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Landscape-based Heritage Research and Practice
2021年,UNESCO的《關于歷史性城市景觀的建議書》頒布10周年。在全球一體化浪潮的沖擊下,眾多城市的文化遺產和歷史格局被侵蝕,城市記憶與城市特質正在變得模糊。隨著遺產保護與現代發展的矛盾沖突在國際社會不斷升級,歷史性城市景觀(Historic Urban Landscape,HUL)概念的提出旨在將遺產保護的重心進行轉移——從保護紀念性建筑轉移到構筑城市生活的城市價值,從而將文化遺產納入城市空間發展的核心內容[7]。作為遺產研究領域近年來的新思潮,HUL超越了傳統“歷史中心”的概念,涵蓋了更為豐富的城市背景及其地理環境;其不僅有助于理解城市歷史地段的全生命周期,還提供了一種在保護與發展的矛盾中指導歷史景觀相關工作的整體性方法,是遺產保護領域受到景觀理念影響的典型研究與實踐代表[8]。
“Heritage” is a modern concept inspired by the Enlightenment. As a cultural practice, the nature of heritage involves a range of understandings and building of values, as well as the process of becoming norms[1]. The number of designated heritages in different national-states worldwide has risen since the latter half of the 20th century. The UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (“the Convention” hereafter) developed in 1972 is a milestone in the development and institutionalization history of the authoritative heritage discourse—it has not only established an international certification and protection system for natural and cultural heritages with outstanding universal values, but also promoted the existence of heritage towards an important international issue and institutionalized the conservation ethic dating back to the 19th century. Meanwhile, heritage protection objects witnessed a stronger relevance to landscape. Demonstrated in the Convention, heritage includes the “combined works of nature and man,” which gave rise to cultural landscape, a special heritage type.
In the early 20th century, Carl Sauer, an American geographer, first explicitly defined cultural landscape; subsequently, Otto Schlüter, a German geographer, stressed the role of culture in forming landscapes and suggested a distinction between cultural landscapes and natural landscapes[2] in the study of regional settlement patterns and their scientific categorization. His idea prompted the identification of different landscape areas based on the relevance between landscape and environment, and the enrichment of the connotation of cultural landscape by combining “culture” and “landscape”[3]. At the end of the 20th century, Swedish geographer Don Mitchell pointed out that “the mechanics of landscape production” is the key to understanding landscape[4]. In his view, landscape, as a cultural practice, is a socio-political process of naturalizing, reproducing, and transforming social or cultural relations, thus landscape should be defined according to the locals’ behaviors, activities, and performances[4]. Influenced by such ideas, American geographer Kenneth Olwig proposed that landscapes are the history of humans’ cultural practices and changes of values, and the landscape-based heritage research and practice should emphasize landscape’s relevance to locality, community, regulations, and customs[5]. Therefore, the proposal and development of cultural landscape has enhanced the relevance between heritage and landscape, and greatly expanded people’s perception of heritage values[6].
The research evolution above has been accompanied with the increasing attention on heritages with cultural landscape attributes, and the term “cultural landscape heritage” has emerged in relevant research and practice. To the nature of heritage, cultural landscape becomes an approach to promoting landscape management and heritage conservation; while to the scope of heritage, cultural landscape expands to regional scales and goes beyond the elitist valuation towards focusing on ordinary landscapes or even degraded landscapes. This is in line with the idea of interpreting landscape from the relevance perspective (as emphasized in the European Landscape Convention issued in 2000) and the notion that more and more nominated properties in World Heritage List may not be the monuments in a traditional sense (as highlighted in the Outstanding Universal Value published in 2008). The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics (Revised Draft) publicized in November 2020 firstly clarified the legal protection status of the new types of cultural relics (e.g., cultural landscapes), opening a new horizon for the research on cultural landscapes from the relevance perspective.
The year 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape. Under the impact of globalization, numerous cities’ cultural heritage and historical patterns have been eroded, losing urban memories and urban identities. As the conflicts between heritage conservation and modern development escalate in global society, the concept of Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) was proposed to shift the emphasis of heritage conservation from the protection of monumental architecture to the construction of city life and values, so as to incorporate cultural heritage into the core of urban spatial development[7]. As a new trend among recent heritage studies, HUL transcends the traditional history-centered notion to encompass a more inclusive urban context and geographical environment. HUL not only helps understand the full life cycle of historic urban areas, but also provides a holistic approach to guiding the practice about historic landscapes amidst the contradictions between conservation and development. Influenced by the concept of landscape, HUL offers a paradigm for the research and practice of heritage conservation[8].
Internationally, the World Heritage Centre and the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region (WHITRAP) take the lead in promoting the application of HUL in cultural heritage conservation practice. Representative pilot projects include the World Heritage-designated cities on the Swahili Coast in East Africa (e.g., the Island of Mozambique, Stone Town in Zanzibar, Lamu in Kenya); European historic cities (e.g., Amsterdam in Netherlands, Naples in Italy), and WHITRAP pilot cities (e.g., Rawalpindi in Pakistan, Cuenca in Ecuador, Ballarat in Australia, Shanghai and Suzhou in China). Recently, the research and practice of HUL have also been integrated in the conservation planning of historical and cultural cities/towns in China such as Beijing, Pingyao, and Lijiang[9]~[11]. Such practices interpret the connotation of landscape regarding landscape as a medium, covering elements, values, stakeholders, and implementation procedures, and also clarify that cultural heritage conservation should focus on the value preservation and inheritance system and improve citizens’ life quality and their heritage management ability, so as to integrate heritage resource into the overall planning of urban development.[12]
The year 2022 enters the 50th anniversary of the Convention. From an initial consensus to today’s complex system of terms, norms, and institutions, World Heritage has symbolized human civilization continuance and the world’s sustainable development. The development of World Heritage has shifted from the integral restoration of “historic landscape” to the dynamic management of “urban landscapes.” Not only should the contemporary heritage conservation focus on the diachronicity of history, but it also needs to pay attention to the synchronicity and spatial characteristics of landscape elements in each temporal section. The concept of landscape emphasizes holism and relevance since its emergence. The holism perspective drives the advance of cultural heritage conservation methods, leading to practices of greater relevance, holism, and dynamics. In Western cultural contexts, landscapes and aesthetic practices are always associated with certain ideologies that give cultural, aesthetic, and sociological meaning to landscapes. Thus, landscape carries traditional social aesthetic values and exhibits the relevance to economy, culture, and ecology[13]. In the context of global urbanization, landscape emphasizes a holistic understanding of economic, social, cultural, and natural spaces in heritage conservation and management, and a holistic view that combines and applies multidisciplinary knowledge hierarchies. Thus, landscape-based heritage research and practice contribute to a better exploration of human-environment interactions upon locality and the related dynamics and management, as well as the possibilities and challenges of public participation in such interactions[14].
From “cultural heritage” to “cultural landscape,” from historic city to historic urban landscape, landscape-based heritage research and practice, as a concept and a method, are constructing a productive academic system. The speculation of the relationship between nature and culture led to the birth of cultural landscape concept; the understanding of spaces and communications enriched the typologies of cultural routes and heritage corridors; the mediation of the conflicts between the traditional and the modern stimulated the views on HUL; and the concerns on the urban-rural dichotomy resulted in an extensive discussion about rural landscape heritage and sustainable development. In recent decades, landscape has been studied by different disciplines including landscape architecture, urban and rural planning, architecture, cultural geography, archaeology, ecology, psychology, and sociology. This trend enhances the synthesis and diversity of landscape research, and also promotes multi-disciplinary studies, multi-stakeholder participation, and multi-entity governance in associated fields.
Recently, digital technology plays an increasingly important role in heritage research and practice. New infrastructure, data, and approaches (e.g., the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence) are profoundly changing the city and the ways we see the city. All of these are bringing existing opportunities to landscape-based heritage research and practice. The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) General Assembly took “protecting and interpreting cultural heritage in the age of digital empowerment” as one of the core topics, suggesting that digital conservation has become an emerging interest in contemporary heritage landscape research and practice. Carl Doersch et al.[15] found that people are sensitive to the geo-informative characteristics of visual environment. Through computational geo-cultural modeling that is featured with geo-cultural visual reference, their research shows that digital technology can help us better respond to basic questions in heritage conservation—how to understand and utilize historical space, and how historical space affects people’s behaviors. In digital era, heritage landscape research supported by information technology is of great potential, and quantitative research of the spatial elements and characteristics of heritage landscapes will help improve traditional heritage research in width and depth.
At present, conflicts between urban conservation and development still intensify along with global urbanization. HUL needs to keep its focus on the preservation of historic spatial structures, maintenance of traditional community networks, and promotion of socio-economic development. Despite its promising potential, digital technology is still inadequate to respond to fundamental technical problems, for example, how to determine the value, authenticity, and integrity of heritage landscapes. In other words, digital technology at present can only be an assistive tool to our research. How to utilize new technologies to deepen our understanding of heritage landscapes, to enhance the efficiency of heritage management, and to keep and spread the heritage information and knowledge to future generations are common issues that need to be continuously explored.