2020年8月7日 俞孔堅(jiān)攝于內(nèi)蒙古自治區(qū)呼和浩特市
其二,美麗城市的深邃外形和風(fēng)貌。在人們的日?;顒?dòng)范圍和視野里,城市是由街道、建筑、開放場(chǎng)所(如廣場(chǎng)、自然地和公園等)所構(gòu)成的活動(dòng)空間。在這一層面上,美麗城市的深邃之形由自然和人文因素相互疊加構(gòu)成。例如,山坡上的梯田即是底層的地形、土壤和水文過程的顯現(xiàn),而人類明智的開墾和農(nóng)作則是適應(yīng)自然過程和巧妙利用自然力的一種表征。這一深邃就在于這是人類適應(yīng)于自然的結(jié)果——猶如白鷺佇立在田間,只因其適宜生存于淺灘濕地。這種城市對(duì)于自然的生態(tài)適應(yīng)成就了城市空間的深邃之美,也成就了城市的美麗風(fēng)貌。生態(tài)適應(yīng)的本質(zhì)是經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)意義上的節(jié)約和人類學(xué)意義的節(jié)制——用最少的能源、物質(zhì)和人力來建造城市,便可獲得街道、建筑和開放空間的深邃之美:蜿蜒起伏的道路、順地形而錯(cuò)落的建筑群、就地勢(shì)而營造的河網(wǎng)和湖泊、適地而栽植的樹木花草,都是適應(yīng)自然衍生出的深邃之美。因此,我們贊美舊時(shí)重慶的山城步道、吊腳樓和黃葛樹(Ficus virens),欣賞延安的黃土墻、窯洞和棗樹(Ziziphus jujuba),懷念北京的胡同、四合院和槐樹(Styphnolobium japonicum),迷戀廣州的河涌水街、騎樓和木棉(Bombax ceiba)。然而,當(dāng)八車道路網(wǎng)橫貫重慶,當(dāng)本地樹種被外來樹種所替代,重慶這座城市也隨之失去了深邃之美。只因不理解美的形態(tài),這樣的“化妝”幾乎在中國所有的城市上演!
On the “Trio” of Beautiful Cities
Doctor of Design at Graduate School of Design, Harvard University; Honorary Foreign Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Professor of College of Architecture and Landscape, Peking University; Fellow of American Society of Landscape Architecture
With COVID-19 under control, the urban quality improvement has been considered a prioritizedinitiative across China by many ministries, commissions, and municipal governments. In thepast July and August, I was invited to participate in more than a dozen ministerial and municipalexpert consultations and lectures. The Beautiful China construction requires the wise creation andmanagement of high-quality beautiful cities to realize the people’s desires for a better life.
Today, to human beings, cities have become homes that inherently lie in the ecological relationshipbetween human and land, wind, water, and other creatures. The beauty of a city is regarded bymany aspects—including the justice and harmony of society, the diversity of culture, the prosperityand vitality of economy, the abundance and happiness of life, the uniqueness and exquisiteness ofarchitecture and landscape, and residents’ sense of belonging and identity. Such a beautiful city isbuilt on the harmony and symbiosis between human and the nature—without this harmony, eventhe most intimate people will be isolated, just like the ones under the impact of COVID-19; withoutthis harmony, no matter how rich a civilization is, how brilliant a culture is, or how prosperousa society is, it might all collapse in an instant; without this harmony, no matter how magnificenta building or how elaborate a garden is, it would become pale. Such misfortunes are numerous:far back to 1,900 years ago, Pompeii, an epitome of ancient Rome civilization, was swallowedby volcanic ash overnight, leaving nothing more than scorched ruins and human remains that stillwrithing in agony; not as far as in 2004, more than 200,000 tourists[1], enjoying a happy time inthe beautiful coastal city of Southeast Asia, were instantly engulfed by the Indian Ocean tsunami;in recent 2008, Wenchuan Earthquake took away nearly 70,000 lives and made the beautifulmountainous city destroyed[2]; and the monstrous floods that is threatening thousands of cities andtowns, as well as our lives, all the time….
The harmony of human and the nature supports the city with sustainability, resilience, and vitalityin a “deep form”—satisfying human desires while ensuring natural patterns and processes. Suchbeauty can be constructed in three dimensions: the pattern of beauty (the deep structure); the formof beauty (the deep appearance and style); and the behavior of residents (green lifestyle). This isthe “trio” of beautiful cities.
To the deep structure of a beautiful city, the relationship between city and the nature is reflected inspatial configurations that can be summarized into “the city in nature” and “the nature in the city.”The former refers to the national-scale landscape from God’s-eye view, where cities are distributedlike mosaics in the territory, taking less than 1% of the total area. Therefore, the primary meritof a beautiful city is a good site selection, which echoes with the metaphor of “cave” (a symbolof the womb of Mother Nature) in China’s ancient landscape beliefs[3]. The relationship betweenthe city and the nature can be compared to that between children and their parents: the nature notonly has the absolute dignity and can exert irresistible punishment, but also offers safe sheltersand continuous kindness—which is called “ecosystem services” in modern sciences[4]; the ancientdragon veins (i.e. rolling mountains), ancestral mountains (i.e. the origin of dragon veins), fengshuiforests (i.e. the forests reserved for ideal living conditions), water gates (i.e. inlets or outletsof water bodies), and earth protection (i.e. the hills that protect caves) composed the pattern of“sacred mountains and holy waters,” which is now called “national ecological security pattern” or“ecological security buffers”[5][6]. In this regard, the deep structure of a beautiful city is defined asthe city’s location safety, i.e. whether the city stays away from natural disasters such as floods andtides, landslides and earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis.
“The nature in the city” is the picture captured from the goshawk’s-eye view—continuous andhealthy natural systems embedded in urban matrix. A complex community consisting of mountains,rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands spreads out tens or even thousands of squarekilometers on the earth, forming continuous ecological corridors, lively wetlands and lakes, vibrantparks and other green spaces, all of which constitute an ecological infrastructure that can providethe city with natural ecosystem services. In this regard, the deep structure of a beautiful cityalso requires a continuous and complete ecological infrastructure (which needs to be integratedwith regional natural landscape pattern and process), and enough space to sustain the ecologicalresilience of the city. To be specific, the resilience is reflected by the sufficient spaces to retain andstore the floods in the region; the effective reduction of pollution and heat island effect; the diversehabitats; the provision of water, food, energy, and building materials; a “springboard” or even ashort rest for birds; a channel in urban environments for fish migration; enough safe spaces andtime for people to escape from earthquakes or other disasters; and rich opportunities to access tothe nature and enjoy its services for physical and mental relief in case of public emergencies suchas under quarantine… Therefore, the deep form of a beautiful city must stem from an interwovenpattern between urban matrix and natural ecological network, i.e. the adaptive pattern to thenature. The “beauty” of large-scale manmade projects which destroys the nature by means ofcutting mountains and filling valleys, breaking rivers and building dams, replacing lakes withnew towns, etc. is bound to be superficial and unsustainable.
To the appearance and style, the deep form of a beautiful city, which offers daily activity spacesfor people (streets, buildings, and open places such as squares, natural areas, and parks), is shapedby a combination of natural systems and humanity. For instance, the manmade terraced fields onthe hillside manifesting the underlying topography, soil, and hydrological processes, are reclaimedand farmed through the adaptation to natural processes and the wise use of natural forces. The deepform is precisely the result of human beings adapting to the nature—like an egret living in fields,since they prefer shallow wetlands.
Such ecological adaptation processes of the city to nature witness the deep beauty of urban spaces,as well as the beautiful appearance of the city. The ecological adaptation is essentially considered“saving” in Economics and “moderation” in Anthropology, through which streets, buildings, andopen spaces with the deep beauty can be created with minimal energy, materials, and manpower.Inspired by the nature, the road network, the buildings, and the constructed river systems andlakes, and the trees and flowers designed in accordance with the terrain, hydrology, and climateconditions are all of deep meaning. Accordingly, we miss the old mountain trails, irregularbuildings, and Ficus virens in Chongqing city; admire the loess walls, cave dwellings, and Ziziphus jujuba in Yan’an city; appreciate Beijing’s hutongs, courtyards, and Styphnolobium japonicum; andlaud Guangzhou’s Heyong Water Street, arcade buildings, and Bombax ceiba. However, the beautyof these cities now are losing, for instance, in Chongqing due to the construction of eight-laneroad networks and the substitute of exotic tree species for the native ones. Unfortunately, almostall the cities in China are undergoing such “beautification movements” that run counter to the realbeautiful form.
In terms of the green lifestyle, a deep beauty of the city is also elaborated by green living,green traveling, and green consumption. If the relationship between human beings with thenature is compared to what children with their parents to the deep structure of beautiful cities, to what couples in love to the deep form, then, to the green lifestyle, the relationship is likewhat the grandparents to their grandchildren, in which relationship the deep meaning lies in“responsibility” and “care.” They are the essence of sustainable development: not only to meetthe needs of contemporaries, but also to support the living of future generations. In the city, suchresponsibility and care is manifested in the increase of cyclists and pedestrians and the reduction of cars; in the increase of plant-covered roofs and walls and the less use of air conditioners; inthe increase of collected rainwater, recycled sewage, and recyclable garbage; in the promotion oflocal production of food, the decrease of unnecessary packaging and disposable tableware, and nouse of plastic bags. A green lifestyle will eventually promote the development of green productionmode. In conclusion, citizens’ green lifestyle can be understood as the conservation, recycling, andregeneration of materials and energy, the treasure of natural resources, the concerns on the health ofecosystems, and the care for other lives.
Please do not take it wrong. I am not an extreme environmentalists, a religious asceticism, ananti-urbanist, or a nostalgist indulging in human urban civilization of the past. Instead, I believethat cities are the fruit of human civilization, the imprints of human values and aesthetics, andthe negotiation between human desires and natural forces. Today, the industrial civilization andthe consumerism not only encourage people’s endless desires and wasteful ways of living andproduction, but also destroy natural patterns and poison natural processes and creatures withunprecedented mechanical and chemical forces. All these incite people to override and manipulatethe nature without any consideration for the future descendants. Although the city could stretch forthousands of miles with steel-like walls, magnificent streets and buildings, and ingenious gardens,all the boom will be doomed to suffer from natural disasters. The ecological civilization, drawinglessons from the conflicts with the nature in the past civilizations, is the only way to achieve thehuman-nature harmony, as well as the deep beauty, the beauty of ecology, the “Beauty of Big Feet”(that honors and relies upon the nature), and the beauty of sustainability.
[1] Chinanews. (2005, February 14). Indonesia's death and missing toll from the tsunami rose to 234,271. SINA. Retrieved from http:// news.sina.com.cn/o/2005-02-14/21475106991s.shtml
[2] Li, D. (2008). An important Countermeasure for disaster reduction: to raise comprehensive prevention capacity from all respects. City and Disaster Reduction, (5), 25-26. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-0495.2008.05.007
[3] Jiang, S. (2003). The Belief in Cave of Religious Daoism. Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy, (5), 54-62. doi:10.3969/ j.issn.0511-4721.2003.05.008
[4] Costanza, R., D'Arge, R., De Groot, R., Farberk, S., Grasso, M., Hannon, B., … Van Den Belt, M. (1997). The Value of the World’s Ecosystem Services and Natural capital. Nature, 387(15), 253-260. doi:10.1016/S0921-8009(98)00020-2
[5] Yu, K. (1998). The Ideal Landscapes—The Meanings of Feng-shui. Beijing, China: The Commercial Press.
[6] Yu, K. -J, Li, H. -L., Li, D. -H., Qiao, Q., & Xi, X. -S. (2009). National scale ecological security pattern. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 29(10), 5163-5175. doi:10.3321/j.issn:1000-0933.2009.10.001
參考引用 / Source:
Yu, K. (2020). On the "Trio" of Beautiful Cities. LandscapeArchitecture Frontiers, 8(5), 4-11. https://doi.org/10.15302/J-LAF-1-010010