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項目位于布里斯班市中心的水線公園(Waterline Park),由澳大利亞藝術家Alice Lang設計。作為皇后碼頭開發項目的一部分,水線公園成為一個全新且活躍的城市社交空間。Floodlines項目旨在為該公園創造一個醒目的視覺標記。從策展到落成,除了藝術家Alice Lang外,還云集了眾多國內外專家,其中包括策展組專家Chris Saines, Avril Quaill, Alison Kubler,Natasha Smith,以及城市藝術工作室UAP.
Floodlines, by Australian artist Alice Lang, is a dynamic visual marker for Waterline Park, a new active urban community space that forms part of the Queens Wharf development. Curated by a panel of local and international experts including Chris Saines, Avril Quaill, Alison Kubler and Natasha Smith, the work was delivered from curation through to installation by UAP, in collaboration with the artist.
▲項目概覽,overall of the project ? Alice Lang: Courtesy of Cian Sanders and UAP
The brightly coloured artwork includes a mural to the underside of the Riverside Expressway, a soft fall ground plane, brightly coloured gym equipment and night activated lighting elements. The predominantly graphic work, with sub-tropical colour palette, is inspired by marble patterns synonymous with the cover pages and book spines of historical volumes and records.
▲高速公路下側的壁畫,軟質鋪裝地面,色彩鮮艷的健身器, brightly coloured artwork includes a mural to the underside of the Riverside Expressway, a soft fall ground plane, brightly coloured gym equipment ? Alice Lang: Courtesy of Cian Sanders and UAP
▲紋樣與色調源自大理石的自然紋理,predominantly graphic work, with sub-tropical colour palette, is inspired by marble patterns ? Alice Lang: Courtesy of Cian Sanders and UAP
墨與水的混合,創造出這種傳統的大理石紋理。通過對水量的控制,抽象出不同的圖案效果。對于藝術家Alice Lang而言,水是項目中關鍵的靈感元素。她希望通過對布里斯班2010-11年洪水痕跡的描繪與記錄,來喚起人們的記憶。
Ink which is mixed with water to create this traditional marble effect is abstracted and controlled by water, which was a key inspiration for Lang in seeking to evoke memories and notions of record keeping, and to depict traces of Brisbane’s 2010-11 flood.
▲地面的圖案描繪了布里斯班2010-11年的洪水,the ground pattern depicts Brisbane’s floods in 2010-11 ? Alice Lang: Courtesy of Cian Sanders and UAP
A line of symmetry within the pattern indicates the 2011 flood peak level, connecting the site with its history and asking the viewer to consider notions of regeneration and resilience.
▲地面與健身器材細部,detail of the ground and the gym equipment ? Alice Lang: Courtesy of Cian Sanders and UAP
ARTIST:Alice Lang
PROJECT:Waterline Park
LOCATION:Brisbane, Australia
CLIENT:Destination Brisbane Consortium (DBC)
CURATORIAL PANEL:Chris Saines, Alison Kubler, Avril Quiall and Natasha Smith
Please credit images as follows:
Alice Lang: Courtesy of Cian Sanders and UAP