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來自倫敦的藝術家Morag Myerscough在巴黎市中心的蓬皮杜廣場打造了一座名為“A NEW NOW”(新現在)的城市裝置。
London artist Morag Myerscough reveals ‘A NEW NOW’, a site-specific urban installation located close to the Pompidou Centre in the heart of Paris.
?Art Milan Mazaud
作為藝術家在近期完成的首個重要公共作品,這座8米高的醒目雕塑旨在樹立一種新的觀念,為后疫情時代創造一個“新的現在”。該作品由Morag Myerscough本人在其倫敦工作室花費3周時間完成:一系列看似混雜的幾何形狀從地面“生長”出來,接著攀升至耀眼的、為躍動的色彩所簇擁的“A NEW NOW”(新現在)字樣,意在通過簡單而醒目的自信與樂觀主義來激發路人的想象力。
As Myerscough’s first major public response to the current times, the eye-popping sculpture, standing at over eight metres tall, aims to set an intention, to rebuild a ‘new now’ post-Covid. Painted by Morag in her London studio over a three week period, the artwork is a multiple of chaotic geometric shapes, growing up from the ground and rising up to a strong neon statement: ‘A NEW NOW’ laid over a calm graduated sunrise, intended to spark the imagination of passers-by with simple arresting confidence and joyous optimism.
?Art Milan Mazaud
?Art Milan Mazaud
?Thomas Lang
?Thomas Lang
▲Morag的工作室,Morag’s studio ?Gareth Gardner
▲裝置細節,installation detailed view ?Thomas Lang ?Art Milan Mazaud
Born and bred in London, she is fascinated by how colour, pattern and words can change urban environments and peoples’ perceptions of space and sense of place. Her strong visual language is instantly recognisable, energetic, resonating directly with all those who encounter it – regardless of geography and cultural backgrounds.
?Atlantis Photography
?Art Milan Mazaud
?Art Milan Mazaud
在博物館和畫廊都受到疫情影響的情況下,“A NEW NOW”這樣的公共藝術作品致力于為人們帶來歸屬感,把握機會重建更加積極樂觀的新未來。這樣的做法也呼應了藝術家一貫秉持的核心價值:“既要讓走近它的人快樂,也要讓遠處即將走來的人快樂。”
While museums and galleries adapt to the pandemic restrictions, public artworks like ‘A NEW NOW’ strive to bring a sense of belonging, embracing the opportunity to rebuild a new more optimistic future and shared identity, echoing the artist’s core mantra: ‘make happy those who are near and those who are far will come’.
?Thomas Lang
“A NEW NOW”位于巴黎蓬皮杜中心和圣美里街道旁的一個小廣場上,并將從10月起一直展示至12月。
A NEW NOW is located in a small square close to the Pompidou Centre & Saint-Merry, Paris, France, the installation will remain from October to December 2020.
?Thomas Lang
?Atlantis Photography