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What if the music took shape in the Théatre du Chatelet, its notes becoming visible and palpable. From the vibration of material or virtual objects sound waves unfold in the surrounding space. A game is spontaneously established between gesture and sound. Hitting, scratching, blowing, amplifying, combining: everything binds and spreads.
▲演出時的裝置外觀,appearance of the installation during concert ?Hana Ofangel
Collectif Parenthèse希望利用自己的第五個Variations作品,在夏特萊大劇院中把這種震動具象化。設計如同一個回聲裝置,聲音從舞臺傳向上方的吊燈。環形支架在空中的分布與劇院四層看臺的形狀和節奏相一致,閃爍的透明氣球則代表了空中飛舞的輕盈音符。
For the 5th edition of Variations, the Collectif Parenthèse wanted to materialize this vibratory immersion within the Théatre du Chatelet. The proposed scenography develops like an acoustic echo propagating a sound wave from the stage to the chandelier. The spread of the circles in the air follows the rhythm and shape of the balconies of the great hall on the 4 floors. The lightness of the musical notes dancing in the light is symbolized by clusters of transparent and sparkling balloons.
▲裝置由四個環形支架組成,懸浮在空中,the installation is composed of four circles suspending above the stage ?Hana Ofangel
▲圓環的大小變化與看臺相呼應,the size of the circles changing according to the balconies ?Hana Ofangel
Composed of 4 large suspended circles, this scenography allows the artist duos to be immersed in their performance while highlighting the architecture of the place. Camera framing is then possible from the balconies, around the stage, in the heart of the installation itself. The balloons are transparent so as not to obstruct the framing of the artists and the architecture while capturing the play of lights and shimmers. The circles are in black pvc tubes to mark the rhythm of the balconies.
▲仰視裝置,透明氣球不會形成遮擋,look up at the installation, the transparent balloons would not influence the vision ?Hana Ofangel
▲從不同角度看向演出,view to the performance from different angles ?Hana Ofangel
▲透明氣球可以隨燈光顏色變化,the transparent balloons would change color according to the color of light ?Hana Ofangel
▲透明氣球下的演出,performance under transparent balloons ?Hana Ofangel
▲氣球反射出劇院空間,the balloons reflecting the architecture of the theater ?Hana Ofangel
Photos: Hana Ofangel
Artist duos: Para One x Alexandre Tharaud, Rebeka Warrior x Julian Prégardien, The Hacker x Rodolphe Burger, Viken Arman x Michel Portal