
Our office was founded in Oberhausen in 1973, and since the end of 2018 we have been based in Essen and Hanover. Our focus is on landscape architecture, in this area we are active in all contemporary subject areas. Our range of services ranges from large-scale concepts to the planning of district squares or district parks. The appreciation of the existing is the principle of our work: we track down our own language of the given and use architectural elements and materials restrainedly, but consciously, appropriate to the place and carefully. When we intervene, we behave and consider. We develop designs in a group and together with those who move in these free spaces, because different horizons of experience make the perspective further and the concept more complex. We often work interdisciplinary with transport planners, architects, urban planners, landscape planners, ecologists and artists. With the completion of the projects, our work is not finished. It is important to us to accompany them further. We develop concepts for value-preserving care and plan care management.

+49.(0)201.74 71 79.0