1. 背景
風景園林工程國際會議(LACIC)第一屆會議于2019年開幕,由清華大學建筑學院主辦,拉帕斯維爾應用科學大學Peter Petschek教授擔任會議主席。會議旨在開創一個風景園林工程和技術科學領域的國際交流平臺,針對相關學術研究成果和優秀工程實踐經驗展開交流,尤其聚焦當代信息技術在工程建造中的應用。受到新冠肺炎疫情影響2020年的LACIC轉為線上舉行。在IFLA APR和中國風景園林學會的支持下,線上會議取得了圓滿成功,參會人數超過3萬人次。2021年第三屆LACIC將在12月初繼續以線上會議的形式舉辦,在世界范圍內邀請7位演講嘉賓進行分享。
2. 會議主題
Peter Petschek,郭湧
LAC景觀中國網 http://m.36byz.com/
4. 演講嘉賓與題目
Herbert Dreiseitl, Dreiseitl咨詢,《為具有氣候適應性的宜居城市創造水生態環境》(Creating Water Ecologies for Climate Resilient Liveable Cities)
Andrea Balestrini,LAND研究實驗室,《依托自然設計與依托數據測度:風景園林如何引領綠色轉型》(Designing with Nature, Measuring with Data: How Landscape Leads the Green Transition)
馬曉暐,意格國際,《從概念到施工的數字化豎向設計與手工豎向設計之間的轉換》(Conversion between Digital and Manual Grading Design from Concept to Construction)
Louise Pearson, ASPECT STUDIO,《從想象到存在》(From Imagining to Being)
Asan Suwanarit和Kim N. Irvine,泰國國立法政大學,《基于自然的解決方案——連接形式和功能的設計過程如何改進?》(Nature-based Solutions –Can the Design Process to Connect Form and Function be Improved?)
Yumi Lee,首爾國立大學,《利用數字孿生與擴展現實技術的景觀建設》(Landscape Construction Utilizing Digital Twin with Extended Reality Technology)
5. 會議日程 (GMT+08:00/北京時間)
第一天 (2021年12月11日星期六)
14:15-15:15 Herbert Dreiseitl主題演講
15:15-16:15 Andrea Balestrini主題演講
第二天 (2021年12月12日星期日)
14:00-14:30 馬曉暐 大會報告
14:30-15:00 Louise Pearson 大會報告
15:00-15:30 Asan Suwanarit和Kim N. Irvine 大會報告
15:30-16:00 Yumi Lee 大會報告
16:00-16:15 閉幕式
6. 會議注冊通道(免注冊費)

7. 參會轉播鏈接


Landscape Architecture Construction International Conference 2021 Online Conference Opens on December 11-12, 2021
1. Background
The fist LACIC opened in 2019, hosted by School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, with Porf. Peter Petschek as Chairman of the conference. The vision of the conference is to build a platform to exchange research findings and best practice experiences on landscape engineering, technologies and sciences, especially the application of up-to-date information technologies to construction. In 2020, the conference moved online due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. With the supports of both IFLA APR and CHSLA, the online conference turned out to be a great success got over 30000 visits. This year, the third LACIC will continue in the form of online conference and invited presentations will be shared for free.
2. Theme of the year
Virtual Construction and Resilient Landscape
3. Host organizations and supporting organizations
Host organizations:
Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University
Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Spatial Planning, OST Eastern Unvierisity of Applied Sciences
Supporting organizations:
Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture
(International Federation of Landscape Architecture Aisa-Pacific)
Peter Petschek, Yong Guo
Media Supports:
Chinese Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture
4. Invited presentations
(1) Herbert Dreiseitl, Dreiseitl Consulting, Creating Water Ecologies for Climate Resilient Liveable Cities
(2) Andrea Balestrini, LAND Research Lab, Designing with Nature, Measuring with Data: How Landscape Leads the Green Transition
(3) Xiaowei Ma, AGER Group, Conversion between Digital and Manual Grading Design from Concept to Construction
(4) Louise Pearson, ASPECT Studio, From Imagining to Being
(5) Asan Suwanarit and Kim N. Irvine, Thammasat University, Nature-based Solutions –Can the Design Process to Connect Form and Function be Improved?
(6) Yumi Lee, Seoul National University, Landscape Construction Utilizing Digital Twin with Extended Reality Technology
5. Program (in GMT+08:00, Beijing Time)
Day one (Saturday, December 11, 2021)
14:00-14:15 Opening Ceremony
14:15-15:15 Keynote Presentation by Herbert Dreiseitl
15:15-16:15 Keynote Presentation by Andrea Balestrini
Day two (Sunday, December 12, 2021)
14:00-14:30 Presentation by Xiaowei Ma
14:30-15:00 Presentation by Louise Pearson
15:00-15:30 Presentation by Asan Suwanarit and Kim N. Irvine
15:30-16:00 Presentation by Yumi Lee
16:00-16:15 Closing Ceremony
6. Registration Channel (Register for Free)

7. Participants’ Admission
