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Pavilion UGUNS is designed as a place for meditation and conversation. The character of the architecture refers to dynamics, fluidity and shading of fire. The wooden beam stacking is built by rotating each of the following elements at an angle of 2.5 degrees to the previous one, shaping 9 symbolic flames. The arrangement of the seats inside the pavilion is taken from the principle of the campfire, where sitting in a circle unifies people.
▲每個木結構橫梁之間旋轉2.5度, the wooden beam stacking is built by rotating each of the following elements at an angle of 2.5 degrees to the previous one
▲9簇“火焰”,9 symbolic flames
▲裝置內的座位設置成圓形圍坐形式,seats are arranged in a circle unifying people
▲從裝置內向上看,look up from inside
Rugaji, Balvi, Vilaka, Baltinava和Karsava五個城鎮合作成立了這個叫做“發現拉脫加爾北部自然風光”的項目,UGUNS裝置就是該項目的成果之一。在這五個城鎮分別設立的五個藝術裝置旨在讓人們關注自然,學會尊重、了解、保護自然。同時,這些作品也是對2018年拉脫維亞獨立100周年的一份賀禮。
Pavilion UGUNS has been created as a result of cooperation between municipalities of Rugaji, Balvi, Vilaka, Baltinava and Karsava – project “Good Nature in Northern Latgale, Discover Nature Explorer in Yourself”. Five art installations / pavilions in five cities are made to bring attention of people to nature, to teach respect, understand and preserve it. Objects are gifts for Latvia in its centenary in 2018.
▲透視效果圖,perspective view
▲各層平面圖,plans for layers
Project name: Pavilion UGUNS
Project location: Nature park Numernes Valnis, Latvia
Architects: DJA (Didzis Jaunzems Architecture)
Photos, video: Eriks Bozis
Year: 2018