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▲視頻,video ? naaro
該裝置位于比利時Sint-Arnolduspark公園的天主教森林中,由雪松板組成,是一個承接雨水的雕塑,也是一個小型舞臺。它坐落在山上,是天然的露天劇場,可以用來舉辦露天表演。它是Contrei Live藝術之路在Flanders西南地區的16個大地藝術裝置之一,促使游客反思水在景觀中的重要性。
The Rain Amplifier is a cedar-clad rain sculpture and stage, situated in the Catholic forest environment of Sint-Arnolduspark, Belgium. Located on a hill that acts as a natural amphitheatre, the stage is designed to host open-air performances where the dome acts as a sculptural backdrop. The project is part of the ‘Contrei Live’ Arts trail which includes 16 land art interventions in the region of South West Flanders that invite visitors to reflect on the importance of water in the landscape.
▲裝置與周圍環境,the installation and surroundings ? naaro
Sint-Arnolduspark was established at the end of the 19th century, after the occurrence of several miraculous healings on the site. The healing powers of the site were attributed to a natural water spring in the park which was made available to the public through the creation of a fountain. This established the park as a pilgrimage destination. The water fountain is one of many historical objects that were built in the park, including Catholic chapels, artificial grotto structures, rustic cement bridges, a series of ponds and a cavalry cross.
▲眾多歷史構筑物,many historical objects ? Matthijs la Roi Architects
The Rain Amplifier finds itself amidst this eclectic amalgamation of follies and water elements. The project provides a new focal point by attracting visitors to its performative function. At the same time, the rain effect is intended to encourage the visitor to reflect on their relation with rain and the role rain plays in society and nature. In 2020, May and April have been the driest months in Belgium since 1833. As a predicted effect of climate change, both moments of extreme drought and extreme precipitation will be more common in Belgium in the near future.
▲兒童在此嬉戲,成為游客的新焦點,children playing here,becoming the new focus of tourists ? naaro
Geometrically the sculpture resembles a half dome with an intricate and expressive ornamental interior as a reference to Catholic architecture that exists in the park. Within the dome, an artificial rain shower is produced through a network system of hidden interconnected tubes and nozzles. The amplification of the sound of the water is a result of the dome form, creating a dynamic soundscape to be experienced in its environment. Cedar is used as cladding because of its high water-resistant performance and the rich variety of colour tones of the different timber elements.
▲穹頂內部設置人工雨灑裝置,an artificial rain shower is set in the dome ? Matthijs la Roi Architects
▲裝置可以承接雨水,the installation can receive rain ? naaro
▲細節,details ? naaro
Rain Amplifier is a sculpture that provides the space to reflect on rain and our relation to it. It reminds us of its historical-cultural significance and the importance of addressing contemporary challenges related to climate change. It is a place to celebrate rain through the means of musical or theatrical performance.
▲夜景,night view ? naaro
▲剖面,舉行表演,section,holding performance ? Matthijs la Roi Architects
Client: Intermunicipal organisation Leiedal
Concept Design: Matthijs la Roi Architects, Matthijs la Roi
Technical Design: Matthijs la Roi Architects, Matthijs la Roi, Simone Tchonova
Structural Engineering: Format Engineers
Photography and Video: naaro
Timber construction: Matthijs la Roi, Glenn Wynants, Coen la Roi
Water features/ Electricity/ Lighting: Aquafontal
CNC Manufacturing: Van Noten CNC Solutions
Timber supplier: Omniplex