地址:北京市海淀區中關村北大街100號(北樓)北京大學建筑與景觀設計學院一層 Email:info@landscape.cn
Copyright ? 2013-2022 景觀中國(m.36byz.com)版權所有 京ICP備05068035號
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日期 Date:2018.09. 20 周四 Thursday
時間 Time :18:00 - 22:00
地點 Location:機遇中心AIO SPACE
上海黃浦區南京西路399號(明天廣場JW 萬豪酒店裙樓 2層,近人民廣場地鐵站11號口)2F No.399 West Nanjing Road Nangin, Huang-Pu District, Shanghai
R.S.V.P 預約報名
上海景觀論壇于2017年由Sasaki, AECOM和SWA三家公司發起,目前由ASPECT Studios, SOM等多家在中國開設辦公室的國際性景觀公司共同參與組織。景觀論壇旨在推廣我們的行業,并推進未來世界及行業的可持續發展。 第四屆上海景觀論壇將于2018年9月20日于機遇中心AIO SPACE舉辦,主題為:景觀與基礎設施。
Shanghai Landscape Forum was initiated by Sasaki, AECOM and SWA in 2017, and currently organized by a group of leading international landscape architecture practices operating in China, such as ASPECT Studios, SOM. The aim is to promote our profession and build a more sustainable tomorrow, not only for the world around us, but also for the profession. The 4th Shanghai Landscape forum will be on September 20th, 2018 at AIO Space. The topic is “Landscape and Infrastructure.”
The mission of Shanghai Landscape Forum is to pioneer new practices that result in design innovation and influence on policy transformation, raise public awareness of landscape architecture’s vital contribution, advocate landscape architecture into the mainstream driving force for social progress.
R.S.V.P 預約報名
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