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對于國土空間規劃設計師來說,通過劃定紅線來限定無序的發展和無節制的人類干擾、保護重要的自然與文化資產、構建美麗城鄉,是實現人與自然和諧共生圖景的第一步,也是必由之路,我把它稱為“反規劃”或“逆規劃”[3]。一旦劃定這樣的紅線,產權便得以界定,管理職權便得以劃清,法規政策便可落地,紛繁的自然與社會系統便可有條不紊,空間管控秩序因此得以建立。但殊不知,這只是規劃師和管理者們心目中的“烏托邦”而已;現實世界中,由于紅線的劃定缺乏科學基礎、規范缺乏因地制宜的靈活性、管理缺乏實事求是的能動性,這種美麗國土烏托邦愿景卻走向了其反面——破壞我們家園的“敵托邦”景觀,我稱之為“紅線敵托邦”(redline dystopia)。從祖國首都到最偏遠的少數民族鄉村,在踏訪了眾多的城市和村莊、經過從與地方官員會談到和田頭耕作的鄉民聊天之后,我認為其中最不可思議的一種紅線敵托邦景象之一是“基本農田紅線敵托邦”(capital farmland dystopia)。
而我所看到的紅線敵托邦遠非基本農田敵托邦一種,其他還有“生態紅線敵托邦”(eco-redline dystopia)、“水源紅線和水安全紅線敵托邦”(water redline dystopia)、“文物保護紅線敵托邦”(heritage protection redline dystopia),等等。它們都有保護和建設美麗城鄉的美好憧憬,但由于不遵循科學規律,缺乏合理而精細的規劃設計,違背市場規律和當事人的權益,以及一刀切的管理機制,最終都使美麗城鄉的烏托邦走向其反面——紅線敵托邦!
As a term frequently used in the sector related to the planning and design of national territory and rural-urban areas, “redline” refers to the spatial boundary or bottom line for the protection or supervision of a process or an element of great importance[1][2], such as capital farmland redline, eco-redline, water redline (i.e., the boundary for water source protection and water safety), and cultural heritage redline (i.e. the boundary for cultural heritage protection). It also refers to the boundaries for certain protection purposes within a specific region, such as the construction boundaries of villages and the protection boundaries of lakes with great values (e.g., the Erhai Lake and the Dian Lake).
For the professionals in the field of national territorial planning, to identify and delimit redlines is the primary step to preserve valuable natural and cultural assets from human interventions, harmonizing human-nature and urban-rural relationships, through approaches of “negative planning”[3]. Redline also defines the boundaries of property rights, management duties, and regulation practice, guaranteeing the complicated natural and social systems would run in good order, so do the relevant spatial management and supervision. Yet, this is merely a “utopia” envisioned by the professionals and decision-makers. In reality, the unscientific delimitation of redline and the rigidness in current management and supervision of natural and social resources usually make the implementation outcome runs the opposite to what they wished, leading to “redline dystopias” that are destroying our homelands. After visiting enormous cities, towns, and villages and talking with local officials and farmers across China, I found that capital farmland dystopia is the most “unfathomable” one.
This is not to deny the significance to the delimitation of capital farmland redlines. On the contrary, it is critical to guarantee the production of grain, cotton, oil, and sugar yielding crops, while preventing the land from being used for non-crops or even non-agricultural purposes. Food security is the top priority to a nation like China. However, if such regulations that consider little of the localities were implemented rigidly without any adaptation, they would lead to the horrible capital farmland dystopias.
In a remote valley in Hainan Province, China, there is a small basin called Qicha. She has genuine Li culture, the splendid natural scenery, and the centurial mango forests. The babbling brooks sourcing from the tropical rain forests surround every house. For me, this is a land flowing with milk and honey!
However, I feel disappointed when I had a close look at the farmland, especially after having a conservation with the locals: the capital farmland redline of the village is delimited with ends to the rocky hillsides, which nowadays overlaps with cement roads, cutting apart the organic connections between the village and fields, mountains, forests, lakes, and rivers, and erasing its picturesque charm—the vast rice fields and forests of mulberry and bamboo, dotted by fish ponds with pastoral trails or field ridges with banana, pawpaw, and areca-nut trees. Now, there is nothing but abandoned plots overgrown with weeds, monoculture fields, or lifeless irrigation ditches. Grievingly, such a capital farmland dystopia is ubiquitous throughout the country.
Here is the dialogue between a farmer and me in the field.
Such capital farmland dystopias have been disturbing the farmers and local officials for so long!
Worse, the land of China is suffering from other more dystopias including “eco-redline dystopia,” “water redline dystopia,” and “heritage protection redline dystopia.” All of these dystopias are demonstrating that dogmatic concepts, irrational construction standards, and unscientific and rigid management requirements in urban-rural planning and design that ignore the diverse localities, market rules, and stakeholders’ needs will lead to failures and tragedies, regardless of how beautiful and wonderful the blueprints are envisioned.