LOLA Landscape Architects
LOLA Landscape Architects researches and designs spatial transitions of existing cultural landscapes. With thoughtful ideas and targeted interventions, LOLA (LOst LAndscapes) wants to optimize those landscapes in beautiful, healthy and sustainable places. LOLA has got an optimistic and conceptual approach to these landscapes and a fascination for new spatial phenomena. Whether in the city, at the city edges or in the countryside, we aim to design sublime places that are beautiful, surprising and thriving. Designing unique experiences takes a prominent place in this.
LOLA Landscape Architects was founded in 2006 by landscape architects Eric-Jan Pleijster, Cees van der Veeken and Peter Veenstra. The office works on leading projects in the city center, the city edges and the countryside. Projects of LOLA have been build and/or published around the world. For their work, LOLA received the Maaskant Prize for young architects and the TOPOS landscape award. The Rotterdam office consists of a team of 36 employees.

Het Industriegebouw Goudsesingel 92, 3011 KD Rotterdam, The Netherlands
+31 104141368
LOLA landscape architects