Biodiversity Conservation Planning Adaptive to Sea Level Rise: The Case of the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve in Florida
作者:祝明建,奚雪松,李胭胭 Mingjian ZHU, Xuesong XI, Yanyan LI
Currently, sea level rise becomes one of the biggest threats to biodiversity conservation in low-lying coastal areas, and coastal conservation areas need to be optimized to the rising sea level. This paper introduces the case of the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve in Florida, which shows that the key conservation areas adaptive to sea level rise can be identified by modeling with integrated protection planning. Combining the American case’s lessons, the paper further comes up with suggestions on biodiversity protection adaptive to sea level rise for china’s coastal cities and regions.
Key words
Sea Level Rise; Adaptive Planning; Biodiversity; Coastal Region; Simulation
Changing Climate and Changing Strategies for Urban Design
作者:陳顯堯 Xianyao CHEN
Global climate change has a broad and profound impact on human social and economic development. As one of the most distinguishing observations of climate change, sea level rise exacerbates marine disasters such as storm surge, coastal erosion, and seawater intrusion, which threaten the socio-economic development of coastal areas. As an expert on global climate change, the interviewee noted that ocean plays an absolutely dominant role in global climate system, and further emphasized the non-synchronicity and non-uniformity of global sea level rise. He also pointed out that basic research on global climate change needs to be more extensively applied in climatology, disaster prediction and control, urban planning and design, and other disciplines, in order to provide scientific support on risk assessment and management for urban construction of coastal regions.
Key words
Ocean; Global Climate Change; Sea Level Rise; Urban Design
Ecological Situation and Protection of China’s Coastal Areas
作者:李國勝 Guosheng LI
As coastal urbanization, reclamation, aquaculture, shoal-reinforcement, and oil exploitation have intensified over the past few decades, China’s natural coastline has shrunk. The man-made coastline now accounts for more than 40% of the total national coastline. Such intensive development has disturbed the natural landscape and ecosystem of the coastal zones. This interview introduces the overall ecological situation of China’s coastal areas including changes in the major delta areas of China. It stresses that development of coastal areas should be coordinated to best balance economic growth and ecological protection. It encourages the establishment of a nation-wide ecological monitoring and assessment mechanism that will help respond to pressing issues including climate change and sea level rise.
Key words
Coastal Zone; China; Delta; Reclamation; Ecological Protection
The Impacts of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road on Chinese Coastal Cities
作者:劉保奎 Baokui LIU
Since the introduction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative by President Xi Jinping in 2013, a series of relevant policies have profoundly influenced the development of coastal cities in China. The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road promises an open and inclusive new cooperation platform. It will help form a regional cooperation, which is driven by the key coastal cities and coastal economic zones. The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road brings new impetus to the development of coastal areas, leading to profound changes in regional agglomeration, industrial organization patterns, population migration, ecological protection, and other aspects.
Key words
Coastal City; Urban Agglomeration; Industry; Population Migration; Coastal Ecology
The Design of Resilient Coastal Communities and Ecosystems Responding to Climate Changes
作者:杰弗里?卡尼 Jeffery CARNEY
In recent years, challenges of storms, land loss and sea level rise are getting more and more serious in the coastal areas. Since its founding in 2009, the Coastal Sustainability Studio (CSS) of Louisiana State University has been trying to use innovative approaches to foster resilient coastal communities and ecosystems. This interview focuses on CSS’s way of building teams, transdisciplinary collaboration, and their practices on large-scale planning in coastal areas, etc. As is stated by Jeffery Carney, director of CSS, climate change is increasingly recognized as a huge factor in coastal community design and is affecting inland regions as well, which has become a global issue to be seriously concerned. Carney also suggests that it is the duty of landscape architects to put the complexities of the ecosystem into a human context. Only with the application of systems thinking and with collaboration with a diverse team, can we realize design and development in productive and responsible ways.
Key words
Coastal Sustainability Studio; Coastal Restoration; Coastal Ecosystem Preservation; Climate Changes; Collaboration
2050: An Energetic Odyssey
作者:德克?西蒙茲,賈斯珀?哈根伯格,約佩?維爾 Dirk SIJMONS, Jasper HUGTENBURG, Joppe VEUL
歐洲承諾,截至2050年,將實現溫室氣體減排80%~95%。受2016年荷蘭鹿特丹國際建筑雙年展委托,H+N+S景觀設計事務所與Ecofys能源與氣候咨詢公司、Tungsten Pro多媒體制作公司聯合推出了基于可再生能源利用的北海區域規劃。該規劃概述出項目未來可能的實際情況,及其對自然、漁業、港口發展、經濟和娛樂休閑的影響。
“2050: An Energetic Odyssey” is a research by design on the possibilities, opportunities, and spatial implications of the realisation of large-scale harvesting, transportation and storage of renewable energy sources on and around the North Sea. This project demonstrates the role the North Sea could play in meeting the globally agreed two-degree target.
Europe has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 by 80% ~ 95%. Commissioned by the Internationale Architectuur Biennale Rotterdam 2016 (IABR 2016), H+N+S made a plan for the North Sea together with Ecofys and Tungsten Pro, in which renewable energy sources are utilised. This plan outlines how that might look in practical terms and what the effects might be for nature, fishery, harbour development, economies, and recreation.
Key words
North Sea; Climate Change; Coastal; Energy; Offshore Wind
Adaptive Planning for a Dynamic Landscape: Alabama’s Gulf State Park Master Plan
作者:吉娜?福特,詹姆斯?邁納 Gina FORD, James MINER
The Gulf State Park Master Plan — a strategic framework for this beloved 6,150-acre park in coastal Alabama — offers a new model for addressing increasingly complex environments. The dynamism of the landscape, its context of emerging adaptive management techniques, and the need to accommodate built-in early action strategies allowed for a new kind of master plan, one where implementation and strategy co-existed and informed one another in real-time. We provide an overview of the master plan vision, examine its early action elements, and explain the value of engaging in planning and design implementation concurrently.
Key words
Resilience; Master Planning; Coastal; Park; Ecology
Bird Airport — Tianjin Lingang Bird Sanctuary Wetland Park Design
作者:McGregor Coxall設計事務所 McGregor Coxall
東亞-澳大利西亞候鳥遷飛區(EAAF)是全球九大貫穿南北半球的候鳥遷飛區之一,每年都有全球五分之一的瀕危水鳥在這條遷飛區上飛行。 在沿海地區城市蓬勃發展的大環境下,鳥類棲息地與覓食場地逐漸消失,鳥類數量急劇下降。為了增加中國渤海灣核心鳥類棲息地的數量,McGregor Coxall設計事務所計劃在臨港經濟開發區的一塊填海圍墾地上建立一處110hm2的鳥類保護濕地公園,并提出世界上首個“候鳥機場”設計。由于部分鳥類在遷飛途中會不間斷飛行超過11 000km、長達10天不進食飲水,位于渤海灣上的“候鳥機場”將是EAAF上鳥類進行補給和繁衍的至關重要的一站,對中國、澳大利亞,乃至全球生態系統具有重要意義。
Each year more than 50 million birds make the return journey from the Antarctic reaches to the northern tip of the earth along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF) seeking food and shelter. As one of the nine global north-south fly ways, the EAAF is now the world’s most threatened due to the loss of bird foraging habitat by coastal urbanization. One in five globally threatened water birds including the Black-Tailed Godwit fly the EAAF but they are suffering rapid declines in population.
In a bid to increase critical bird habitat on the shores of the Bohai Bay in China, the Asian Development Bank encouraged the Port of Tianjin to embark upon an international design competition for a wetland bird sanctuary on a degraded land fill site in Lingang. McGregor Coxall won the first prize in the competition with a proposal of establishing the world’s first migratory “Bird Airport” — a 110-hectare wetland park and bird sanctuary. With some birds flying non-stop for more than 11,000 km and up to 10 days without food or water, the airport will be a crucial re-fueling and breeding stop on the EAAF.
Key words
Bird Airport; East Asian-Australasian Flyway; Coastal Landscape; Wetland; Natural Education
Living Breakwaters — Coastal Infrastructure in New York
作者:SCAPE景觀設計公司 SCAPE Landscape Architecture DPC
我們如何將公眾與其所處環境更直接地聯系起來?我們如何在預測海平面上升和日益頻發的風暴的同時修復水體,并將人們與海岸相連?“有生命的防波堤”是一個創新性的沿海綠色基礎設施項目,是美國住房和城市發展部“為重建而設計”競賽的獲獎項目之一,意在為上述問題提供解決方案。該項目由紐約州政府風暴災后恢復辦公室實施,并獲得了6 000萬美元的社區發展補助災后恢復專項資金。“有生命的防波堤”項目為拉里坦灣和斯塔滕島量身設計,將水上基礎設施與在岸教育和外展服務相結合,有助于降低災害風險、提高生態系統穩定性,同時促進管理能力的培養。
How can we connect citizens more directly with their immediate environment? How can we anticipate rising sea levels and increasingly intense storms, but also revive waterbodies, and connect people to the shore? Living Breakwaters is an innovative coastal green infrastructure project that was selected as one of the winning projects of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Rebuild by Design competition that aims to answer these questions. The project is being implemented by the New York State Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery with 60 million USD of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding. Planned for the Raritan Bay and Staten Island, Living Breakwaters links in-water infrastructure with on-shore education and outreach, to help reduce risk, enhance ecosystems and foster stewardship.
Key words
Ecological Design; Risk Reduction; Coastal Infrastructure; Civic Engagement; Waterfront; Resiliency
Embracing Rías: Recovering the Aqua-scape in Quilmas, Spain
作者:邢曉曄 Xiaoye Xing
The Galician Coast, located in the west coast of Spain, is characterized by the long, sinuous coastline with complex hydrological configuration, where fishery and aquaculture are the pillar industry. Quilmas is a small village of only 170 inhabitants on the coastline. Though with a long history of aquaculture and beautiful natural scenery, tourism is not well developed here due to limited transportation. However, an alien turbot farm dominants half of the shoreline in Quilmas, becoming the potential threat to local ecosystem, without providing adequate job opportunities. The farm still intends to expand in Quilmas. Thus the municipal made the best of this chance and reached an agreement that the farm has to partially devote to public space to get the permission. This project starts with transforming the farm to an eco-friendly plant, and aims to establish various aqua-scape typologies that integrate economics, ecology and landscape, and also to stimulate tourism by integrating cultural heritage and natural heritage.
Key words
Aquaculture; Aqua-scape; Integrated Multi-tropic Aquaculture System; Coast
Rise: A Guide to Boundary Resistance
作者:亞歷桑德拉?梅 Alexandra MEI
The format of the guidebook carries potential for landscape architecture as a practice of inclusion, participation and social engagement. Here, the guidebook is a medium for a native American coastal community to challenge the boundary lines placed onto its island by the Army Corps of Engineers. The Biloxi Chitimacha Choctaw tribe on the Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana, forced to leave their island for a land-locked parcel farther north because of sea level rise, will eventually lose their island to state property as this mark rises with the sea in the next fifty years. In response, the project uses the guidebook to suggest acts of community resistance against this water mark, obscuring and blurring the boundary so that the tribe will maintain ownership of their land and have a reason to return after they leave. Through conscious choice of representation style and sensitivity to the process of design, the project provoked questions of community, resistance, and “design for the other.” Here, the role of landscape architecture is critical of the boundaries placed onto land, and the uses of the guidebook can help to embrace community engagement and agency.
Key words
Boundary; Community; Participation; Agency; Identity
[Re]Learning Geographical Atmospheres
作者:大衛?德爾?沃爾斯 David del VALLS
Different from current architectural practice, this project emerged in parallel to a larger research investigation and takes a personal approach to site-specific artistic work through a cartographic exploration. The Isleta is a small fishing neighbourhood located in an undefined space between the city, territory and landscape. A growth limit set by Confital’s protected area and the city of Las Palmas has forced people to live hand to mouth by limiting access to the environment. We immerse ourselves in the environment, but we also need it to survive. It is not continuous, it is made of pieces, fragments, and patchworks. These pieces are the essential parts of the feeling and the life of the neighbourhood, the city, and the landscape, telling stories about the past and nostalgia of the shore. The project looks at these spaces, the landscape of pre-existing elements, and focuses on establishing a dialogue with the whole territory, with all the elements that materialized and dematerializing into the landscape through minimum interventions.
Key words
Landscape; Heritage; Coastline; Atmospheres; Territory; Environment