Resilience Through Regeration: The Economics of Repurposing Vacant Land With Green Infrastructure
作者:蓋倫·紐曼,黎東瑩,朱芮,任丁鼎 Galen NEWMAN, LI Dongying, ZHU Rui, REN Dingding
城市再造; 社區韌性; 景觀績效; 綠色基礎設施
Many urban areas affected by flood disasters are also becoming increasingly ecologically and socially fragmented due to the accumulation of vacant properties. While redevelopment is often viewed as the primary objective in regenerating vacant properties, they can also potentially provide ecological and hydrological land uses. Rather than chasing development-based incentives for regenerating vacant lots in high flood-risk communities, a balance should be sought between new developmental land uses and green infrastructure to help counteract stormwater runoff and flood effects, or “Resilience through Regeneration.” This paper uses landscape performance measures to evaluate the economic and hydrologic performance of green infrastructure regeneration projects for three marginalized neighborhoods in Houston, Texas, USA. Each project site is characterized by excessive vacant lots and flood issues. Results suggest that, when using green infrastructure to regenerate vacant properties, 1) flood risk continually decreases, 2) upfront economic costs increase in the short term (when compared to conventional development), and 3) the long-term economic return on investment is much higher.
Key words
Urban Regeneration; Community Resilience; Landscape Performance; Green Infrastructure
Strategies and Technical Approaches of Rural Traditional Building Renewal in China’s Rural Revitalization Movement
作者:徐小東,沈宇馳 XU Xiaodong, SHEN Yuchi
In the context of China’s current policy-oriented Rural Rejuvenation movement, through case studies, the paper reviews protection and renewal strategies and approaches of traditional rural buildings, ranging from preservation and reshaping of traditional architectural formal elements and group characteristics, contemporary interpretation and application of traditional construction techniques, to introduction of semi-industrialized construction modes and new structural organizing approaches. Based on theoretical and technical studies of sustainability, this paper puts forward a new semi-industrialized intervention mode, called “micro-renewal,” which is more applicable for renewal practices in rural China. Finally, illustrating with an authentic micro-renewal case, the “Embedded House” in Dainan Town in Xinghua, Jiangsu Province, the paper demonstrates that this new semi-industrialized intervention offers a paradigm to strategies, techniques, and alternatives for future architectural renewal and protection in rural China.
Key words
Rural Revitalization; Rural Traditional Buildings; Micro-Renewal; Technical Approach; Semi-Industrialized Construction
Exploration on Strengthening City Competitiveness and Improving Urban Governance in the Age of Ecological Civilization
作者:葉裕民 YE Yumin
In this interview, Ye Yumin, the interviewee, first clarifies basic concepts of Economics such as Urban Economics, a city’s economy, and industrial structure upgrading, and points out that, to most Chinese cities, the failure of industrial structure upgrading and new driving force fostering largely is due to their inadequate labor force structure. She argues that today’s primary task of China's urbanization is to ensure people’s overall well-being, encourage their activity and cultivate talents, accumulating human capital to support the continuous upgrading of industrial structure and developing new driving forces. Ye further argues that, in the age of Ecological Civilization, urban planners and designers play an important role in strengthening cities’ competitiveness with inclusive renewal and design concepts, while highlighting that China’s new reform of a Super-Ministry System is in line with contemporary needs to improve the overall competitiveness of the country in the future and to safeguard the public interests. Finally, by recognizing the application scopes of the both top-down Management mode and bottom-up Governance mode, Ye articulates that all problems in China’s PPP cases are caused by the poor credibility of both public and private parties, and a sound credibility system and mechanism is urgently required, which would define duties of both parties.
Key words
Economics; City; Urban Planning and Design; Ecological Civilization; Management and Governance; Public-Private Partnership
Landscape Design as an Asset Management
作者:林瑋 LIN Wei
Landscape is a product of economic activities and an asset associated with a society’s productivity levels and the relations of production. Despite the range of projects —self-owned, for-sale, or public infrastructure — that designers undertake, life-cycle benefits such as rental returns and public satisfaction should always be considered. By interpreting landscape design as an asset management, this article highlights the third-party role of asset managers who coordinate the benefits of all stakeholders at different stages through negotiation of design options. Designers are also expected to have a product and user thinking, acquire general and interdisciplinary knowledge of certain businesses through role rotations, cross-department meetings, and diverse project teams to improve design proposals, and strengthen mechanisms of pre-occupancy engagement and post-occupancy evaluation.
Key words
Asset Management; Landscape Design; Post-Occupancy Evaluation; Holistic Thinking; Economy
Economy, Development, Landscape and Value
作者:烏多·韋拉赫爾 Udo WEILACHER
Landscape has various economic values. However, Udo Weilacher, the interviewee, argues that most drivers of the global economic development do underestimate the wide range of non-economic values of landscape. He points out that public awareness on the values of landscape and environment somehow depends on the societal developing phase of a country, and hopes that developing countries would not go through the same developments that caused irreversible environmental damage, as what most developed countries did. Weilacher further reflects that the benefits of landscape cannot be economically calculated and landscape architects need to discuss environmental values beyond economic calculation. Finally, he argues that in the current college education of Landscape Architecture, economic aspects of landscape have not been emphasized enough, and landscape design has to be enthusiastic to overwhelm and fascinate people in order to persuade them to invest for environmental improvement.
Key words
Landscape Architecture; Economy; Value; Development; Education
From Intuition-Driven to Product-Driven Design: Changes in Design Values and Responsibilities
作者:朱勝萱 ZHU Shengxuan
In this interview, combining his career experience as an architect, a landscape architect, and an entrepreneur, Zhu Shengxuan, the interviewee, shares his insights on values and responsibilities of design. He argues that designers should coordinate the interests of all stakeholders and take public benefits into account, and believes that design can be better promoted as a product under a commercial thinking. Through an integration of design, construction, and operation, Zhu creatively introduces a combination of commercial thinking and design values to create a greater social influence. He also encourages addressing China’s rural revitalization with diverse, future-oriented concepts, and points out that the breakthrough of institutions may bring more economic benefits to rural locals.
Key words
Landscape Architecture; Cost; Economic Value; Social Responsibility; Product Thinking; Rural Development
Thoughts on Synergetic Development of Watershed Management and Regional Economy
作者:朱慶平 ZHU Qingping
Zhu Qingping, the interviewee, is a prominent expert in China’s watershed management. Starting with the modes of China’s watershed management and the changes of water management philosophy, Zhu emphasizes that watershed management often involves various factors, including public resources, infrastructure construction, ecosystems, historical and cultural traditions, and population, all of which shall be taken into consideration as a whole. The interview then goes to the management of the Yellow River Basin, where Zhu explains the impacts between river flows and urban development, suggests a great opportunity for development the cities in the lower reaches of Yellow River Basin have, and proposes an idea of building a national ecological and cultural belt along the river. He further argues that watershed management requires collaborations across industries, disciplines, and administrative regions and divisions. He also believes that public engagement and maintenance plays an important role in watershed management and an intelligent water / watershed management system needs to be established by networking integrated big-data platforms to facilitate a more intelligent and coordinated water resource management while better ensuring water security at varied scales.
Key words
Watershed Management; Regional Economy; Public Resource; Synergetic Development; Yellow River Basin; Intelligent Water / Watershed Management System
作者:新加坡銳科建筑設計咨詢有限公司,奧雅納工程顧問有限公司新加坡分公司 LOOK Architects, Arup Singapore
While rapid spread of urbanization brings dramatical economic growth to major cities worldwide, they are relentlessly eating up green spaces and farmlands essential to the ecosystem and environmental health, risking the common benefits for all lives with inbalanced development and putting a burden on contemporary Landscape Architecture to coordinate ecology and aesthetic with economy. By integrating design aesthetic and engineering efficiency, Fudao, a first-of-its-kind elevated steel walkway system in Fuzhou, China, addresses this challenge successfully by opening up a once desolated mountain area to the public with a minimum environmental disturbance achieved by an innovative design approach, which gains international attention.
Key words
Minimum Intervention; Common Benefit; Forest Walkway; Modular System; Lightweight Structure; Ecology Protection
Bight: Coastal Urbanism
作者:蘇珊娜·德雷克,拉菲·西格爾 Susannah DRAKE, Rafi SEGAL
在2017年全美區域規劃設計競賽中,由蘇珊娜·德雷克和拉菲·西格爾率領的設計團隊脫穎而出,被選定為紐約大都會區的其中一個片區制定規劃方案。他們提出的“連接海洋的廊道:沿海都市主義”方案建立在一系列系統性的景觀和城市設計戰略的基礎上,以為該區域濱水地區的轉型提供指導。兩位設計師分別所在的DLANDstudio景觀設計事務所和Rafi Segal A+U建筑與都市主義事務所通過與來自麻省理工學院的研究團隊展開合作,使他們的設計能夠直接并積極地應對氣候變化、極端暴雨事件和海平面上升帶來的巨大挑戰
The project is a result of a national design competition in 2017, through which a team led by Susannah Drake and Rafi Segal was selected to contribute to the 4th Regional Plan for the New York Metropolitan area. Their proposed Bight: Coastal Urbanism project builds upon a systems-based landscape and urban design strategy to guide the transformation of the regional waterfront. Working in collaboration with colleagues in their offices and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), their project directly and proactively responds to the immense challenges of climate change, extreme storm events, and rising sea levels.
Key words
Urbanism; Landscape Economic Zone; Sea Level Rise; Coastal Development; Water; Sustainability
Arrival City — Application of the Game Theories in Renewal of Low-Density Urban Villages
作者:趙晨思,劉愷希 ZHAO Chensi, LIU Kaixi
Offering an alternative planning and design strategy of renewals of low-density urban villages, this research estimates potentials of increasing a city’s accommodation capacity of low-skilled labor force through economic approaches like the Game Theories. A design idea of creating an “arrival city” is proposed in the prototypical study on the renewal of the Ganjiazhai Community, a typical urban village in Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province. Developing spatial patterns through a series of evidence-based deductions and estimations, this research forms a node-axis framework of urban planning and design that allows for an adaptive combination of spatial modules and encourages spatial sharing, which might shine a reference for future planning and design of urban villages in Chinese cities.
Key words
Low-Density Urban Village Renewal; Low-Skilled Labor Force; Merits of Economies of Scale; Game Theories; Urban Planning
Altitudes: Local Ecologies and Vertical Economies
作者:弗朗西斯科·加羅法洛 Francesco GAROFALO
“Selva Central” is a rural area of Peru defined by high-altitude forest, whose economy is largely dependent on the coffee production. The effects of monoculture are both tangible and intangible, ranging from a weak single-commodity economy to the loss of the multifaceted cultural expertise and traditions of local communities. The area, in fact, produces coffee for global exportation, while is suffering shifting local agricultural patterns due to climate change.
This article argues while unfolding “Altitudes” strategic project, how visualizing climate change, rethinking the supply-chain, and understanding the local landscape as a vertical economy can highlight opportunities of moving beyond the monoculture of coffee, creating the conditions for newly (partially) self-sufficient local communities.
Key words
Landscape; Coffee; Monoculture; Climate Change; Strategy
The Civic Forest
作者:喬瓦尼·貝洛蒂,凱利·莉蘭妮·梅因,戴安娜·安,亞歷山大·威格林·斯皮策 Giovanni BELLOTTI, Kelly Leilani MAIN, Diana ANG, Alexander Wiegering SPITZER
Industrial growth during the twentieth century, fueled by economies of extraction like coal mining, has produced severe environmental degradation and uniquely dispersed metropolitan areas. Silesia, a region of agglomerated mining towns in Southern Poland, is transitioning to a post-extraction economy. Sulfur dioxide emissions and deposits of heavy metals altered the acidity of the land, making farming impossible. Terrain subsidence and slag heaps transformed the topography, forming new valleys and mountains. Over time, surface water bodies appeared, and a new forest grew. The Silesian forests remain a reflection, and also extension, of an extractive and extracted time.
As forests often demarcate the boundaries of growth, embody narratives of preservationism, and retain the trauma of industrial processes, the Civic Forest addresses the forests of Silesia as a new “center,” one that is capable through their scale and complexity to confront the current challenges and ambitions of the post-extraction metropolis.
Key words
Forest; Anthropocene; Extraction; Urbanism; Public Space; Landscape