藍調國際 (BLUES)系面向中國全方位發展的景觀設計品牌公司。先后在鄭州、成都、貴陽、昆明等地成立了分支機構及華南中心等區域公司,現有設計團隊300余人,下轄多個設計所以及一個研發中心;堅持以創新思維及可持續發展的眼光,致力于對社會美好環境的思考探索與設計實踐,項目遍及國內多個省市自治區,南至三亞、北到哈爾濱、西達新疆、東抵蘇杭;為龍湖、旭輝、融創、保利、萬科、金茂、北大資源、遠洋、金科、雅居樂、北京城建、魯能、北辰、華僑城、中庚等知名地產開發商提供各項咨詢與服務,并達成長期戰略合作意向。
BLUES International is a landscape design brand company facing China’s all-round development. It has successively established branches in Zhengzhou, Chengdu, Guiyang ,Kunming and other places and regional companies in south China center, with an existing design team of more than 300 people, under the jurisdiction of several design institutes and a research and development center; Adhering to the vision of innovative thinking and sustainable development, we are committed to the thinking, exploration and design practice of a better social environment. For LONGFOR, CIFI, SUNAC, POLY, VANKE, JINMAO, Peking University resources, Sino-Ocean, Jinke, AGILE, Beijing urban construction, Luneng Group, BNSIG, OCT, Zhonggeng Group and other well-known real estate developers to provide consulting and services, and achieve long-term strategic cooperation intention.
BLUES International efforts to create the first mountain landscape brand. With the in-depth study of mountain landscape, we firmly believe that “mountain” + “land” is the direction of blues mountain landscape to explore. Mountains, from nature; Land comes from people. “Mountain” is time and space, “land” is humanity and artistic conception. Reconstructing the connection between man and nature is our understanding of mountain landscape. BLUES inherits the landscape philosophy of chongqing people, practices the place spirit of contemporary people, and realizes the permanent dialogue between man and nature…
