Recognition and Classification of Homogeneous Landscape With Visitor–Employed Photography and Cloud Image Annotation API—An Example of the Riverscape in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Japan
作者:施佳穎,本條毅,矢澤優里子,古谷勝則 SHI Jiaying, Tsuyoshi HONJO, Yuriko YAZAWA, Katsunori FURUYA
Effective classification of landscape photographs is a vital step in data processing and environment analysis. With the popularity of crowdsourcing geo-information, an increasing number of studies have used geotagged photographs to visualize how people perceive and interact with destinations and explore the aesthetic, cultural, and recreational value of the areas. In recent years, machine-learning algorithms for image recognition have dramatically improved the efficiency of the assignment of keywords and provide possibilities for the automatic classification of numerous photographs. However, the applicability of such methods for the practical landscape classification is still not clear, especially for the photographs presenting a homogeneous landscape that has similar characteristics. This study developed a semi-automatic classifier for homogeneous landscape photographs by using Google Cloud Vision API and multi-level hierarchical clustering. The classifier was applied to the classification of urban riverscape photographs, which is a typical example of homogeneous landscapes in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Japan. The riverscapes can be classified into 9 characteristic groups by the classifier and the visual impression of these groups matches well with our intuitive feeling. A confusion matrix showed that the overall accuracy was 82.61%, indicating a strong agreement between the classifier and manual classification. Therefore, the classifier is practical for classifying homogeneous riverscape photographs. Such methodology also provides the possibility of public participation in the assessing process, which, in turn, contributes to urban tourism management.
Homogeneous Landscape; Landscape Characteristics; Image Annotation; Photograph Classification; Urban Riverscape; Machine Learning; Clusters
Effects of Pictures With Waterscapes of Varied Visual Perception of Naturalness on Individual Cognition
作者:王曉博,金穎,宋旸 WANG Xiaobo, JIN Ying, SONG Yang
Natural environments can provide individual cognitive benefits, and naturalness is often regarded as a valued property of environment. This research focuses on the visual perception of naturalness and investigates the impact of waterscapes of varied naturalness levels on people’s cognition, by proposing and verifying two hypotheses: 1) subjective restoration varies across waterscapes of varied naturalness levels; and 2) waterscapes of varied naturalness levels affect people’s working memory accordingly. Through a between-subjects experiment, participants in this research were randomized into three experiment groups (waterscapes of high, medium, and low naturalness level) and the control group, and the Perceived Restorative Scale and the Restoration Outcome Scale are introduced to measure the subjective restoration of the environment. The running memory accuracy, shifting cost, and Stroop task indicators are used to measure an individual’s working memory. According to the characteristics of waterscapes of varied naturalness levels summarized upon the research and the findings on the corresponding cognitive benefits, suggestions are concluded for optimizing resource allocation and investments in landscape design practice, as well as guiding visitors’ usage of waterscapes: 1) waterscapes are recommended in spatial creation for their productive cognitive benefits, if financial and ecological conditions permit; 2) in terms of cognitive benefits, waterscapes of high naturalness level are conducive to high subjective restoration and enhanced inhibition function of central executive system; 3) waterscapes of medium naturalness level can lead to a relatively high subjective restoration and improved updating function of central executive system; and 4) waterscapes of low naturalness level can bring about a better attention restoration and better performance on shifting function of central executive system.
Visual Perception; Naturalness; Waterscape; Cognition; Subjective Restoration; Attention; Working Memory
Affective Experience Measurement in Outdoor Environment via Machine Visual Cognition
作者:付而康,周佳玟,姚智,李西 FU Erkang, ZHOU Jiawen, YAO Zhi, LI Xi
Outdoor environments with quality landscapes can benefit people’s physical and mental health. Real-time assessment on individuals’ environmental affective experience can improve the scientism in measuring the quality of outdoor environments. Existing measurement methods are often insufficient for the cases of a larger site area or sample size. The machine visual cognition of Artificial Intelligence can realize the recognition of facial expressions and the changes in video images, which supports high-precision and long-cycle measurements on individuals’ affective experience in outdoor environments. Taking an urban community square as the study site, this research simultaneously collects participants’ facial data from video images and their electrodermal activity data, wherein Convolutional Neural Network algorithm model is trained with a deep learning algorithm, i.e. codec–SVM optimized model, whose reliability is tested through an additional experiment. The research reveals that: 1) The accuracy rate of the main and additional experiments in measuring individuals’ affective experience is 82.01% and 65.08%, respectively; 2) The additional experiment verifies the application potential of the codec–SVM optimized model; And 3) the model works more effective for outdoor scenarios with varying usage behaviors and open views. Therefore, machine visual cognition can be used for emotion measurement in a larger site area or sample size and contributes to the effectiveness of landscape optimization efforts, especially as an instrumental tool to study the affective experience of the ones who have communication or reading disability. The findings also demonstrate the model’s great potential in building Smart Cities with refined public services.
Machine Visual Cognition; Outdoor Environments Experience; Affective Experience Measurement; Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm Model; Health Promotion; Design Research
Research on the Greening Rate and Spatial Differences of Urban Residential Neighborhoods in Shenzhen
作者:古維迎,湯子雄,陳義勇,戴牧野 GU Weiying, TANG Zixiong, CHEN Yiyong, DAI Muye
居住區綠地是城市居民使用最多的城市綠地類型之一。鑒于既有綠化指標無法準確衡量城市居住區綠化水平的空間差異,本文提出居住單元綠化覆蓋率、綠視率、500m范圍內的公園綠地率三項居住單元綠化指標,旨在探討城市綠地服務的公平性問題。研究以2017年的深圳市建成區居住單元為例,利用土地覆被圖、街景圖片等建立了包含14 196個居住單元的綠化數據庫,并測算了每個居住單元的三項綠化指標值,衡量了居住單元綠化水平及其空間差異的影響因素。研究表明:1)三項指標均可獨立反映居住單元內部或周邊綠化水平;2)居住單元的綠化覆蓋率、500m范圍內的公園綠地率均較低,綠視率較高;3)不同居住單元內部、500m范圍內的公園綠地,以及不同房屋產權類型的居住單元的綠化水平存在較大空間差異,綠地服務的公平性不足;4)居住單元綠化水平受開發強度、房屋產權類型、海拔和區位等地理空間因素影響。研究建議城市綠地布局應考慮與居住單元的空間關系,關注弱勢群體的綠地服務質量,并重視居住區綠化指標的多維化,尤其可將500m范圍內的公園綠地率作為現有居住區綠化指標體系的補充指標。
Residential green spaces are one of the most frequently used urban green space types. Aiming at filling a gap in the existing greening indicators with considerations on the spatial differences of residential green spaces, as well as to inform the improvement of urban green space service, three greening indicators, i.e. residential unit’s green coverage rate, green view index, and park ratio within a 500 m service radius, are proposed in this paper. This study selects 14,196 residential units in built area of Shenzhen City in 2017 to measure the greening rate and the geographic spatial factors of the units upon multi-sourced geographic databases such as land cover maps and street view images. The research reveals that: 1) the three indicators can all independently measure the greening rate within or around residential units; 2) the studied residential units are low in residential unit’s green coverage rate and park ratio within a 500 m service radius, but high in green view index; 3) there are significant disparities of the greening rate and the surrounding parks in 500 m service radius among the studied units, and among different housing property rights, showing a disequilibrium in green space service; and 4) the greening rate of residential units is mainly impacted by factors such as development intensity, types of housing property right, altitude, and location. In conclusion, it is suggested that urban green space layout should prioritize improving the spatial distribution and layout of residential green spaces, especially for the socially vulnerable population. Finally, the study points out that the park ratio within a 500 m service radius can be adopted as a supplement to existing greening indicators for residential areas.
Residential Neighborhoods; Residential Unit’s Green Coverage Rate; Green View Index; Park Ratio Within a 500 m Service Radius; Greening Rate; Spatial Difference; Shenzhen
Designing Aesthetic Experiences for the Cultural Sustainability of Ecological Health
作者:李佳陽,瓊?艾弗森?納索爾 LI Jiayang, Joan Iverson NASSAUER
保障人類福祉和促進生態健康是當代景觀設計實踐和氣候變化適應的兩個核心目標。認知科學認為,情緒和情感會極大影響決策過程。本文則討論了審美體驗如何對能夠提升或削弱生態健康的決策產生影響。雖然眾多實踐已經證實令人愉悅的景觀體驗有益健康,但是這些體驗不一定會促進生態健康。如何推動審美體驗與生態健康二者相輔相成仍處于探索階段。基于“文化可持續性”概念,本文闡釋了如何在設計策略中利用審美體驗,鼓勵公眾接納高性能的生態系統,避免其因吸引力較弱或不被人熟悉而遭到破壞或抵制。本文從小尺度、可以被人迅速識別的景觀特征出發,以“關懷線索”(cues to care)為例,剖析了如何通過改變人們的感知和情感反應來促進生態健康,并結合三個中國和美國的項目進行了討論。本文期望引導讀者思考:當城市面臨氣候變化帶來的全新挑戰時,審美體驗在保護、恢復和營造生態良好景觀的努力中能夠發揮何種作用?如何通過設計人們可以迅速識別的景觀特征來影響審美體驗?
Ensuring human wellbeing and promoting ecological health are two central objectives in contemporary landscape architecture practice and adaption to climate change. Cognitive sciences recognize that affect and emotion play a critical role in human decision-making. This article describes how aesthetic experiences could affect decisions that support or undermine ecological health. While the wellbeing benefits of pleasant landscape experiences have been demonstrated empirically, aesthetic experiences may or may not promote ecological health. The question of how to better align the two remains under debate and investigation. Building on the concept of cultural sustainability, this article elucidates how aesthetic experiences can be used in design tactics to encourage societal acceptance for highly functioning ecosystems that otherwise may be destroyed or resisted for their unappealing or unfamiliar appearance. With examples from China and the United States, this article illuminates how fine-scale, immediately noticeable landscape characteristics, such as “cues to care,” can change perceptual and affective responses to promote ecological health. This article invites readers to reflect on what role aesthetic experiences may play in conserving, restoring, and creating ecologically sound landscapes as we face new challenges in the urban era of climate change, and how design can help construct aesthetic experiences with immediately noticeable landscape characteristics.
Aesthetics; Landscape Perception; Urban Ecosystems; Nature-Based Solutions; Green Infrastructure; Ecological Design
Cognition and Design of Complex Landscapes: The Function, Logic, and Mechanism of Mapping
作者:劉京一,張夢晗,李欣怡,陳崇賢 LIU Jingyi, ZHANG Menghan, LI Xinyi, CHEN Chongxian
Being rich in form and obscure in content, mapping brings not only new opportunities, but also confusion and doubts to the research and practice of contemporary complex landscapes. Therefore, deep exploration of mapping’s function, logic, and mechanism in inspiring design is needed to help recognize the value of Mapping and promote its understanding and application. Through literature review, case studies, and the authors’ practice and teaching, this article attempts to answer three questions: Which function does Mapping emphasize, representation or exploration? What is the logic of mapping in arranging information? And what is the mechanism of mapping in inspiring design? The main conclusions of this article include: 1) Rather than viewer-oriented representation, mapping more often serves the cartographers themselves in their exploration activities, in which they develop new understandings and create new possibilities while constructing the complex relationship of existing information; 2) Despite the various forms, media, and methods, mapping’s logical structures in organizing information would converge into five types: sequence, matrix, parallel, network, and deconstruction reflecting to various degrees the logic of complex landscapes themselves; And 3) through collecting and connecting information and ideas with certain logical frameworks, mapping helps with bottom-up generation of cognition and design of the site, which provides a visual operation carrier that reflects the site’s structures and evolutionary processes. Applying mapping in teaching and practice can promote designers’ cognition on structures and processes of complex landscapes and get rid of the dogma of following standardized workflows or imposed cultural symbols.
Complex Landscape; Mapping; Cognitive Logic; Design Method; Non-linearity; Landscape Design
The Reflection of Medusa: A Review of The City of Imagination
作者:陳崢能 Albert Zhengneng CHEN
The lately published The City of Imagination by Valerio Morabito challenges the pictorial idea of landscape interpretation and explores the possibilities of storytelling to read and represent the landscape that focuses on the literary and communicative aptitudes of Landscape Architecture. The article reviews the book from the perspective of history, epistemology, method, and reception regarding its literary root, which is notably inspired by Italo Calvino. The review consists of four sections: First, word and image: the historical exemplars of landscape representation between pictorial and verbal tradition. Second, memory and foresight: the authenticity of travelogue and Morabito’s method of working with his travel memories. Third, truth and myth: how Morabito applies the cognitive imperfection in storytelling to his empirical approach that counterbalances the positivist reading of the landscape. And fourth, form and language: the tension between the formal autonomy and the bardic tradition in the visual language of Morabito. The article approaches and further opens the essential dialogues between the palpable existence and fictive landscape, the interpretation and consumption of the thick meanings in human inhabitation, and the cognitive antinomy and reconciliation of positivist and humanistic stances in the discipline.
Travelogue; Landscape Representation; Reading; Verbal Drawings; Storytelling; Italo Calvino
Placemaking Based on Site Experience—Landscape Design of Parkhill Commons in Shenzhen
作者:江湘蓉,秦曉晴,卡特里娜?奧爾蒂茲 JIANG Xiangrong, QIN Xiaoqing, Katrina ORTIZ
Placemaking of public open spaces, such as community parks and streetscapes that are foundational to residents’ daily social and recreational life, can significantly influence their site experience. Scholars have explored the influence of such kind of experience on users’ behavioral, physical, and mental conditions from multiple perspectives including attention restoration and stress reduction. However, the findings are seldom applied in practice to convey certain design concepts. This article introduces the landscape design project of Parkhill Commons in Shenzhen. The project team reviewed relevant research findings, and characterized the health-promoting restorative environment and social-capital-friendly communities. Accordingly, strategies for activity zones, planting design, service facilities, and slow-traffic neighborhoods were proposed to enhance site experience and serve nearby residents by creating vital and pleasant community-level public open spaces, and to maximize the social benefits and reinforce community cohesion. After completion, the project team has investigated the site usage and the public’s evaluation, in order to stimulate reflections on design strategies. Results from the questionnaire survey and field observation show the effect of placemaking strategies on users’ site experience. This article provides references for placemaking practice of community-level public open spaces and is expected to help bridge the gap between theoretical research and design practice.
Community Parks; Site Experience; Public Open Spaces; Spatial Perception; Attention Restoration; Outdoor Activities; Slow-Traffic Neighborhoods
Fostering Urban Digital Integrated Systems: The Case of Carrè Laval, Canada
作者:馬丁娜?馬扎雷洛,法比奧?杜阿爾特,西蒙娜?莫拉,里卡多?阿爾瓦雷斯,卡洛?拉蒂 Martina MAZZARELLO, Fabio DUARTE, Simone MORA, Ricardo ALVAREZ, Carlo RATTI
City governments are embracing digital technologies to improve hard and soft urban systems, so as to create and improve urban experiences, foster an entrepreneurial city, as well as devise novel services that can improve the livability of citizens and boost the local economy. Unlike traditional infrastructure and urban systems, which tend to be natural monopolies, data-driven digital platforms can engage multiple stakeholders simultaneously. This article, introducing the notion of hybrid urban digital integrated systems, proposes a methodology aims at the integration of digital and physical elements in urban environments. We based our discussion on the work developed by students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Senseable City Lab, which focused on the integration of the digital-technology-based solutions in Carré Laval of the city of Laval, Canada. As the result of the workshop, six projects have been developed by students, namely, “Activating Surface,” “Infinite memories,” “Fora,” “iTable,” “MinecARft,” and “Foodprint.”These designs aim at promoting civic engagement as intrinsic elements of the re-appropriation and redesign of this severely underutilized site. The human-centered designs rooted in specific context will help digital technologies embedded in the city and increase the attractiveness of the city to local and new stakeholders.
Urban Environment; Urban Experiences; Civic Engagement; Human-Centered Design; Digital Platforms; Education; Carré Laval