Official Launch of the International Competition for the Urban Design of Key Areas of Weiyuan Island, Binhaiwan Bay Area, Dongguan. This international competition aims to gather global intelligence and advanced concepts to solicit creative and feasible design proposals for the future development of Weiyuan Island, Binhaiwan Bay Area, Dongguan.
01 項目背景
Weiyuan Island is located at the junction of the Shiziyang Estuary, Lingdingyang Estuary and the western section of Lianhua Mountains. It is the witness of national coast defense history. Weiyuan Island is one of the three blocks in the Binhaiwan Bay Area of Dongguan and has a superior economic and geographical location as the core of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It is adjacent to Nansha of Guangzhou to the west and Qianhai of Shenzhen to the south, overlooking Hengqin of Zhuhai and backed by Humen of Dongguan. The island covers an area of 19.61 square kilometers and is an important historical and spiritual landmark of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It is also a scarce and incremental area for Dongguan's development towards the Greater Bay Area.

區位示意圖 Location map
02 競賽范圍
This consultation work includes three scopes: research scope, design scope of key areas, scope of detailed urban design.
Research scope: A total of 1961.19 hectares, covering the entire land area of Weiyuan Island and the Cape of Future.
重點地段設計范圍:重點地段設計范圍共848.59公頃。其中一處為由威遠山以北、太平水道等所圍合的威遠島北部城市設計重點地段區域,面積約 475.01 公頃,另外一處為由威遠山以南、伶仃洋等所圍合的威遠島南部城市設計重點地段區域,面積約 373.58 公頃。
Design scope of key areas: The key area for design covers a total area of 848.59 hectares. One of these areas is the northern urban design key area of Weiyuan Island, enclosed by Weiyuan Mountain to the north and Taiping Waterway, covering an approximate area of 475.01 hectares. The other area is the southern urban design key area of Weiyuan Island, enclosed by Weiyuan Mountain to the south and Lingdingyang, covering an approximate area of 373.58 hectares.
Scope of detailed urban design: A total of 394.06 hectares. One of the areas is the University Science and Technology Park South located in the southern part of Weiyuan Island, with an area of 186.60 hectares; The other location is the University Science and Technology Park North in the northern part of Weiyuan Island, with an area of 207.46 hectares.

設計范圍示意圖 Design Scope Diagram

全景地圖 Insert apanoramicmap
03 競賽內容
1. 總體功能定位及發展愿景
威遠島是東莞參與粵港澳大灣區黃金內灣的重要平臺,是貫徹“新發展格局的戰略支點、高質量發展的示范地、中國式現代化的引領地“的大灣區總體發展要求的重要承載空間?!稏|莞市國土空間總體規劃(2021-2035年)》(征求意見稿)將濱海灣新區定位為“一主兩副”城市中心體系中的副中心之一,結合原《東莞濱海灣新區城市總體規劃(2018-2035 年)》賦予威遠島“建設承載國際交往功能的空間場所,推動歷史生態資源與科技創新服務在空間上的有機聯系”的總體功能定位,考慮黃金內灣各城市重點平臺的近期動態,銜接在編《東莞濱海灣新區國土空間總體規劃(2021-2035 年)》的底線要素與周邊虎門鎮、沙田鎮等片區的功能,明確并細化威遠島的功能定位及發展愿景是本次競賽工作的重要方向之一。
1. Overall Functional Positioning and Development Vision
Weiyuan Island is an important platform for Dongguan's participation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, serving as a critical space for implementing the overall development requirements of the Greater Bay Area, which include being a strategic pivot for the new development pattern, a demonstration area for high-quality development, and a leading area for China's modernization.
According to the Dongguan Urban Spatial Master Plan (2021-2035) (Draft for Comments), the Binhaiwan New Area is positioned as one of the sub-centers within the "one main center, two sub-centers" urban center system. Building upon the previous Dongguan Binhaiwan New Area Urban Master Plan (2018-2035), Weiyuan Island is designated to serve as a spatial location that supports international exchanges and facilitates the organic connection between historical and ecological resources and technological innovation services.
Taking into account the recent developments in key platforms within the Greater Bay Area, aligning with the fundamental elements of the upcoming Dongguan Binhaiwan New Area Urban Spatial Master Plan (2021-2035), and integrating with the functions of neighboring areas such as Humen Town and Shatian Town, it is essential to clarify and elaborate on the functional positioning and development vision of Weiyuan Island. This is one of the critical directions for the competition work in this project.
2. 順應生態資源的慢變量,研究山海城格局
2. Adapting to the Slow Variables of Ecological Resources, Studying the Mountain-Sea Urban Pattern
Weiyuan Island is located along the Lingdingyang coast, facing the Pearl River estuary, and is nestled against the Weiyuan Mountains, creating a unique mountain-sea urban landscape. The area is rich in natural elements of mountains and water, but it also faces natural challenges such as rising sea levels and river estuary storm surges. Ensuring ecological resilience and adapting to the natural ecological context to showcase the distinctive mountain-sea urban landscape features are the second important direction of this competition work.
3. 呼應歷史資源的舊變量,尊重與對話歷史資產
3. Responding to Historical Resources as Old Variables, Respecting and Engaging with Historical Assets
Humen Town is a nationally recognized historical and cultural town. The artillery fortifications on Weiyuan Mountain bear witness to the national coastal defense system's historical significance, and just across the river, Humen Old Street has witnessed China's rise and fall over the past century. Transforming historical resources into heritage, planning, collaborating, aligning with historical context, and igniting the spatial charm of heritage is the third crucial direction in this competition process.
4. 把握大灣區大學的新變量,提出科創轉型的空間形態
大灣區大學(濱海灣校區)是濱海灣新區成立后配置的重大公共基礎設施,也是威遠島實現科技創新功能轉型的重要觸媒,大學首期將于 2023 年開工建設。把握好大學科創資源,圍繞大學深化、細化周邊功能定位,考慮片區內大學科技園南北園區的功能需求和空間尺度,提出適應科創轉型的城市空間形態,是本次競賽工作的重要方向之四。
4. Grasping the new variables of the Great Bay University and proposing spatial forms for scientific and technological innovation transformation.
The Great Bay University is a significant public infrastructure established after the founding of the Binhaiwan Bay Area. It serves as an essential catalysts for the technological innovation transformation of Weiyuan Island. The first phase of the university's construction is scheduled to commence in 2023. Effectively leveraging the university's resources for scientific and technological innovation, refining the surrounding functional positioning, considering the applicable requirements and spatial scale of the north and south campuses of the Great Bay University, and proposing an urban spatial form that adapts to technological innovation transformation is the fourth important direction of this competition work.
04 報名要求
1. 本次國際競賽采用全球公開報名的方式,參賽單位需具有城鄉規劃甲級資質。參賽單位須是國內外注冊的獨立法人或合伙制企業或其他組織。相互間有直接控股關系、管理關系或法定代表人為同一人的不同法人,不得同時報名參賽。母公司和其下屬子公司不可以同時參賽,但是同一個母公司下屬的不同子公司,在滿足各自是獨立法人,且子公司之間不存在控股或管理關系,即可同時報名參賽。如為聯合體,至少一家聯合體成員具有城鄉規劃甲級資質。
1. This international competition adopts global open registration, and participating company must possess class A qualifications in urban and rural planning. Participating companies must be independent legal entities, partnerships, or other organizations registered domestically or internationally. Different legal entities that have direct shareholding relationships, management relationships, or share the same legal representative are not allowed to register for the competition simultaneously. The company headquarters and its subsidiary branches cannot participate simultaneously. However, different subsidiary branches under the same company headquarters, as long as they are independent legal entities and do not have shareholding or management relationships with each other, are eligible to register for the competition simultaneously.If it's a consortium, at least one company within the consortium must possess Class A qualifications in urban and rural planning.
2. 鼓勵參賽單位以聯合體形式報名參賽,聯合體成員數量不超過三家。以聯合體參賽的,聯合體各成員不得再單獨或以其他名義與其他參賽單位組成聯合體參與報名,聯合體各成員需簽署具有法律效力的《聯合體協議書》,并明確牽頭單位、各方工作分工等。
2. Participating teams are encouraged to register for the competition in consortium form, with a maximum of three members in the consortium.In that case, no member of a consortium shall be allowed to sign up twice either independently or by joining another consortium. All members of the consortium shall sign a legally-binding Consortium Agreement, and the Leading party and work division among parties shall be specified.
3. 不接受個人或個人組合的報名。
3. No registration shall be accepted in individual or in combination of individuals.
4. Chinese domestic participating teams must possess a valid business license, and they must have legal registration and independent legal entity status.
5. Overseas (including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) participating teams must provide the following valid proof materials:
(1) 所在國(地區)政府主管部門核發的機構注冊登記證明(至少注冊成立一年,且有固定辦公地點)。
(1) Proof of organization registration issued by the competent government department of the host country or region (established for at least one year and with a fixed office location).
(2) 所在國(地區)政府主管部門或者有關行業組織核發的設計許可證明(如有)。
(2) Design permit or certification issued by the competent government department or relevant industry organization of the host country or region (if any).
6. The participating team familiar with China's national conditions and has the following similar design experience will be given priority:
(1) 具有豐富的總部集聚區的城市、建筑設計項目經驗。
(1) Possess rich experience in urban and architectural design projects in headquarters agglomeration areas.
(2) 具有濱水及公共空間設計經驗。
(2) Have experience in waterfront and public space design.
(3) 具有復雜的城市交通問題的研究能力與經驗。
(3) Possess research capabilities and experience in addressing complex urban transportation issues.
7. Design personnel participating in this International Competition must be registered members of their respective firms.
05 競賽程序
The international competition consists of three stages: "Registration and Pre-qualification", "Design Proposal", and "Outcome Review".
報名及資格預審階段:由主辦方組建資格預審委員會,對公司資信、公司業績、團隊配置及實力、概念提案進行綜合評審,確定 5 家入圍單位或聯合體(無排序)參與下一階段方案設計及評審;同時評選出 2 家備選單位(有排序),如入圍的 5 家參賽單位退出下一階段方案設計或評審,則備選單位依序替補。
Registration and Pre-qualification: The Sponsor shall establish a Pre-qualification Review Jury, which will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of company credibility, company performance, team composition, and strength, as well as the concept proposal in accordance with the requirements of the international competition documents, to determine the 5 shortlisted teams or consortia (without ranking) to participate in the next phase of scheme design and evaluation. Meanwhile, two alternative teams (in ranked order) will also be selected. If any of the five shortlisted participating teams withdraw from the subsequent stage of scheme design or evaluation, the alternative units will be called upon in the designated order to replace them.
Design Proposal: The final five shortlisted teams will be required to fulfill the design proposals according to the specifications outlined in the international competition design brief and submit their comprehensive outcome to the sponsor.
成果評審階段:由主辦方組建成果評審委員會,在入圍的 5 家參賽單位中選出前三家單位推薦給主辦方,主辦方將在充分尊重專家評審意見的基礎上,結合項目實施實際情況,綜合研究確定 3 個推薦方案的具體排序;第一名單位(聯合體)將獲后續整合深化設計合同,對應排名的各單位(聯合體)將獲得相應獎金。
Outcome Review: The sponsor's creation of an outcome review jury. The design submissions are evaluated and ranked by this jury, and corresponding teams receive corresponding awards. The first place will be awarded a subsequent contract for integrated and in-depth design.
06 日程安排

07 競賽獎金
Relevant awards for the International Competition shall be paid in CNY as a tax-included amount. Any taxes arising therefrom shall be at the payee's expense.
First Place (one winner): The subsequent integrated detailed design contract was awarded;
第二名(共2名):各獲得獎金人民幣 200 萬元;
Second Place (two winners): ¥ 2,000,000 for each team;
入圍獎(共2名):各獲得獎金人民幣 100 萬元。
Finalist Prize (two winners): ¥ 1,000,000 for each team.
國際競賽的成果評審會后,第一名單位(聯合體)將獲后續整合深化設計合同(合同金額 850 萬 )。
After the outcome review meeting of the international competition, the first-place team (consortium) will be awarded the subsequent integrated detailed design contract (contract amount: 8.5 million RMB).
08 競賽文件獲取
Intended participants must fill in the Registration Form and the Commitment Letter for Confidentiality and submit them to the mailbox (rjrx@szrjrx.com) to obtain the International Consultation Documents (including Work Rules, Design Brief, etc.). The participants in the pre-qualification application documents submitted shall be the same as those in the Registration Form. For any newly added participant, an additional Commitment Letter for Confidentiality shall be submitted.

09 文件提交
1. 須于北京時間2023年10月13日15:00 前(截止遞交時間),將完整的資格預審申請文件提交(現場或郵寄)至深圳市福田區新天世紀商務中心B座12樓1212,聯系人:李工,13632658134。
1. Please submit the complete pre-qualification application documents (in person or by mail) to NO.1212 12th Floor, 89 Shixia North 2nd Rd, 89, Futian District, Shenzhen, China, before 15:00 (UTC+8), October 13, 2023. Contact: Ms. Li, (+86)13632658134.
2. 《(現場遞交文件)授權委托書》(格式參考《工作規則》附件)需在上述截止時間前發送至本項目郵箱(rjrx@szrjrx.com),授權委托代理人需攜帶本授權委托書、身份證原件提交資格預審申請文件。以郵寄方式的可不提供《(現場遞交文件)授權委托書》。
2. The Letter of Attorney (for on-site submission) (format reference in the attachment of the Work Rules) should be sent to the project email (rjrx@szrjrx.com) before the above-mentioned deadline, and the authorized agent should bring this authorization letter and the original ID card to submit the pre-qualification application documents. The Letter of Attorney (for on-site submission) for mail submissions are not required.
3. 以指定地點現場收到的紙質文件為準,不接受逾期提交的申請文件。
3. The hard copy documents received on-site at the designated location shall prevail, and no overdue submitted application documents shall be accepted.
10 聯系咨詢
Sponsor: Management Committee of Binhaiwan Bay Area, Dongguan
Organization: RJRX Urban Planning & Design Consultants Co. Ltd., Shenzhen
Ms Li (Business), Tel. (+86)13632658134
Ms Wu (Technical), Tel. (+86)0769-26889248
(UTC+8 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00 Business day)
The sponsor reserves the ultimate right to interpret the rules of this International Consultation. If the Chinese and English editions disagree, the Chinese edition shall prevail.