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2019年初,Concéntrico建筑設計節與Métropole Rouen Normandie合作舉辦了一場國際競賽,F?ret項目獲得了優勝。Métropole Rouen Normandie和NFB組織了La Forêt Monumentale雙年展,占地遼闊,關注藝術與森林的整合,提升周邊自然空間的品質。在此背景下,設計提出通過藝術介入讓人們認識到自然與城市實際存在的巨大撕裂。人們已經習慣了自然與人工不共存的環境。自然與城市的設計總是被無法突破的限制割裂。然而,設計師相信城市和森林是兼容的,它們可以分享組織性的品質,滿足彼此的需求。
The project F?ret turned out to be the winner of the international contest that the Concéntrico Festival in collaboration with the Métropole Rouen Normandie organized at the beginnings of 2019 with reason of the biennial organized by the Métropole Rouen Normandie and the NFB, La Forêt Monumentale is conceived as an art biennial focused on the integration of art and forest (due to its great extension in the region) promoting the staging of the surrounding nature. Inside this context, our proposal was born as an intervention that creates awareness of the actual and radical detachment between nature and the city. We have got used to the no coexistence between natural and artificial. Nature and urban design confront often separated by unbreakable limits. However, we believe that the city and forest are compatible and share organizational qualities that make them complementary to each other.
▲裝置外觀,external view of the installation ?Imagen Subliminal
This ecosystem that we are going to implant in front of Saint-Sever church from Rouen, taking advantage of the urban void, has the capacity to atomize and expand throughout the city. In this way, we create a system that generates an urban forest that the citizens can permeate and walkthrough. A space that, as in nature, results in light, shadows and diversity of spatial situations. Furthermore, we designed the installation in a way that it could be walked through the inside, to generate in the visitors the sensation that they are going through a forest.
▲裝置鳥瞰,位于城市空地中,aerial view of the installation in the city void ?Imagen Subliminal
▲裝置與教堂,installation and the church ?Imagen Subliminal
▲裝置與城市空間,installation an the urban space ?Imagen Subliminal
Our objective is the integration of the forest in the city. For this, we started from the human, from the 30 laminated pine tree panels and its strict geometry to create a forest by its naturalization and geometric adaptability. The formal naturalization from the panels and its manipulation to the arboreal gave place to an organic and complex space, based nevertheless in simple geometric rules.
▲裝置為城市帶來自然化的空間,installation bringing naturalized space for the city ?Imagen Subliminal
▲人們可以在裝置下穿行,people could walk through the installation ?Imagen Subliminal
La Forêt has its material origin in 30 laminated pine tree panels of 2500x1220x30 mm that we placed shaping an initial orthogonal grid of 1,4×1,4 m. By the process of ‘naturalization’, we intervene the panels cutting angles of variable dimensions. Thus, from the original rectangular panels, we obtain different triangle pieces that combining themselves, conform rhomboidal figures that give place to the different trees, with heights taller than 4 m. These trees joined together within the original grid, originate the forest.
▲軸測圖,三角形木板組成不同樹木,axonometric, different trees made by triangular panels ?Mecanismo
There are 5 types of trees ranging in height, formed by eight triangular pieces of 4 different types each. The pieces from each tree connect themselves by 3 types of metallic pieces inserted in the mechanized edge from the panels, one in the base, other in the centre and the last one in the far end that allows the connection between the different trees.
▲板材之間的連接,joints between the panels ?Mecanismo
To generate a greater visual complexity, some of the faces from the trees incorporate mirrors in different shades, recreating the colourful from the forest in autumn.
▲部分木板表面覆蓋鏡面材料,呈現秋天森林的色調,some of the faces using mirrored materials creating a tone of the forest in autumn ?Imagen Subliminal
▲裝置細部,details ?Imagen Subliminal
The whole installation, prefabricated in a workshop, can be built in situ with great simplicity and speed as if it was a tridimensional puzzle. This allows it to be disassembled without leaving a trace and transported to some other place.
▲平面透視圖,perspective plan ?Mecanismo
Project: Forêt
Location: Place Saint-Server – _Rue Saint Server (límite calle Marcel Dupré)
Organizer: Concéntrico
Design: mecanismo
Companies that have participated:
Wood: Garnica
Methacrylate: Materials World
Metallic pieces: Kuma Estructuras
Ejecution: Kuma Estructuras