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Ispace is a project born out of an idea combining art and architecture in the creation of environments that stimulate people to perceive the influence of a space on their moods. It is a re-evaluation of the territory, allowing us to rediscover our bond with nature. Ispace is an invitation to discover the paths through the valley and reveals the richness of biodiversity and magic hidden corners of the forest.
▲裝置外觀,external view of the installation ?Corrado Griggi
項目計劃在Rossa的當地樹林里建造10個木制建筑和雕塑,第一個裝置已于2020年十月完工。裝置位于Calanca山谷Rossa村的樹林中,由Davide Macullo建筑事務所設計,在RossArte基金會、Rossa市政局的協助下完成。瑞士Calanca山谷國家公園召集山谷中的居民、游客和研究機構,探討如何加強鄉村區域的建設,向共同的目標努力。這些建筑和雕塑將成為此項基礎工作的一部分,為Rossa村和Calanca山谷帶來新的特色,吸引人們來這里工作、生活、旅游。
The project consists of the construction of 10 timber architectures / sculptures in the local woods of Rossa. The installation of the first work was completed in October 2020. Set in the woods of the village of Rossa, in the Calanca Valley, the project, undertaken by Davide Macullo Architects with the support of the RossArte Foundation, the municipality of Rossa and the Swiss National Park Val Calanca has involved the inhabitants of the valley, visitors and institutions in working towards a common goal and contributes to the debate on the enhancement of rural areas. These architectures / sculptures form part of the wider work of the foundation, giving Rossa and Val Calanca an identity as a destination for work and life, as well as for tourism.
▲裝置遠景,位于樹林之中,distanced view of the installation in the woods ?Corrado Griggi
▲裝置形狀獨特,且與環境相融合,installation in unique forms merging into the environment ?Corrado Griggi
▲從裝置看向村莊,view to the village from the installation ?Corrado Griggi
Davide Macullo事務所的工作集中在“建筑是連接場所DNA及其未來的紐帶”這一認知上。在“人類尋覓空間(man seeking space)”系列畫作中,作者設想人不斷探索理想的空間和尺度,以獲得舒適的感受。建筑師受到這個想法的啟發,將其轉譯成了Ispace。
The work of Davide Macullo’s studio is centred on the awareness that architecture is the link between the DNA of a place and its future. The series of drawings ‘man seeking space’ imagine man’s constant search to find the ideal space and scale at which to feel at ease and it is this idea that informs the architecture and has been translated into Ispace.
▲“人類尋覓空間”部分畫作,part of the works of “man seeking space”
人類有著超凡的能力,可以在緊閉雙眼的情況下“感受”空間。通過感覺認知空間是事務所工作的核心,1980年代Macullo在盧加諾師從Luis Flotron教授時便開始了這種設想,后者將空間認知作為一生的主要研究課題。
Human beings have the extraordinary ability to “feel” space through their senses with their eyes closed. The perception of space through the senses is central to the work of the studio, which beginning in the 1980s during Macullo’s studies under professor Luis Flotron in Lugano, who made the perception of space his main focus during a lifetime of research.
▲裝置使用基地上的樹木建造,the installation is made of wood sourced from the site ?Corrado Griggi
▲從裝置中感知空間,feel the space inside the installation ?Corrado Griggi
The intervention in the woods acts to counterbalance the current trend of exponential development of technologies that will alter the way humans build their habitat. The selection of native material; larch trees cut on site to deforest the areas on the slopes of the valley involved in the archaeological restoration of the ancient terraces, is the first sign of sensitivity to the environment and uses the material to the best of its evocative power. The purity of design thinking and the almost absence of particular construction techniques remind us of a work that does not need to declare a temporal condition to emphasize the centrality of the relationship between man and nature.
▲材料和結構細部,details of the material and structure ?Corrado Griggi
▲夜景,night view ?Corrado Griggi
▲模型,model ?Davide Macullo Architects
▲部分未來項目的模型,models of future projects ?Davide Macullo Architects
Project: Ispace
Location: Rossa, Grisons, Switzerland
Function: Permanent timber installation
Construction: 17 October 2020
Footprint: 25 sqm
Material: Local larch timber
Architect: Davide Macullo
Design collaborators: Jung Kim, Lorenza Tallarini, Aileen Forbes-Munnelly
Partners: RossArte Foundation, Municipality of Rossa, Grisons, Parco Val Calanca, Swiss Nature Park
Timber engineering+construction: Frei Holzbau AG, Kriessern, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Photographer: Corrado Griggi