地址:北京市海淀區中關村北大街100號(北樓)北京大學建筑與景觀設計學院一層 Email:info@landscape.cn
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Nowadays, China’s rapid process of urbanization and industrialization has left us in ecological and environmental despair. Our country is threatened by flood, smog and haze, water pollution, soil contamination, species endangerment and declines in biodiversity. The designed ecology tries to integrate the science of ecology into the practice of landscape architecture and devotes to improve the human living environment. The seminar will provide a platform for global Ph.D. students from different disciplines to explore the topic of designed ecology together so as to enhance the understanding and generate the new knowledge.
3rd Floor, No.4 Red Building, Peking University
09:00-09:15 北京大學建筑與景觀設計學院院長俞孔堅教授致辭
09:15-09:30 北京大學景觀設計研究院副院長李迪華副教授致辭
09:30-11:30 俞孔堅教授主題演講
11:30-11:45 頒發博士生與會證明
11:45-14:00 午餐
14:00-15:00 中國五大生態管理工程的凈碳固定效應
15:00-15:45 烏干達的鳥類多樣性與可持續發展 王玄同
15:45-16:30 大都市邊緣區貧民窟的生態潛力,以韓國九龍區為例 韓依紋
16:30-17:15 多尺度綠道網絡布局特征及評價指標體系建構 李方正
17:30-20:00 北京大學藝園承澤廳
09:00-09:15 Oration,Prof. Kongjian Yu, Dean of College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture,Peking University
09:15-09:30 Oration,Prof. Dihua Li, Deputy dean of Graduate School of Landscape Architecture,Peking University
09:30-11:30 Keynotespeech, Prof. Kongjian Yu
11:30-11:45 Awarding certificates
11:45-14:00 Lunch
Topic1: Ecological infrastructure
Keynote speech of advisor, Fei Lu
14:00-15:00 Netcarbon sequestration effects of China’s five key ecological stewardshipprojects
Keynote speech of PhD students,commentator: Xi Li
15:00-15:45 Ugandanbirds and sustainable development, Xuantong Wang
15:45-16:30 Ecological potential of slums in themetropolitan fringe: a case study of Guryong area, Seoul, South korea, YiwenHan
16:30-17:15 Layoutcharacteristics and evaluation index system construction of multi-scale greenway, Fangzheng Li
17:30-20:00 Chengzeting, Yiyuan, Peking University
3rd Floor, No.4 Red Building, Peking University
08:00-09:00 北京中國城市可持續發展的五個轉型:從生活方式到區域發展
09:00-09:45 “皮卡丘”能提升公共空間的使用嗎? 馬奔
09:45-10:30 當代中國城市擴張背景下,傳統生產性景觀的轉向 吳龍峰
10:30-11:15 中國城市濕地公園 宋頌
11:15-12:00 為了公眾健康的城市綠色空間 姚亞男
14:00-15:00 可實踐生態知識:科學與實踐之間
15:00-15:45 景觀設計中生態修復的目的是什么? 黃越
15:45-16:30 面向生態系統服務的北京藍綠空間 薛飛
16:30-17:15 透過環境史的思考——中國水利建設 史書菡
17:15-18:00 設計實驗:探索設計與生態關系的新途徑 林浩文
Topic2: Urban green space
Keynote speech of advisor, Dihua Li
08:00-09:00 Five transitions for sustainability ofchina’s cities: from life style change to regional development
Keynote speech of PhD students,commentator: Dihua Li
09:00-09:45 "Pikachu” promotes the use of publicspace? virtual reality vs. traditional geographic environments, Ben Ma
09:45-10:30 A discussion on traditional productivelandscape in contemporary china’s urban expansion, Longfeng Wu
10:30-11:15 Urbanwetland parks in china, Song Song
11:15-12:00 The designed green space for humanhealth, Yanan Yao
Topic 3: Interdisciplinary exploration
Keynote speech of advisor, Zhifang Wang
14:00-15:00 Actionable ecological knowledge: inbetween science and practice
Keynote speech of PhD students,commentator: Zhifang Wang
15:00-15:45 What’sthe aim of ecological restoration in the landscape design, Yue Huang
15:45-16:30 Beijing blue and green space as providerof urban ecosystem services, Fei Xue
16:30-17:15 Thinking through environmentalhistory:China’s water conservancy construction, Shuhan Shi
17:15-18:00 Designed experiment, Haowen Lin
Field trip in Beijing
項目 1 北京陶然亭公園水系
項目 2 北京蓮花池地下應急水柜
項目 3 北京奧林匹克公園水系
Topic4: the field trip of Beijing water system, Dihua Li
Keynote speech of advisor, Dihua Li
project 1 The water system of Beijing Taoranting Park
project 2 The large underground emergency water tank of Beijing Lianhuachi
project 3 The water system of Beijing Olympic Park