create the best solution for the specific location.



LAC:Germany is the earliest country to adopt government controlling for urban water, what aspects do you think China could learn from German sponge city policies and technologies?

Brückmann: Yes. Germany has quite a lot of experiences but there are still a few of unclearness in Germany about implementation especially when you think about to bring it in a big area, so we did a lot of pilot projects. And the laws are demanding to do more sponge city solutions. But the existing structures are hard to integrate sponge city ideas into all Germany urban life and structure.
  This is the first aspect China could learn that it is impossible just to copy it from one country to another, from one city to another. Because every city has its own rules and the decision driver in every city is different, we have to go to every town and talk to the leadership and lead them to do the right decision about the solution of sponge city construction. What Germany can help is to go to China, give talks and lead part of the projects. Maybe we can showcase the pilot projects distributed in different areas or regions. People could go there to have a look.
  I mean publishing information share is a very good way. I think your website could give information to other people, and the universities have the chance to train students, and students could propose open-minded design ideas, and learn something from the brilliant projects. I also want to share some experiences.?The policy in Germany and China is different. In Germany, there is a lot of responsibility in city scale, and the state gives laws and guidelines, but the implementation and decision are made by city government. I guess, in China, it is more centralized, and the big decisions are made from the top leadership.
  Maybe you are more advanced in this field, because I think environmental laws and implementation are the responsibility of the state or the whole social community. It is not the decision only made by one city, and it should be something that everybody should have the responsibility and be on the one direction to make it possible. I think Germany could learn from Asia, not just China but also Singapore, that the very strong policy pushes the project a big move to change structures and to give a key direction.


布呂克曼: 我們有很多新加坡項目的經驗。在碧山公園項目剛開始的時候,我們和CH2MHILL一起為項目所在地的中央水域進行了主體規劃和概念理論設計。但最重要的一點是,在項目開始之前,我們組織了多次工作研討會,和新加坡的水利部門、公園管理部門和交通設計部門一起來商討設計方案,這是我們打破傳統設計理念的重要方法。這也再一次和教育相關,我們成立工作室之后,就教導有不同觀念的人、不同職責的部門來達成共識,雖然這是一個非常艱苦的、需要不斷努力的過程。在設計方面,我們的出發點是打造一個完全自然的公園,而真正的自然其實是無法分割的,任何子系統都是無縫銜接的。傳統設計概念是將自然分隔開進行設計,各部門各司其職。而在這個項目中,我們將自然整合在一起,這對于各個部門配合的要求就更加復雜。最后的設計作品也是非常成功的,建成以后,大家也很高興看到這樣一個頗具自然的風貌和價值的景觀。我們也意識到,雖然剛開始各部門會有很多分歧和對合作的抗拒,最后證明我們這種打破傳統理念的合作新模式是有說服力的。??







LAC:How do you break the traditional design concept of water sector in the Kallang River Bishan Park in Singapore? In the process of this project, how to combine the functionality of sponge city construction with the artistry of landscape architecture? What guiding significance does the project have to the transformation and management of Chinese waterways?

Brückmann: There are a lot of Singapore experiences. I think at the very first beginning, we did masterplan and visionary concept for the center watershed together with CH2M HILL. After this, we did several workshops with the client- PUB & NParks and the Road construction department. I think these have been key elements for breaking the traditional design concept. This is to do again with the education, so when we have a workshop, we educate people and bring them on the same page, give the vision we can change the traditional design concept. The key for this was that we want to do natural design and the nature nothing is separated. So the traditional design concept is something that has to do with the separation, and the responsibilities are very clear separated in different areas. The new projects that we mixed up are more complicated for the need of collaboration. The real design is convincing now, even for the different parties. At the beginning, there was a big resistance to work together, but in the end, they are accepted, they could also see the great achievements from the integrated planning.
  The Bishan Park is a project constructed for the entire center watershed where the Kallang River is the main river and there are a lot of small rivers in the upstream where the rivers are mainly covered or not to be seen, or even they have concrete banks. In the process of the project, I mean this is the task of landscape architects and designers to make this in a more natural way and show some experiences how to do it for drainage construction in a natural way even in the urban fabric.
  The functionality of the sponge city is not directly to be seen in the Bishan Park. During the storm season, it functions as a big retention area. I mean normally when you talk about sponge city, you will think more essential elements. The Bishan Park is somehow a big catchment basin for the big catchment. You can see how the design works during storm events. In this project, you can see we provide much more water retention space than it was before. Before there had not the function for fast convenience to the sea, we reduce the speed of the flow and give more space to the water. In the dry season, the continuous flow is the landscape combined the park, most of the river. It is all accessible, and the flow is very shallow, people can go to the water and go away from the water. To give more safety during storm events, there are a lot of flood forecasts systems where we have alarm lights, alarm tone. People are aware that the flood will come. We experienced the flooding that it is not as fast as before in that the park could slow the storm and function as drainage system.
  I think it is a good masterpiece and experience to show that in urban environment, it is possible to have more natural rivers and give people exercises, make river usable.


布呂克曼: 這和我們的項目有關。因為戴水道公司所做的大部分項目是示范類項目,我們一直在研究應在政策中制定什么,以及怎樣改變政策讓它們適用于項目方案中。政策的制定需要與實踐相結合,而我們也有一些來自世界各地的實踐經驗,一些已完成項目可以來引導大家思考這些公共政策是否真正具有指導意義,而實施后的成果能幫助我們更好的改進政策。除了政策本身之外,我們還需要考慮甲方,要為新政策能夠更專業的執行創立一些導則。對于進行中的項目,我們可以直接在項目中應用新政策并觀察實施的效果。這就是我們制定政策,以及如何根據需求隨時改進政策的過程。

LAC:As a design company, how does Atelier Dreiseitl take part in the process of ecological public policy making from the professionals' position?

Brückmann: This is also related to our projects. Because most projects of Atelier Dreseitl are pilot projects, we have been studying what the policy needs and what we have to change the policy to make it possible and accepted by other projects and design solutions. We have not just policies, but also the clients, so we have to develop guidelines for more professional implementation of the new policy. We have some realized experiences from all over the world. If there is a running project, we can work directly with the new policy and look the project implementation. This is the process of policy making that we make projects and try to bring the needs of the projects to change the policy.?

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